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Everything posted by CartagenaWarlock

  1. Why people in this board are so upset about a family raising money to bring their loved ones home. Nobody is asking them for money. If the family can raise money, it is good for them.
  2. Most countries measure by people actively looking for work and there is another component of unemployment called labor participation in the workforce. Thai unemployment even before the covid was suspicious.
  3. Net access is OK in Thailand, specially in Pattaya and Bangkok where I have condos. I get cheaper rate than in the USA. 1000/300 I get for 700 baht that includes dtac 10 gig of data. The same I pay $50 in my house in an Illinois university town and cant get in my Las Vegas condo unless I fork more than $200. They should give work permit, starting with a minimum tax payments based on 40K baht incomes. People will flock from all over the World. No need for fixing existing corruption. In fact, I would not have moved to Thailand if it was squeaky clean like Singapore. I want agents to do everything for me with a reasonable fee. It will be nice if they improve the air quality.
  4. Does she have a covid insurance? It just boggles my mind that people who cannot afford to pay out-of pocket don't buy insurance and people who can do buy. That's the difference between a rich and a poor person. I have 100 mil in banks but I bought a covid insurance. I don't buy regular insurance because I have 12K USD sitting in my HSA cards (accepted by any hospitals in Thailand) and I have a high deductible health insurance that pays 50% when in Thailand.
  5. The arrogance of people, without saying that unable to find a bride in my home country I have travelled 10,000 miles to find a bride and sometimes a prostitute bride. I spend millions in Thailand and never say that I came to Thailand to help Thai people.
  6. High rate of reinfection among double vaxxed people with Western media's propagandized superiority of their vaccine necessitate the blame to the new variant. Some people realize the scam Western media are pulling with their "supposed" superior vaccines and others are like sheeple drinking the cool aid of Western media's propaganda.
  7. However indirect jobs? Street vendors, motorcycle riders, etc. and their impact on the economy? My Motorcycle repair shop was lamenting lack of business. No more thousands of motorcycle riders ferrying working girls and no more motorcycle repair. My barber was saying before she could easily afford a 40K per month rent and now she can't even afford a 10K rent.
  8. Is mining crypto currency legal in Thailand? It seems so. I do mine cryptos using ASIC miners and solar power in Las Vegas. I can invest up to 3 mil to set up a 10 unit mining farm in Thailand.
  9. Nope, for retirement visas one has ot be more than 50 years old. There is no age restrictions for medical visa.
  10. 20% of the economy, I meant. Keep all the brothels (fronting as bars where you can get a girl for pay for play after paying a bar fine) closed and let's see how many tourists dollars Thailand can generate.
  11. That's what happens when your economy is based on brothels fronting as bars.
  12. I also have a mai tae dai account with one million sitting in the account. I don't need retirement extension as I have a 20-year elite that is going to expire, most probably, after my death. I use the ATM card to test the honesty of 19-year old hired GFs by giving them the ATM card for withdrawal. They can also see that I'm loaded. ????
  13. Advocating where? How many rallies you have attended to demand opening? How many letters you have written to authorities and published in news papers? How many articles you have published advocating for an opening?
  14. My Dtac number is topped up with 30 baht I think every month automatically.
  15. The first thing in democracy is to have a fair election and elect a PM elected by People. Thailand severely lacks basic understanding of what a democracy is.
  16. Can't compare swiss bars to Thailand's brothels fronting as bars. When did the people go to Swiss bars to find their prostitute brides?
  17. Interpol red notices from authoritarian countries are held in suspicion in most democratic countries.
  18. Only CIA has infrastructure to kidnap a person outside USA and transport to another location without the government knowledge.
  19. Typical authoritarian comment. If you want to keep entertainment establishment shut for years, bring all those girls working in those establishment under social safety net. Borrow money and increase tax and cut government expenses whatever it requires to bring the girls under social safety net and recognize their contribution to Thailand's brothel/prostitute bride/orgy culture that you call bars and entertainment centers.
  20. You could not find any government reference but read in some blogs. Why do you thinks members would know what's the government policy is? They will also regurgitate the same information they read from the same blogs , most probably.
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