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  1. I have had a Skype Sydney number for some years. instantly get the codes on whatever device I am on. Friends and family can call me wherever I am for the cost of a local call.
  2. Monthong is by far the most popular in Chanthaburi
  3. PEA can install a service for a modest fee tomorrow. Off grid will take time and +150k to implement
  4. 350k for red chanote in PKK is fair. We are on 10 Rai in Chanthaburi. 5 Rai would be more manageable. PEA access would be compulsory. Town water not so much. Land levels at the road are paramount. Your property ideally should be 500mm above current road grade. A modest dam 12mt deep would give you enough fill to raise the land and potential house site. Dont worry about the soil too much. Raised beds with locally acquired amendments will feed your family easily. Stock the dam with tab Tim. Life is good. We raise Redclaws and Quail for the BBq. Goes fine with a frosty Leo.
  5. Makro Chanthaburi stopped carrying Vegemite a few years ago. Lazada always has a 2fer hidden away somewhere.
  6. How will finish the guttering side edge of the panels?
  7. It is regular OTC available at any pharmacy. Take your current packet to show. They will know what it is.
  8. No weed shops where we are in Chanthaburi. Lots of suppliers on Line. Has been easy finding locals to swap a bag of bud for a beer.
  9. We have 10 helicopter fans fitted with the standard Rf control and integrated smart switch. Can use app or voice control in addition to the remote.
  10. They are truly the most stunning Ridgebacks I have ever seen. Adopted a dog from the OP - 1 year ago. A Bitch from this litter recently. Have had Oz Grand Champion and other thoroughbreds over the last 50 years. These guys are the best natured and most perfect dogs I have ever had. If you have the right environment, go check out these guy’s
  11. Definitely a paradigm shift from corporate life in Sydney. Much fitter and healthier since being here. Losing 30kg was easy. No more aches and pains in winter. Unexpectedly satisfying husbanding critters and growing a myriad of produce. My wife and son’s dream. Correct. I just do not want to. would have to leave the family here and go back on my own, losing 2 years away from family is not an option.
  12. We live on a 10 Rai farm in Chanthaburi which provides most of our food and a small income selling produce locally. Looking at adjacent land sales it would cost us 130% more to buy our property today. Building costs maybe a similar hike. You win some, you lose some. The lifestyle is priceless.
  13. Appreciate the detailed response. I am well aware of the process. My experience with Clink has always been good. 2 years in Oz living in poverty on $33 per day to qualify for a reduced pension after 183 days is just not worth it for me.
  14. Sure. -$1000 per month, reducing after 183 days would be useful. The last 3 years living here, and not having to survive on $33 per day during the 2 year qualifying period is a no brainer to not pursue this option.
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