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Everything posted by CartagenaWarlock

  1. Per capita, I think it is still extremely high in Europe. Look at UK, Germany France and other European countries.. Yes, US is under control for the last few days only.
  2. I don't think so. USA has already given green light to India to import Russian oil at discounted prices and said it won't violate any sanctions but India will be on the wrong side of history. USA is not going to punish anybody doing trades with Russia unless they specifically say not to do so. When USA gives green light, no other countries can dare to say anything else.
  3. May be the similar person who hammered her mom to death in the West. Difficult to look back at home country rather than picking the country that provided them with brides and a living because it was impossible in their home country to get 20 years younger brides with their meagre income and no elevated social status. https://news.sky.com/story/dale-morgan-callous-son-who-killed-mother-with-hammer-and-lived-with-body-for-two-months-jailed-for-life-12426021
  4. I don't think Americans care about what CDC tells them except business travel by large corporations. Most of the countrie in the World are level 4 now according to CDC.
  5. Most bars in Thailand are front for brothels. Nothing new. It's well known throughout the World.
  6. Most countries in the World are at level 4 except a few like China that won't allow anybody to enter.
  7. When people are desperate for brides they will travel to any length
  8. But people don't fly to Europe to find their brides at the age of 60.
  9. Forbes predict by 2030, 50% CEOs of American companies will be first generation Indian Americans.
  10. There was no hit pre-covid. I remember pre-covid, it was going up year over year till 2019 when it reached 39 million.
  11. Should not the private health cover determined by the insurance companies instead of government?
  12. Why do you want to come on an O-A? O-A has lost all its advantages due to mandated insurance and Covid restrictions to get a second year stay without going through the immigration extension process.
  13. So you buy an insurance based on a TP was given to you. You got tested positive and forced to a private hospital. Tell them I have this insurance and based on that they allowed me to enter Thailand. I don't have any money for private hospital. Tell them to call the insurance company to settle your bills.
  14. English is not owned by the British people. It has many variations and each country has adopted it differently wherever the English people went to loot the native resources to lay the financial foundations of today's England.
  15. I assume Ed visa is to learn a language other than your native ones. If you are a native English speaker, you can enroll in Chinese, Russian, Germany, etc except English.
  16. Can't you fly to Cambodia and enter again with a Tourist visa to ensure another three months of guaranteed stay? Will only require a TP to enter. Yes it will be expensive (compared to pre-covid visa runs across land borders) but may be cheaper than getting an Ed visa. You can do your own financial analysis to check which option is cheaper for you but you have already mentioned that no agent is able to help you except some dodgy online only agent. I would stay from them if it does not have a physical office for in-person discussions
  17. MY guess is this one day quarantine is not going to go away in the near future.
  18. There is no sanctions except for some high tech stuff which Thailand does neither manufacture nor export. It is to cut off Russia doing business with countries by removing certain banks from the SWIFT system.
  19. America has become the second largest country for tax havens to launder money. Be it Russian money or some other dictators due to South Dakota's privacy laws. Can't blame Thailand when world's most powerful country tread on duplicty. https://rapidcityjournal.com/news/local/south-dakota-not-among-states-taking-action-against-russia/article_30c263ae-ea8c-5451-8808-9ea7db411a99.html
  20. Unless they have a work permit, they can't work in any profession in any country. Thailand is the special case because it is the only country in the World where foreigners come to find their brides and vast majority marry prostitute brides to live off of their "marriage visa"
  21. THere is no concept of pre-departure jab (vaccination) but a pre-departure RT-PCR test is required to enter Thailand.
  22. In the US, private pension can go to the widow depending on the option he chose before he started drawing pension. Once the option is selected, it cannot be changed. Various options available are 1. Lump sump withdraw, 2. 100% to Self till death, 3. 50/50 self/widow, and a few other options. Just for your information.
  23. Already in progress. Russia is completely cut off right now. Hope this will have some effects to topple Russian government from inside when people rise up but I doubt that.
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