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Everything posted by PingRoundTheWorld

  1. "Foreigner". Just say Chinese. If he wasn't I doubt the officers would've shown such restraint. While I'm all for police restraint - in this case they gave him way too much opportunity to attack and harm their fellow officer. Wouldn't have been hard to subdue him from behind - gotta wonder why they never even tried. The rise of the Chinese here does not bode well for Thailand. The "rich" ones that Thailand so desperately seeks bring nothing but trouble - like this fine specimen, as well as all the criminals and druggies rounded up before the election (funny how they stopped busting them post-election, huh?).
  2. Huh? Did you mean 500 baht a night?? 500 baht an hour would be a dream job for most Thais. A nice evening out, in Soi Buakhao......???? Sorry, had to laugh.
  3. Alcohol does not change a person's personality - it just removes inhibitions and brings out a person's real personality. Someone who's violent and confrontational while drunk is someone who ALWAYS has these thoughts but dares not act upon them while sober.
  4. And yet again playing white knight backfires miserably. Let Thai women fight their own fights - stepping in the middle in Thailand usually does not end well.
  5. How hard can it be to just deport them? why are they not doing it? these are young worthless types who bring little financial benefit yet cause much more trouble than they're worth. Implement a system similar to Phuket's 2 strikes and you're out, and enforce liberally. Thailand will not misss these hooligans.
  6. They're fighting two men who are twice their size. How do you suggest they subdue them other then over use of force and numbers? To expect large trained bouncers in a soi buakhao bar is ridiculous. It doesn't look in the video like the bouncers attacked them unprovoked nor brutally beaten, just subdued with a few kicks and they walked from it relatively unharmed. Lessons to be learned: 1. Drink in better areas. 2. Don't be an obnoxious tourist who thinks they own the place. 3. Whatever you do - don't slap a security guard (or any Thai man) - good way to get yourself in hospital or worse...
  7. How hard can this be? arrest and deport - done. Giving them warning after warning even with a small fine is going to do nothing.
  8. Very likely judging by the timing, just as they're rebranding and increasing prices. Doubt there will be many takers at the new prices if the rumors are true (900k for 5 years, 5 mil(!) for 20 years). I don't know anybody who would pay that, and I do know many Elite members.
  9. MFP should've read the writing on the wall and backed off the lese majeste law changes. They could then change the constitution and remove the 250 senators or at least make them elected rather than appointed. Take the wins you can get. They are like spoiled children who tamper tantrum "I won so it's my way or no way" - but they didn't win anything - they have only a few more MPs than PTP, and by being stubborn and not compromising on anything they guarantee their inability to form a government. It's almost like they prefer to make a statement even at the cost of making a government. You can only make change if you're part of the game. Exclude yourself from the game and insist on being the opposition and no change will come.
  10. Not sure I would call it a tragedy if it ended badly. All these idiot YouTubers running around harassing people and creating trouble to capitalize on filming other people - usually without their consent - deserve anything they get. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. YouTube etc can easily solve this by banning or limiting monetization/ads for accounts that post fake/staged content, but they probably won't do it until a few "tragedies" actually happen and they get sued, if at all.
  11. They are not girls. They are big angry men who will gang up on you at the slightest provocation. As evidenced by locals being scared of them and fearing retaliation if they intervene. No doubt the MEs are also to blame and they should've just walked away - but having large gangs of ladyboys walking around looking for their next fight is not good for anyone. Just the other night we saw a real girl get hit in the face with a beer bottle unprovoked by a ladyboy because the ladyboy group and a group of real girls clashed in a club. No idea why they let the ladyboys in - they were loud and obnoxious the whole night before being thrown out after the fight. Letting one ladyboy in if well behaved is fine - but a group of big loud obnoxious ones looking for trouble? nobody wants to be around that.
  12. Completely useless, as usual. Hopefully the incoming government will do better - but I'm not holding my hopes up. Entertainment should be allowed to operate 24/7 in ALL entertainment zones - there is no valid reason why it shouldn't. Thailand in general and Bangkok especially are getting less tourists directly as a result of the wet blanket rules and enforcement post-Covid. They used Covid as an excuse to shorten hours - even though it made no sense - and never allowed it to recover to pre-Covid hours.
