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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. 1 minute ago, DrJack54 said:

    I don't think you read the posts in this thread.

    I tried MANY and have outlined ridiculous requirements from a couple of banks. Despite having extension based on non O for many years. 

    The OP has not clarified his status and how entered Thailand. 

    Where are you in Thailand?

    If Pattaya, I might be able to help you. I have good relations to the manager of BKK Bank Naklua.

    I'll be back in Thailnd from Thursday this week, just pm me, if you want.

    • Haha 1
  2. 6 hours ago, sandyf said:

    Every couple of months the wife wants to make a trip to the Pattaya market and we usually have brunch in Casa Pascal. Been a lot better during the pandemic, with less customers the quality of the outside grill shot up.

    I was there for brunch sometimes. Worth the price.

    But the diner is very different. Different customers, no tattooed flipflop people, relatively high prices, very nice service.

    Pascal and his son are friendly men.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    Really? all I get is one withdrawal per day of 25,000. I asked at the bank why this was and they said it was due to my home bank I asked there and they said they hadn't put a limit on my card so BKK was telling porkies.

    I had the 50000/day from beginning with BKK Bank Banglamung Branch and I used the limit very often over the years. Maybe they changed that for newer accounts? I have mine since 2003.

  4. 6 hours ago, jimbo34 said:

    Casa Pascal, looks outstanding:



    Pre Covid I was there on a regular basis for diner.

    I would not call the quality of food "outstanding", but it's one of the better places in Pattaya. You'll make nothing wrong to book there.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    You added laugh emoji to my earlier post the the OP had incorrect paperwork.

    And now another useless addition..

    Please outline what is required at your immigration office for annual extension..

    Cheap shots from gallery not of assistance.

    The OP is Confused . Did not provide necessary paperwork.



    Sorry, the laugh emoji was meant as a positive feedback.

    This thread is not posted in Visa/Immigration and is not an ask for help, but a complaint. so imo open for commenting.

    Sorry again if I'm wrong.


  6. 19 hours ago, placeholder said:

    I don't think we know enough about the effect of a 3rd vaccination. Also, whether a 3rd vaccination of a different vaccine is the better way to go. Most likely it is.

    Ugur Sahin  (Biontec CEO) seems to be less optimistic. He claimed yesterday that he expects yearly refreshments of the vaccination.

    As long as we do not have medication as we have for other viral diseases to fight severe cases, Covid will stay a huge problem to the society and health service.

    There are some promising reports about medical therapies to come in the nearer future.

  7. 2 hours ago, placeholder said:

    One thing puzzles me. Germany has one of the highest ratios of ICU beds to population in the world. Yet the occupancy rate even without Covid is very high.

    Could this be linked to the fact that Germany has the 4th oldest median age population in the world? And 2 of the countries that surpass it, San Pierre & Miquelon and Monaco, are so small as not to really merit consideration.


    The median age is surely one reason.

    The other one is that while ICU capacity between 1991 and 2018 improved by 36%, the standard beds were reduced in the same time period from 660.000 to 498.000, which is a minus of 25%.

    It's a financial matter. Quite complicated.

  8. 8 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Well, Christian Drasten, the fellow who justanotherhun quoted so approvingly when he said that it's not a pandemic of the unvaccinated. also said the only way out of this is 100% triple vaccination. I don't think justanotherhun agrees with that. But I could be wrong. 

    Yes, you're wrong.

    As long as we do not have better treatment of severe Covid cases, vaccination is the only way. But I am very sure it will not end with the third jab and I'm sure there is no way out of it. Covid will stay as one of many infectious diseases. We have to learn to live with it and we urgently need to calm down and come back to rationality.


    My sceticism towards Drosten has other reasons, but that would go to far here, I think.

    • Like 2
  9. 9 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Are you sure that @justanotherhun is clearly in favor of vaccinations? After he cited Christian Drasten's comment that "We don't have a pandemia of the unvaccinated" I pointed out that this same person said Germany won't get past this pandemic until there is 100% of the populace triply vaccinated.  I asked him if he agreed with this. He replied that he did with certain reservations. When someone plays coy like that, I figure maybe they're concealing something. Here was his reply:


    "Because I strongly doubt people here are interested in a more differentiated discussion. It's a religious war, based on believe.

    You call those who refuse to be vaxxed "foolish and selfish" and you think, they are responsible for the never ending pandemia."


    Just more refusal to engage with that issue. Maybe if you ask him if he agrees with Drasten's other statements, he might be more forthcoming.


    Also, when I pointed out that German hospitals are being overwhelmed because of the unvaccinated, he replied that such data isn't collected in Germany on a nationwide basis. Do you think it's  even remotely possible that the situation is different in Germany than it is in countries where such data is collected? That the rate of ICU occupancy and deaths isn't dramatically higher for unvaccinated Germans? And given the high number of the unvaccinated in Germany, that they don't absolutely outnumber the vaccinated respect to ICU units and mortality?

    I will try to answer to this post, but not now. It takes a biut time and I'm preparing my return to Thailand on Thursday morning (after 20 month!!!)

    I respect your way of discussing things here.

  10. 9 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Also, Bavaria is still quite right wing in its voting patterns isn't it? How well do die Linke or the Greens or the Socialist do there compared to other states?

    I don't like the term "right wing" but true, Bavaria's population is more conservative than other parts of Germany.

    I do not have enough knowledge of the political scene in other countries, but afaik even the (fast declining!) ruling CSU is more "left" than conservatives in GB or France. Compared to US they are likely more Democrats than Reps, I think.


    • Like 1
  11. 9 hours ago, placeholder said:

    actually, as Iinked to somewhere else, the number reached as high as 40,000. But as you yourself acknowledged, lots of nurses quit. You blamed low wages. As I pointed out, nurses in the USA are far better compensated than in Germany but are still quitting in droves. Hours that are way too long and watching people die unnecessarily.

    Sure the wages are only one reason, but an important one.  Switzerland has much better wages for medical personal (nurses, physitherapists, doctors etc).

    We are about hundred km away from the border but lose specialists each year, though we offer better conditions and much better payments than state run hospitals.

    This brain drain started long before Covid.

    • Like 2
  12. 8 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Actually, I looked at those lower rates. The seem directly correlated with  low population density.

    That maybe factor.

    Also interesting is the difference between northern and southern states. Schleswig-Holstein as an example has a far higher vaxx-rate than Bavaria though the population density is identic. The "new" eastern states are a special case imo


    Interesting too is that in Bavaria the pressure on people to get vaxxed was and is far more massive than everywhere else in Germany. I could try to speculate how comes, but that would fill many pages ????

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