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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. 2 hours ago, Harveyboy said:

    good to hear a positive about that airline.. worst ive ever flown with Rude isn't the word ..glad yours was good ..  welcome back to LOS


    Nothing good to report about Swiss yet. I fly on 23. But Swiss is a LH-company now and so I know that I have o expect nothing good ????

    Thanks anyway ????

  2. 5 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    Surely you understand that Tuvalu is the exception and is not representative of the wider picture. Don't you?

    The example Tuvalu was widely used by the hysterics to "proof" their Armageddon.

    They were wrong? How unfair to name that.

    Come on, let's take an intercontinental flight to Glasgow to fight and join  the thousands who went there by planes to demand changes to "safe the climate".

    Because if we don't, we all will suffer by rising sea levels of less than 3 millimeters per year.

    Should we have a look at all those appocalyptical predictions of the last 50 years? It's quite funny.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    You quoted Tuvalu to bash anyone who points out the truth that rising oceans are real and are a major problem.


    As I told already, I quoted Tuvalu, because it was used by the hysterics for years. Not long ago, it was used by the German Green Party as a proof it would be nessesery to accept "climate refugees" from there.


    • Like 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    Cherry picking Tuvalu is lying by  omission. If you know enough about sea level rise to know that Tuvalu is gaining in size you must also be aware that isn't the complete picture or even representative of the problem.



    It's not me who's cherry picking. Tuvalu was used for years by the climate hysterics to proof the already current dangers of rising sea levels.

    • Like 2
  5. 13 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

    This is absolutely terrifying. I'm sure a lot of people who live back from the beach wish it would speed up a bit.

    For those living near the sea level too. Until 2041 they will have to build a huge, nearly 7 centimeters high dam to survive.


    Thank god, I live appr. 2-3m above that level. So I will have a couple of hundred years left.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, Mentors65 said:

    1. PCR in my home country CHF 149 (135€)

    I have an Insurance since years, which inclusives Covid.

    1 Night hotel incl. Airport pick up, 2nd PCR, ATK kit 4'900 Baht

    Taxi to Pattaya 1'200 Baht

    1. PCR in home country (result within 12 hours): 89 €

    2. Insurance already covered bey my private Germen health insurance

    3. 1 NIght (Green PArk Resort, Pattaya) including pickup, diner, PCR: 5.100 THB

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