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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. On 9/30/2021 at 11:13 PM, eliassfeir said:

    I know it’s not very related to this topic, but I am of the opinion that prostitution should be something a girl chooses because she freely wants to, provided she has other options… In the case of Thailand, many girls are forced into the job, not particularly by anobody, but by the conditions. It’s either prostitution or poverty and living in the streets. 

    You are new in Thailand, are you?

    If you did know a bit more about the country, you would know that -at least pre covid - anyone who wanted a job could get one. The factories urgently wanted workers.

    The point is, a girl in Pattaya or Bangkok can earn much more when working in a bar. It's in most cases their own choice.

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  2. 37 minutes ago, Bandersnatch said:

    One of the reasons for me installing an off-grid solar system was due to the number of brown-outs and black-outs experienced in rural Thailand.

    With "not stable" I meant there's less or no production if the wind does not blow and sun does not shine. Surely less a problem in Thailand, but in Europe.


    And are you really claiming the rules of cutting of the chargers in GB is to the benefit of the customers? More likely would be they fear to overstrain the net.

    And we talk of around 400k EVs in GB as I read. How many fuel burners are running there? 30 or 40 million? 

    Next problem in the still unsolved problem to store the renewables. In Europe we have the fact, that Germany has to export energy to neighboring countries when sun's shining and wind's blowing to avoid overloading the net. There are days, Germany has to pay for this export. On weak days, we have to import energy from nuclear plants in France and coal plants in Poland for high prices.

    To focus on renewables has driven the price for electricity to the highest price level in Europe. Right now, we have ca. 800k EVs. Will be funny, when there are millions.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    What about the huge increase in renewable energy production?  

    Renewable energy is not a stable one you can count on.

    If it was, GB would not have to limit the charging station hours after a handfull EVs (in relation to the fuel burners) are sold and depending on the net.


    I don't know about the situation in GB. In Germany, the upcoming lack of electricity due to crazy "green" politics is not the only problem. The net is just not strong enough to handle a large increase, even if there would be enough electiricty over all.

  4. Promoting EVs in the existing infrastructure of most countries is a very good idea:

    In GB from May 2022 on all new private charging stations will be disconnected from 8-11 am and 4-10pm.

    Reason: They fear, the net will be overstrained by too many charging EVs at the same time.

    GB now has about 400.000 EVs. What will happen, if there are a few millions?

  5. On 9/22/2021 at 4:26 AM, ThomasThBKK said:

    Yeah this is the message and it's really sad.


    I know that many thais think the same, no one wants to be locked up like an animal and even pay for it...

    It might be different in other parts of Thailand, but when my GF (Thai) and my son (German/Thai) were locked in in Pattaya for 10 days in a hospitel without symptoms, they had to pay nothing  for that. They just payed for fruit and better food from outside.


    What this hospital on samui does is ridiculous and should be reported to international media as a warning for foreigners in Thailand.

    Another good reason to avoid any further steps after a positive ATK as long as you have no symptoms. Just stay at home, isolate yourself and keep cool.

  6. 3 minutes ago, alextrat1966 said:

    All we say is that those who claim they don't buy a Mercedes because it's a waste of money, or because they are more expensive in Thailand, is because they don't have enough funds. 

    So according to that I don't have the funds, forum millionaire? OK, so be it :-))

  7. 2 minutes ago, alextrat1966 said:

    You still can't understand that there are many reasons to drive a Mercedes other than showing off your wealth. 



    In Thailand and for Thais? Sure many for many of them it's a way to show there wealth.

    In Europe? No. These times are long gone. With a Benz or a BMW you impress no one anymore there, at least not in Germany.

    If one wants to drive such a car here, why not? I would not and I wrote why..

    But it's ridiculous to claim, that if one does not want a Benz in Thailand, he does not have the funds to buy one.

    Only forum- millionaires and oteher wannabes can think so.

  8. 5 minutes ago, alextrat1966 said:

    If that wasn't the case, why would there be so many German cars in Thailand anyway?

    Mostly driven by Thais? Well, German cars still have a good reputation worldwide and the more wealthy Thai usually likes to show his wealth. I can understand if a Thai is impressed by one who drives a Benz or so. If a western man does, I find it laughable,.

    By the way, my private room mate in Germany drives Benz ????

  9. Only barstool addicts think Pattaya is deserted. The restaurants I like are quite well visited by tourists and expats. 

    And if the glory days were when thousands of Chinese, hords of tattooed western low lifes and stinking tour busses, flooded the city I must confess, I do not miss those days.

    For me it was the most pleasing "high season" since many many years.

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  10. 1 hour ago, alextrat1966 said:

    So what do you suggest, comrade? Forcing all the population to buy Toyota Vios and MG whatever... 


    Nobody said anything about being rich, some people like BMW or Mercedes and so we buy them. 


    But I'm sure that if you had everything you needed, and were looking for a car with a lot of cash in hand, you would also choose one of the "premium" brands. Forget about the cachet thingy,  there's huge different from driving a Toyota Crappy to driving a Mercedes or BMW, ride quality, comfort, safety, the list is endless.

    Well, comrade, calm down. I drove BMW and Benz for decades in Germany as company and private cars. For company cars we switched to Audi years ago, because BMW is not premium anymore imo.


    And important: I wrote, in THAILAND I would not buy a German car and I wrote why i wouldn't. It's not only the value for money argument, as you can read.


    But I find it funny, that some forum-millionaires seem to think the only reason to avoid German cars in Thailand could be a lack of funds ????

  11. 42 minutes ago, pedro01 said:

    OK - so the cars are out of your price range but you have a fallback excuse of why you don't own one which will suddenly disappear if you (and I hope you do) win the lottery! ????


    One who thinks a BMW or Benz is the proof to be rich is just a wannabe.

    Enjoy your ignorance, it's funny ????

  12. Benz or BMW, I see no reason to buy a German car in Thailand. Too expensive, waiting for spare parts and outside the big cities very few service stations.


    In Germany we used BMW as company cars and hat too much troubles with them over the years. We switched to Audi.

    In Thailand I drive Hondas and am happy with them.

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