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Everything posted by Sunmaster
I have no problem with the idea of CU's. Consciousness is All There Is, so it makes sense that the smallest particles are made from the same stuff and have a certain degree of self-awareness to interact with other particles. It also makes perfect sense that a group of particles get together to form a more complex unit, but with an awareness that is more than just the sum of its parts. It also makes sense that our present consciousness/awareness is in turn part of a bigger, more complex unit. I believe that we are presently immersed into full divine awareness (already fully enlightened) but not aware of it, the same goes for any and all units (atoms, cells, organs etc). The are all conscious and self-aware according to their level of development and complexity, yet all of them (including us) are direct expressions of the One Consciousness. Just like a hologram: the tiniest part of a hologram carries within itself the whole image. Honestly, I don't see how this would clash with my worldview. You wrote Consciousness fulfills itself by knowing itself. This is the finger-puppet metaphor right there. The knowledge changes it, in your terms, into a greater gestalt that then tries to fulfill and know itself, and so forth. The finger puppet gains knowledge (THROUGH DIRECT EXPERIENCE AND NOT BOOKS) and finds out a greater gestalt called hand, an even greater one called arm...until it eventually comes to the ultimate realization that it is not just a puppet, nor just a hand or arm, but the child itself. There, I successfully managed to merge both theories into one. Where are my cookies?
How do you even know who gave what reaction to whom? It's anonymous... Are you psychic? Give me some lottery numbers too!
If you spend more than 50% of your time thinking about pu$$y and 50% about where to get your next beer, you'll have 0% left to think about more important things. I think that's excessive. 20% + 20% are more than enough.
I don't know. All I see are CU's...
It's OK. 👍👏🤜🤛💪💪💪
Seriously though, what do you think about the 3rd option. Maybe that's what Seth meant by "becoming the thought"?
I made a neat little sandbox for the Trolls to play in, but they still prefer to come here. Go figure...
You said it first... "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." The cave in the Himalayas will be there waiting for me for when I'm ready. Are you saying I'm not stroking egos enough? There you go:
You say that as if a threesome were a bad thing...ts ts ts I thought you were open-minded...
Hey, waddabout me?!
Now let me introduce fellow C. He sees A and B bickering over the object's look, endlessly discussing this and that propriety. C is not satisfied with any of it. He read somewhere that there is an even better way to know the object than to just stepping back and looking at it and then describing it. He heard that the best way to know the object is to close his eyes, step away from all the mind stuff and identify with the object, in other words....become one with the object. So he does that and thus gains an even higher vantage point of understanding the object, which is now no longer an object, but his own body. He understands that all other vantage points are too limited to grasp the full existence of the object as they still rely on the mind to translate what they see into words. Being the object gives C a complete, immediate and natural understanding, without the filters and distortions of the mind. Happily, C tells both A and B about his discovery. They look at him in disbelieve. A thinks he's even crazier than B. B takes out his notebook and tries to tell C that what C is saying does not match what the notebook is saying and tells C that he must be mistaken. If C could only study his notebook better, he would see the error too. So C smiles at himself and goes for a walk.
The thesaurus....at least one book we all have in common. 🤣
I see creativity as an inherent quality of consciousness. The same way as love. We are vehicles to express these qualities. One may tap into these qualities according to his present state of development. Incidentally, I just wrote a comment today on Facebook in one of the watercolor groups. "Art is the physical interpretation, expression and manifestation of your inner world. A shallow person will produce shallow art. A person who has navigated and explored the inner world deeply, will be able to produce art full of deeper meaning. Strive to know yourself, your true nature and identity and good art will follow. This is independent of technical skills, but those skills obviously help to translate the inner world into physical art effectively." While I have a hard time calling myself an artist (creativity+skills), I think I'm quite creative and I try to channel this in everything I do. Does this answer your question?
Addendum about "free will". From the perspective of the puppets they are indeed under the impression that they are deciding things. But ultimately they wouldn't exist without the will of the child. The child's will is a priori to the puppet's will. That makes their "free will" an illusion just like their existence as separate beings is an illusion. Does that make sense?
I often read about "psychological time" but to be honest, I still don't quite understand what it is exactly. Maybe you can explain it? The practical instruction here is a bit confusing. How do you become the idea? What is the point in becoming the idea? How do you reach out to the idea without becoming attached to it? Have you done it or are you practicing this? How? I will try to answer your other question about creativity later. Now I have to take Basil and drive to the immigration office.
Excellent post. The green section reminds me of the finger and the moon analogy. It is important to remember that the finger pointing at the moon (I called it "map" in previous posts) is not the moon. Becoming too attached to the finger, focusing too much on the way it looks, comparing it with other fingers etc, is keeping the seeker from experiencing the moon itself. Concepts emerge after the direct experience and are a way for the mind to build a framework around it and make sense of the experience. During the experience, there are no concepts because those are "mind stuff". The experience transcends the mind. So, all this means is not to get attached to the mind stuff, which is just a reflection of the moon in muddy waters. A common answer to this question (also known as "What the hell are we doing here?!") is that it is a way for the One to experience itself. And to do that, it has to split into 2. The next step is to put a veil of forgetfulness over the creation in order for the game to really work. Imagine the One being a child. It's lonely and bored and wants a friend to play with. So it creates finger puppets. Now it has 10 puppets on its hands but they have no independence. So the child decides to let the finger puppets forget the fact that they are the fingers of the child, so they start believing that they are separate entities. They start to interact with each other as if they were separate characters. The child observes them and chuckles in delight. "Oh look at them. So funny. I wonder when they will realize their true nature. Well, let's wait and see." Or something like this. :-D Difficult to answer. Who is that "you" you're referring to?
