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Everything posted by PingRoundTheWorld

  1. Assuming you believe the maid that he said he would commit suicide at some point - she could've been persuaded to say that for money or by threats. I don't know the guy, but it sounds odd to me that someone would confide in anyone - let along a maid - that they're about to off themselves. There are some missing details like what language the suicide letter was in, whether the room was locked from the inside, and what was the nature of his alleged financial trouble - or to be specific if someone would have a motive to kill him. Simply shutting the valve off does not in itself rule out suicide, although it does raise questions - if he was conscious and shut it off because he changed his mind, why not take the bag off his head? Also- was he found close enough to the valve that it would make sense that he was the one who shut it off? etc...
  2. That'a not the issue here. The guy financed her investment in a grocery store, afterwards she disappeared as she didn't need him anymore. Just another case of a fool and his money parting ways. To begin with expecting to find actual love in Pattaya is naive. (possible maybe in a minority of cases - but not most)
  3. Gambling and drugs usually come packaged in with violent tendencies too here, but yes, depending on the level of addiction it can be a problem.
  4. My first gf in Thailand taught me an improtant lesson: at the first sign of violence - ditch her. If she's talking about "boxing you" then she will eventually, and if she's already hitting you when angry then eventually she'll move on to objects (sharp or not). You can't fix crazy, but you can toss it out of your life.
  5. Two unknown people who both aren't Chinese, both stand to gain (baht) from more Chinese tourists - but don't necessarily have any idea how actual Chinese tourists would view this. My guess is not favorably - part of the reason they come here is to let go and be free from Big Brother at home - shoving Chinese cops up their throats will probably lead to LESS tourists, not more.
  6. And will officially go into effect only next month. Absolutely zero correlation between that and family vacation. As far as noise levels at night - anyone who's in Pattaya around Beach road or Walking Street and expects peace and quiet is insane. If you want quiet go somewhere else.
  7. What the actual ****??? this does NOT make me feel safe. Doubt it'll make Chinese tourists feel safe either, probably on the contrary...
  8. There is a massive amount of Filipinos who work as caretakers for seniors outside of the Philippines and gain many years experience working in the field - probably more than any other country's citizens. Many of them go back home eventually so I'd expect elderly care personnel in the Philippines to be top notch.
  9. Another likely possibility is that there was miscommunication and he thought the 4200 bar fine included the "tip" for the girl, but she thought she found a clueless sucker and was expecting an additional 15,000 tip. In any case the lessons here are: 1. Never pay upfront. 2. It's better to give a girl something (not 15k!!) than nothing, because they will get nasty otherwise. 3. If you already paid - don't stand on the street talking (or arguing) with her! 4. Beer bars aren't exactly the best place to meet your tilak.
  10. Yeah, all those mean dangerous expats in luxury(?) condos are a real threat to society. Sure, there's ladyboys and African drug dealers on the corner of soi 13 and Sukhumvit in front of Hyatt, but the soi itself is quite quiet.
  11. Exactly. All the comments about prostitutes/mongers/drug dealers are completely irrelevant as this is obviously about the Middle East thing.
  12. If you bought a house in an area that later became city center then congratulations! You're rich. Just sell it and move on instead of clinging to how you want the neighborhood to be vs what it developed to be. My logic is driven by me liking to party - LATE - and the wet blanket rules ruining Bangkok nightlife for me. I'm a patron, not an operator, have no financial stake in this beyond spending way too much on booze.
  13. In Bangkok the current plan is Silom, RCA and Ratchadapisek. Which is quite funny/sad considering Silom caters to expats, RCA and Ratchadapisek cater mostly to Thais. If the goal is to promote tourism then they have completely failed to include actual areas where tourists go: Lower Sukhumvit, Khaosan, Thong Lor... Gotta wonder if the zones weren't chosen by the size of the envel...err...venues. It's either that, or whoever made the decision has no clue about tourist nightlife.
  14. Currently most venues operating in Bangkok afterhours are the definition of fire hazards - small rooms packed with drunk people, some with flamable soundproofing covering the walls, and only one way out usually through a narrow corridor. Extending legal closing time will allow larger, established venues that do not present a fire hazard to remain open later, thus mostly eliminating the need for fire hazard illegal venues. Currently the situation is absurd - the legal venues that are much safer for patrons close early, while smaller illegal venues are the only ones allowed to (pay to) remain open. At least that's the situation in Bangkok where nightlife has been dying a slow agonizing death due to the enforcement of the 2am curfew. People are literally leaving Bangkok as it's not fun as it used to be.
  15. Step 1: Choose to live in an entertainment area, instead of a myriad of other quieter options. Step 2: Complain about the noise. Step 3: ???
  16. Did you miss the part where it was the Malaysians that confirmed that the hostages are "safe" (whatever that means)? Hardly sounds like a hostile nation to Thailand...
  17. Is there really such a rumor?? Israel has literally millions of citizens who served in the army, hundreds of thousands of reservists already called to duty. Some of the most highly trained soldiers in the world, and the most advanced military technology available today (much of it was developed in Israel). Why on earth would they need a handful of Thai agriculture workers as mercenaries?!
  18. How is what's happening on beach road - an open area not governed by legal closing times - related to bars closing at 2am or 4am? Completely irrelevant. The real problem here isn't alcohol or closing times - the problem is violent criminals that wear dresses that chose beach road as their place of "business". The solution isn't to limit alcohol (they don't drink in bars anyway) - the solution is to get them off the street and/or in jail. Obviously the recent so-called "crackdown" by police did nothing to resolve the problem - go tougher.
  19. Knowing Thailand, it's very likely to take effect, then be reversed almost immediately when they realize they can't enforce it (not to mention the legal challenges to come). Trying to actually enforce this will result in a mass exodus of expats and huge amounts of money - no one wants to pay extra taxes on money that's already been taxed, nor have to report and prove that it was already taxed. And that's the real question: if and how are they going to enforce it? will all tax residents have to report? As usual big confusion and zero clarity.
  20. They will only be safe when Israel finally storms the hospital and liberates them. Quite amazing and illogical of Hamas to keep holding Thais hostage, but then again they are nutjob terrorists so logic doesn't apply. Israel seems to be making good progress though, so hopefully it won't be long before they are truly safe.
  21. Good news for Bangkok. For Phuket and Pattaya this is kind of pointless and they've never stuck to the wet blanket 2am rule anyway.
  22. Thank you. So assuming that's how it'll be applied - minor offences that would result in a fine anyway - like not having a driver's license or smoking in a non-smoking area - will result in a fine but no police record or court proceedings. Sounds like a good idea and save up on paperwork and resources, in theory, assuming it doesn't get abused.
  23. So basically legalizing what's already happening in many cases?🤣
  24. Need details here - what exact offences would have their punishment replaced from arrest to a fine??
  25. So what you're saying is Thailand should have one set of laws for Thais, and one set of laws for foreigners? Foreigners should be punished more severely for the same crimes? Do you understand that's racism?
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