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  1. You can question it politely. But I suggest you still look for another barber. A different price for a foreigner for a haircut is rediculous
  2. Depending on the Asian country. A foreigners economic status supersedes anything
  3. American troops have been stationed around the world for decades. This is done to protect US interests. And also to have defensive positions in the event of an attack against the United States. American troops being stationed around the world have nothing to do specifically with Biden. If this were the case. Then you can blame many American Presidents. As for the extreme case of using these troops to protect our borders. There is a specific act controlling the the use of federal troops for domestic purposes. I will paste it at the end. . I believe Biden he is the lesser of two evils compared to Trump. But do I personally believe Biden is a strong, effective President. No I do not. Posse Comitatus Act bars federal troops from participating in civilian law enforcement except when expressly authorized by law. This 143-year-old law embodies an American tradition that sees military interference in civilian affairs as a threat to both democracy and personal liberty.
  4. To the OP. I bet you paid a high price for this villa.including private chef. This chef should know where and what products to purchase. If this chef does not. You should question why. And if have time or can get out of it, look for another chef. I cannot recommend specifically where to purchase superior beef you are looking for. But I would stay away from supermarkets such as Big C or Lotus.
  5. My cholesterol was high the past few years. Doctors in USA told me to watch my diet. My diet hadn’t changed but I made some changes. Still no improvement. When I moved to Bangkok about four years ago I had my yearly physicals at Bumrungard Hospital. With all necessary medical treatments. Since the cholesterol issue was not related to diet I was sent to see an Endocrine specialist. She put me on Livalo a statin. That quickly reduced my cholesterol and maintained it at a normal level. I had to get blood work every three months. Not only do they want to see if it’s working. The statins can have a chemical adverse effect on the muscles. So it has to be monitored. And any muscle aches should be reported to the doctor. And also of course it’s monitored to make sure it’s maintaining the cholesterol level properly. I was first put on a non statin , then a statin that didn’t work well. I also suggest she takes Coq 10 supplement to try to prevent any muscle aches or keep it minimal.
  6. It appears one of the women was speaking on a microphone. Dangerous driving. What about the locals that drive pickup trucks. With the open bed jammed with people. Guess that is ok. No risk there.
  7. Unfortunately there is nothing illegal about it. But it’s an inconvenience and discourtesy. The OP had the right to speak to the person. What is the good of living in a place where you have to be afraid of your shadow. And just accept what anyone does to you. Just because you are a so called “guest “ in Thailand. Doesn’t mean you have to accept everything that happens to you. Some people on here complain how dangerous the West is. But they are afraid to approach a local about an issue for fear of repercussions.
  8. Just out of curiosity. What was the diagnosis of the Opthamologist in America for this same condition. And what was the course of treatment?
  9. Maybe these so called less physical attractive people have other things going for them. Such as a good income, health insurance, money in the bank. Things that women other than in a third world country might find attractive . And they can live comfortably not only in countries such as Thailand.
  10. Maybe not suffering from physical illness. But mental illness seems to be the case.
  11. I don’t know why tourists and expats complain about how expansive things are. And trying to make a go of it. This proves there are always opportunities for all in the LOS
  12. It’s amazing how so many people complain about how expensive things are in Thailand. How they are getting ripped off by even a few baht. And can’t even afford certain things. But they have enough money to buy weed.
  13. That’s right. No foreigner should be helped. And the foreigners should be charged the normal “foreigner “ price for food. According to the Thai Style mentality. Well not all but a good number. But to be fair. People should not be traveling or living in other countries if they don’t have sufficient funds to take care of themselves.
  14. Maybe the passenger should get a job as a pilot.
  15. It depends what it says in the signed contract regarding responsibility for repairs. If there is one
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