  13. I think even Anutin realizes the streets will explode violently if both large parties who clearly won the election are shoved aside in favor of another, now hugely unpopular, military government. I can see Pheu Thai forming a government with Bhumjaithai, but for Bhumjaithai or any of the other dinosaur parties to form the government without the 2 parties who the majority of the people voted for would be a spit in the face of the Thai people that will not pass quietly.
  14. You're a bit quick to dismiss a party that was only slightly less popular in the election results. MFP is riding on the tails of a military government that did everything in it's power (and is still doing) to subdue them - which only aided their popularity - but once the dust settles and there isn't much change (because there won't be) - I'm not sure how popular MFP will continue to be in the future. Making promises is easy - executing and delivering is what will make or break them in the future.
  15. Even prostitutes here often get attached immediately and will try to see you the next day. It's not just about money - it's just the way they are used to dating here, what they think you want and expect, and what they think they want. For non-working girls it's way worse and I don't think I've dated any normal girl here who didn't expect me to be her boyfriend almost immediately. There's no good way to handle it - just try to manage expectations and tell them that you are busy and cannot see them every day. For the more persistent cases I usually give up, tell them I'm sorry but it will not work out and/or block them if they get verbal about it. Better to cut it short than end up with a crazy stalker (which you might anyway).
  16. Not sure what's more ridiculous - that they are using anything they can to prevent a democratically elected government from forming, or that two MFP leaders in a row were careless enough to give them ammo (holding such shares). Didn't they learn their lesson last election?! It kinda seems like these guys think they're elite and laws/regulations don't apply to them - which kind of makes sense being young Thai billionaires - the law doesn't apply to them in most areas of life. Move over and let Pheu Thai take over - they might not be the cleanest, but at least they know how to play the game.
  17. Proving once again that men can do anything women do - better. ???? No, I'm kidding - it's atrocious that men are stealing titles away from women. Transgenders should not be competing in sports where they have an unfair advantage, nor in beauty pageants where literally every part of their appearance is fake and manufactured. Sure- the other contenders are heavily modified as well, but not to that extend and they do usually have natural good features (height, body shape, etc).
  18. Professional nightlife enthusiast ???? Me...????????‍♀️????
  19. What's the alternative? looking over your shoulder all the time to make sure a gang of drivers don't try to assault you? better to shake hands and let it be than risk revenge from scum like that.
  20. That's a ridiculous conclusion. Maybe that's how hookers and their wannabe thug boyfriends view you, but it's not how normal Thais (yes- there are Thais with an education, they're not all hookers) view foreigners. Sure- I won't deny I've spent money on girls here, but I look and act nothing like this stereotype. This is NOT reality for normal people.
  21. He didn't choose to leave - he was deported. He also didn't choose to not come back - he's on a blacklist for 5-10 years. What Thai prisons are like is irrelevant since the guy in the article did not spend any time in Thai prison. Going by the info in the linked article - he was arrested and spent a day in Patong police jail before being granted bail. He was free for 6+ months in Patong, then a couple of months ago, in May, he pleaded guilty on his court case and given no additional jail time - only deportation. He then had to return to Patong police jail where he waited a week to be transported to Bangkok Immigration Detention Center. He spent about 2 months in the IDC before the embassy were able to schedule his flight out. It's certainley not pleasant, and I'm sure the IDC feels like prison, but between that and "I almost died in Thai prison" there's quite a leap.
  22. Yep. Reading about his past removes any sort of sympathy. He seems to have devolved into the worst kind of streamer - opportunist who would do anything to make some coin. Obviously the live stream was a poor attempt at getting views, but threatening suicide publicly like that is probably also a ploy to get views. Reminds me of some guy who spread a bunch of fake news about the Taiwanese mafia (huh?) threatening his life for making pickup videos in Taiwan. Everything for those views/attention...
  23. It's not an easy job, and it's not that profitable - and on top of that they have to "buy" their spot and pay police. With inflation raising ingredient costs and probably also increased "rent" profit margins have been hit hard. There's only so much you can charge for street food and still sell. Not much incentive for younger people to set up shop when they have more lucrative options. Like being a massage therapist serving wholesome Arab princes in Dubai. ????
  24. Instead of picking on poor street vendors trying to scratch a living out of the bottom of the barrel - why don't they arrest and deport the one population that makes the area scary at night - Africans? It would be incredibly easy to spot and catch the drug dealers, pimps, and prostitutes - if they wanted to.
  25. Read that initially as "to ease travel from the world's largest outbreak".... which was about right, in 2020.
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