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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. 4 hours ago, Russell17au said:
    It appears that you are the one that does not know what the word "contagious" means not me
    (of a disease) spread from one person or organism to another by direct or indirect contact.
    "a contagious infection"
    (of an emotion, feeling, or attitude) likely to spread to and affect others.

    I see you are able to copy&paste correctly. Congratulations.

    But sadly you do not understand what your pasted word means.


    You said, Covid19 is the most contagious desease of the current world, didn't you?

    That's wrong.

    The by far most contgious desease is the Common Cold, followed by Influenza, Conjunctivitis, Viral Gastroenteritis, and Strep Throat.


    So if you wanted to say Cov19 is currently the the desease infecting more people than others, then you should learn to express youself properly.

    But even that would be wrong.

    Just trying to help... ????

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  2. 51 minutes ago, DefaultName said:

    I don't normally come down on the side of the system, but Kirov has replied on Barrow "Today I felt the first symptoms -  mild headache and strange feeling in the chest, so I can confirm stat this is not a total scam. 
    But now I am super afraid about the upcoming test for my family


    So he does have the virus.

    ...or not beeing asymptomatic is his option to save money, depending on what insurance he has.

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