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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. Probably if you think about it....Being a teacher here in Thailand must bring heaps of laughs at times.....

    Electricians, plumbers, builders from home countries.......must be hysterical at what they see, sometimes....but as long

    as they pass on the knowledge....no probs

    The boy who responded was Australian. I teach a diverse mix of students, so I get to see and hear funny things all the time. Whether it is ESL kids being comical or international students trying to adjust to a new culture. Sometimes just hearing things from their perspective can be hilarious and even thought provoking and insightful. Choosing a career in education and getting the proper certs has been one of the best decisions of my life.

    • Like 2
  2. I wrote this in another thread.

    But a monk was visiting my school and asked if anyone knows why we Wai and bow to the monks outside of a temple and not the Buddha image.

    A P1 boy raises his hand and says "Because the Buddha isn't real, and you are" Everyone including the monk had a laugh.

    The real reason? Because Monks must cover their shoulder when outside of their temple, and they must have their shoulder exposed to wai to the Buddha image. So when monks are visiting a place with an image, the people bow to the monks.

    • Like 1
  3. I ran into the same problem when looking for a Nexus 5. I found some though. However Thai people only care about Samsung and Apple, even if the other brand is clearly better.

    Kinda like how Toyota, Honda, and Yamaha have god like status here for resale value.

  4. I wear perforated leathers, but Kevlar jeans most of the time. I get used to the sweat haha

    I just regularly clean my stuff. And after 2 years of No AC while on the 3rd floor of a townhouse, I have become accustom to the heat.

    Also, my 2011 Ninja 650 cost me 180,000 used.

    a new Ninja 300 costs 182,000

    z250 costs 151,000

    and a CBR500 210,000

    Find a used CBR250 or Ninja 250 for 80-100k

  5. I laugh at all the negativity. Maybe rather than pissing and moaning about cheaters (both financial and other wise), liars, deadbeats etc. You should pick up your game and find a decent person.

    My ex-wife (yes I am divorced) It fell apart because we both made mistakes and it took me awhile to accept the ones I made and what it cost me, funny how no TVF poster ever seems to be at fault.

    Anyways, She has her BA in English, masters in TESOL and runs her own tutoring place and is pulling in over 100,000B a month before expenses, 50-60 after. We are fantastic friends, had no need for lawyers in the divorce, she gave back gifts my mother had given her like Louis Vuitton bags.

    My other Ex, it didn't work out due to distance and time and we are great friends. She has a BA in Italian and English, a 2 year degree in Fashion and a masters in Fashion design from Sweden. She works in Bangkok as a fashion designer and has a love for travelling the world. I'll see her in a few weeks and we'll go for a 4 day bike ride somewhere.

    And Other girls that I've dated, even if they can't speak hardly any English, they are hard workers who are saving for their first house etc.

    I have tons of female and male Thai friends who are fluent in multiple languages, educated, some run their own businesses, but all of them have future goals they are working towards and are not hoping for a hand out.

    I don't say all of this to brag, because anyone here can meet similar people. Just saying to the ones who have not met these people, maybe start stepping up and looking for decent people and decent doesn't always mean money or degrees...


    Sorry sick of all the negativity about Thai women or men as partners

    // and all I said applies to any race or creed

    /// slashies

  6. It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

    They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

    It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?

    It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!

    Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!

    It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

    Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

    How is your Thai? If you are fluent enough to follow conversations and know a decent bit of slang, I invite you to go hang out with a bunch of Thai girls. Whether it's shopping on a girls night out.

    All the details come out in the wash, habits, dick size, love making, etc etc. The reality is that PEOPLE do this when together with friends. Not all people mind you, but people from every walk of life.

    There is no better race, only better people.

    • Like 2
  7. At 22/23 I can and studied a semester. Was back 9 months later. Lived here for 3 years and went back to the US and got a real teaching degree. Came back again and just found out I need to go home for family reasons.

    TL;DR I arrived around 23, been here for 6 out of the last 9 years. I will have to go home in June, i plan on being back.

    A Master's +5-8 will net me a decent pay check.

  8. I guess i'm inpatient and I want to own a bike that I can enjoy asap

    I'm looking at bike porn every day and want to fast track so to become a reality soon

    I have read mixed opinions about the whole work permit gives you credit issue

    The whole reason my click is in my directors name is because I couldn't get credit from honda

    Do you know of anywhere specific in Chiang Mai that will give credit if a work permit is shown as honda definitely wont


    ...sincerely hope you are not teaching ESL...?rolleyes.gif

    not OP but funny enough i don't give a shit about grammar, spelling, or punctuation on a forum. I also just let thoughts free flow and it can sound a bit jarbled. If it wasn't for the red squiggly lines, I would have even worse spelling. I also have a habit of not capitalizing I as seen previously.

