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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. 7 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    We'll see how things play out. Last time they did this, cases surged.


    In the end, they can do this because a majority are vaccinated. Luckily, entrance restrictions for unvaxxed travelers are high where I'm going. Not many unvaxxed will be allowed in.


    Stunning you're not aware, or don't care, the unvaxxed are the biggest spreaders of the virus.


    You should be aware, that everywhere you go you will meet unvaxxed dangers to public health, despite of entry restrictions.

    To whom are they spreading? Not to you, cause you're dooble vaxxed, boostered (just like me) and "fully immunized".

    Now I understand, all the hate and defamtion you provide in any possible thread to the unvaxxed is not because you're scared to hell. No, it's altruism. You don't want the unvaxxed to infect other unvaxxed.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Understood.  Ok. 80% are vaccinated. And thus, they are able to relax restrictions. No jab, stay at home. This message is becoming clear globally.


    I'm about to embark on a global journey. Fully vaccinated and boosted. The unvaxxed can stay at home as countries won't allow them in.

    The non vaxxed Danish don't stay at home.

    And now imagine what could happen to you if you met one of these unvaxxed dangers to the society during your global journey.

    You really want to take the risk? Brave! ????


    If the vaxxed and boostered are so safe, why are you crying day by day since months that the unvaxxed are a danger?

  3. 37 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    What? The population is fully vaccinated.

    When Math was told, you were sick or locked in, I guess.

    Otherwise you could know, that 80% are less than 100%.

    But never mind and keep demanding that all those who are not vaxxed, have to be, because if not, they are a danger for all the others. Potential murderers.

    With best regards from life to the Covid bunker


  4. 2 hours ago, WEBBYB808 said:

    Really!  You think they are closed?  Depends what soi you venture to and where you go, but plenty places to play pool in Pattaya!

    Are nthose places "restaurants" now? ????

  5. Some TVF-member's hysteria climbs to new hights. 


    Not so in Denmark:


    the authorities say the virus no longer qualifies as a "critical threat".



    Freedom day there, but so what, you double vaxxed and boostered , so absolutely save...har har... scaredy-cats, lock yourself in and demand all others to get vaxxed ????

    • Thanks 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    How do you know that? Grids are built to be able to withstand the periods of strongest demand. How much less is demand during off hours? Without hard numbers to back up your claim, you're basically just making an assertion. 

    How often would you like to hear it?

    If 400k EVs force the government to prohibit chargers through peak hours, there IS a problem.

    I get tired, answering the same questions again and again.

  7. 20 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    What makes you think the UK isn't increasing its resources already?

    If it does, why can be 400k EVs lead to rationing?

     But ok, I don't know nothing about the situation of the infrastructure in GB and the measures to improve it. What I read a new nuclear plant will be built.

    The more I know about Germany and it's crazy "Energiewende".


    As a friend of the climate, I supplied my home many years ago with photovoltaic and upgraded it lately with a storage system. Over 12 months I produce more electric energy than my household consumes. We also have solar cells all over the roofs of our company branches.


    The funny thing is: I make money out of it year by year. Yearly return is around 8 percent.

    The sad thing is: Those who are hurt the most by crazy politics and do not know how to pay the next bill (kwh average price in 2022 = 36cent!) do not have that option. They cannot enjoy the massiv subsidies by buying an EV too.

    But the Green party already has a solution for them: Subsdized cargo bikes. Maybe bad luck for them, if they live in the countryside, but this keeps those second class citizens healthy.

  8. 23 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    You mean before any more EVs are added to the current number, the UK should upgrade its capacity so it can service millions and millions of EVs? It won't work to upgrade gradually?

    If 400k EVs now already can cause a supply problen, yes, sure. Even more if you have such ambitious targets like no new burners from 2035 (or 2030) on. Otherwise it's the first step into rationing energy.

    If you want to add 100ks of EVs year by year until 2035/30 and from then on you have to be aware that 1.6 million new EVs (new registered cars in 2021) could come at the top, when do you think you have to upgrade the infrastructure and building new plants? Both takes many years.


    First increase the need and later build the infrastructure is madness. What would you think if domeone built a huge amount of homes and tell the buyer "well, just move in, we'll fix the water and electricity supply later"?


  9. 9 minutes ago, grain said:

    reminds me when I got my first mc back in early 1960s, made a date with a gal and picked her up at her house, as we took off on my mc I accidently "popped a wheelie" and about 100 yards up the road I turned around to say something and she wasn't there, she was sitting on her ass in the road way back out front her house.


    • Haha 1
  10. 10 minutes ago, Bandersnatch said:

    As previously stated  - I am an active member of EV forum in the UK and there is much discussion about the the best Time of Use Rates. EV owners are already charging over night when demand is low and supply is high, but that is only part of the way that EVs can help to stabilize the grid. As V2G (Vehicle to Grid) becomes more widespread that 80kWh battery sitting on your driveway or parked up at your office can be used to supply power back to grid at times of peak demand or charging up excess supply from the grid when it's cheap.  


    I'm aware that EVs mostly are and should be loaded by night. But if you have millions of EVs instead of 400k, even through these hours an overstretching of the supply chain becomes likely.

    One reason is the power cord infrastructure, that is not designed for extreme fast chargers.


    But the idea to use EVs as power banks is funny. You charge the car over night, supply your office ( I hope, it's a very small one) with power during the blackout, and in the evening you walk home.

    Some use there Teslas as crypto-mining machines too ????


    So, If you want millions of EVs and even if you can produce enough electric power, then you first have to update your infrastructure.

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