Not sure how accurate the above info is...
Can you elaborate on Seth's view regarding "transcending the ego"? In the Seth Material, "transcending the ego" isn't necessarily about eradicating or abolishing your individual sense of self, but rather about understanding and moving beyond its limitations. Here's a deeper look at Seth's perspective: Shifting Perspective: Ego as tool, not enemy: While many spiritual traditions view the ego as an obstacle to enlightenment, Seth sees it as a valuable tool for navigating the physical world, interacting with others, and pursuing personal growth. It's the "driver" of your individual reality. Beyond limitations: However, the ego can also generate limiting beliefs, fears, and desires that restrict your true potential. Transcending the ego involves moving beyond these limitations and recognizing your connection to a larger consciousness. Expanding Awareness: Oversoul and fragmentation: The "Oversoul" in the Seth Material represents the collective consciousness of all beings. Transcending the ego involves realizing your individual self as a "fragment" or facet of this larger whole. This fosters a sense of unity and interconnectedness. Consciously shaping reality: By moving beyond your ego's limitations, you can take responsibility for your thoughts and beliefs, thus consciously shaping your individual reality rather than being driven by unconscious patterns. Key Approaches: Self-observation: Cultivating awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and reactions allows you to identify unhelpful ego-driven patterns and make conscious choices about how you respond to situations. Creative expression: Engaging in creative activities like art, music, or writing can provide a channel for expressing your deeper self and tapping into your connection to the Oversoul. Empathy and compassion: Connecting with others on a deeper level through empathy and compassion transcends the separation the ego creates and allows you to experience your interconnectedness with all beings. Overall: Transcending the ego in the Seth Material is not about suppressing your individuality, but rather about expanding your awareness and realizing your connection to a larger whole. It's a journey of personal growth and transformation, where you learn to use your ego as a tool while living from a space of greater consciousness and understanding. Remember: While Seth offers valuable insights, the process of transcending the ego is unique and ongoing for each individual. Explore different spiritual and philosophical perspectives to find practices and approaches that resonate with you on your own journey. I hope this elaboration provides a clearer understanding of Seth's view on transcending the ego. If you have any further questions or specific aspects you'd like to explore further, feel free to ask!
While I wait for your reply, I asked another wise "man" called BARD. Does Seth have any practical methods (like meditation) on reaching a higher state of consciousness? While the Seth Material primarily focuses on personal creation and exploring individual realities, it does offer some practical suggestions for expanding consciousness, though not in the structured, traditional sense of meditation found in other spiritual paths. Here are some key ideas: Focus on Awareness: Observing your thoughts and emotions: Seth emphasizes cultivating a continuous awareness of your internal landscape, observing thoughts, feelings, and beliefs without judgment. This self-observation can reveal limiting patterns and unconscious conditioning that can hinder your growth. Noticing reality's fluidity: Pay attention to the dynamic nature of your experiences and perceptions. See how your thoughts and expectations shape your environment and how reality can be reshaped through deliberate intention. Creative Practices: Visualization and imagination: Seth encourages active use of your imagination to visualize desired realities and potential outcomes. This can help overcome limiting beliefs and open up possibilities for personal growth and manifestation. Dream exploration: Dreams, according to Seth, offer glimpses into different realities and aspects of your subconscious mind. By actively recalling and interpreting your dreams, you can gain valuable insights and tap into deeper levels of awareness. Artistic expression: Engaging in creative activities like writing, music, or art can be a powerful tool for expressing your inner world and connecting with deeper levels of your being. Living Consciously: Embracing life experiences: Approach challenges and difficulties as opportunities for learning and growth. See every experience as a chance to expand your understanding of yourself and the world around you. Practicing empathy and compassion: Developing empathy and understanding for others allows you to transcend your own ego and connect with the larger web of consciousness. This can contribute to a more fulfilling and meaningful existence. Overall Approach: Personal exploration: There's no rigid formula for higher consciousness in the Seth Material. It's more about self-exploration, experimentation, and discovering what works best for you. Individual responsibility: You are seen as the creator of your own reality, responsible for your thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. The emphasis is on taking ownership of your life and actively shaping your destiny. It's important to note that these are just some glimpses into the practical suggestions offered by the Seth Material. You'll need to delve deeper into the original texts or discussions with experienced practitioners to get a more comprehensive understanding and find practices that resonate with you. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all path to higher consciousness. While the Seth Material offers unique perspectives and approaches, it's up to you to choose what resonates with you and create your own personal journey of spiritual exploration.
In regards to RP's post, how do you see this point of direct experience as opposed to mere intellectual knowledge, Tippa? Is Lao Tze's statement a distortion? Does Seth offer practical methods to obtain direct experience? Asking for a friend...
It was a pretend sad face. Vulcans can not be sad...
What makes you think I took it seriously?? I was laughing out loud and rubbing my Vulcan bear paws in anticipation!