    If you had used this as a measuring stick when I DID teach ESL you would have seen two different styles. I always prepared spellings of words I might be unsure of when teaching or reviewed the whys of a grammatical point before teaching rather than just saying "and it's the way it is".

    Thank god I don't have to teach English anymore, hated that subject...

    • Like 1
  9. For a 6-9yr old the wii is fine. It's better than fine because it already has a huge library of games. The consoles here will be modified to play copy games. The extra controllers might up the price a bit, but there are often used sets being sold online.

    They also had a fitness board thing, but I believe that was for Wii Fit which is geared towards a much older crowd.

    Make sure they use the wrist strap as these remotes have been known to fly out of hands and break TV's

    And Make sure they get some outdoor execise too, I know here the smog, traffic, and uneven sidewalks can hinder that.

  10. I find it interesting that so many look down on the dating sites, as if those who use it are not also meeting girls outside of them. My dates in the last 2 months have been a mix of girls whom I have met online and those who I have met via friends, in clubs, or just out and about. It's all been fun, but one thing I have noticed, is that I tend to go on a second date more often with a girl I met online. The most likely reason for this is because I meet them after chatting to them and forming an interest, rather than just thinking "she's cute" and getting a number.

    My two previous relationships lasted 4 years and a year. One I met at work and one I met through a work friend. We'll see if anything long term comes out of the online thing. But in the end, I am having fun. Does the idea of online dating really bother people enough on here that they have to slag it off and look down on people who use it? (I already know the answer to that, it wouldn't be TV without people ready to sound off on something)


  11. I met my Wife through Thai Love links over 7 years ago , she told me I was the only man she met physically, another was due to appear but I beat him to it. Lucky me.

    Apparently she said some men just want to show her their willys..........was her comment.Draw your own conclusion on that but I think thats where the conversation ended

    She wasnt inundated with offers from what she tells me, most just wanted someone to talk with. I think its a bit different now though?

    First time for both of us getting married me at 42 her at 30.

    I can ask for more details when she is back later.

    Most of the girls I've met have commented they have met me because I asked about their interests like etc. And that I never mentioned how I love them, can take care of them, or anything related to physical attributes or sex. I am not the only one they have met, but the other ones they have met have approached them in the same manner.

    Some of the comments on photos are so pathetic, the babied down English with a mix of karaoke Thai has to be the worst.

  12. Mate speaking Thai has as much advantage as having tits on a bull --who'd want to speak Thai anyway??? - i would never have a girl in the place if it never spoke English!

    English, by and large is the only language in the world worth knowing !

    I was going to say 3/10 but you already caught one, so I guess a 6/10

    But still...


  13. Personally I wouldn't want to pick up a "working" girl, but I could care less if others do.

    My point is that many of the girls on these sites are exactly that ....

    And if you have been in country long enough, you can easily work it out on your own.

    The smarter ones dress more conservative, but they start right in for the whole marriage thing and are quick to talk about taking care of you etc. They are also quick to ditch you if they think you won't pan out as a sugar daddy / sia.

    There is a mix of working girls, girls looking for an easy life, girls who genuinely like foreigners, girls just looking to improve their English, and some like us, who joined for the fun of it.

    Many are looking for a sponsor as you very correctly say. If you appear to know the ropes already and/or can speak/read/write Thai the chance of even getting a response to your message online is nil.

    I recall an online chat with an attractive female. I invited her to dinner. She asked what kind of food. I said Thai and she declined saying she could not leave her home.

    Just out of curiosity and as a test, my next message was like "no problem, next time. I decided to get Japanese food instead, bye"

    Suddenly she was eager to join me for dinner and not even smart enough to realize this would tell me she's only interested in the dinner and not me.

    Hah, so far I've been lucky. Every girl insists to pay for half and I've even had some cover the tab. But like I said, I try to filter the girls I meet.

    I am actually a really picky person. I enjoy going on lots of dates with many girls, but who I settle on is going to be based on a lot of criteria often revolving around intelligence. I've been with what I would consider fantastic girls, and I am not going to lower my standards after I know I have met them before.

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