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Posts posted by simcity

  1. I use to have a business in a tourist area, my main concern was to look after the locals , when the tourists did not came , the locals did !

    Perhaps a lesson to learn for many businesses in Thailand …

    i am talking about the feeling of bangkok people toward phuket !

    forgot the tourist from hongkong / singapore / europe it will take a long time before they come back ...

  2. that is what i post few days ago :

    For my part I will not go back to phuket ! I have been disappointed with it two times , the exorbitant price asking for a short ride / food and accommodation .

    Phuket I considered is good for European traveler, I live in Bangkok and not a lot of my friends will want to go there before for the same raison.

    Do not get me wrong please, I did give a good sum of money for the disaster.

    But perhaps as the milk cow have disappear, the mentality slowly will change..and I will visit .


    no many of peoples i know from Bangkok want to go there at this stage ! I do not think a slash of price will make difference .

    It was to much greed there ! and sadly to much violence death to settle .. my personal friend said to me , going for the day Ok .. but sleep there NO way ....

    A recession is not nice , but it will readjust the balance .

    That is for bangkok !

    And I do not want to said what Europe countries are feeling about this tragedy and holidaying there .

  3. i got mine in chatuchak when he was a pup, i saw him one weekend and went back the following .


    i have to take him to the vet the same week , he has two problems , ears infection and cought .

    got medecine and injection , now strong as a bull..

    price of vet very cheap , perhaps 150 bahts a go ! close of my home .

    i think if you have chance to get a dog from farm it is better , they sell dog's book with info in many places in bangkok ( but in thai ) for pedigree and farm location .

    I will said dog in chatuchak are not 100% heathy but i do not think it is a big problem if you go to the vet for check up .

  4. before was a place call Mango , one in siam square & one in MBK , not sure if it is still trading ..

    NOw where is to buy best beans ? any one know ? sometime if i go to vietnam i get some good beans there . the best i never have ..

    i have espresso machine at home and grunder , use about 1.2 kilo a month .

  5. For my part I will not go back to phuket ! I have been disappointed with it two times , the exorbitant price asking for a short ride / food and accommodation .

    Phuket I considered is good for European traveler, I live in Bangkok and not a lot of my friends will want to go there before for the same raison.

    Do not get me wrong please, I did give a good sum of money for the disaster.

    But perhaps as the milk cow have disappear, the mentality slowly will change..and I will visit .

  6. I feed my dog with the same menu .

    Tee bone steack / salmon / prawns / grill duck fillet …

    He never complaint ! Some time he get is csesar and dry food for good balance and remind him who he is !

    What I find the best is pork or chicken mince to be add with rice .

    But he still prefer sharing table with me 


  7. just want to add.

    Mitsubishi electric is a make .

    Mitsubishi heavy duty is a make .

    Mitshubishi compressor ( parts ) are add into a factory built aircond .

    i am not sure when people talk about Mitsubishi , what they are referring too ?

    I was not happy with my factory no name aircond and it has a Mitsubishi compressor in it .

    I am happy with my Mitsubishi electric split unit I bought and save me a lot of power money .

  8. dept store do not have the Mitsubishi electric only carry the brand Mitsubishi heavyduty ! if you look at the most use aircond in business around bangkok , you will see the Mitsubishi electric are the favorit .

    more expensive but save money in long run ..

    that is my opinion ..

  9. Hello

    When I got my place I bought a aircond with a Mitsubishi compressor, after 2 years I have problem with it .

    It was a 12 BTU

    After many repairs I decide to change it .

    I bought what I think is the best , a aircond from Mitsubishi Electric , not Mitsubishi heavy duty ( have two compnies in bangkok ) ..

    I am very happy with it .

    My electric bill drop of 1500 bahts monthly .

    I do not know about other brands ! .

    The place I got it was near payathai station , tel 026538866

    The price was little stiff 30841 bahts for room 22-30 sqm, they have similar unit for room 9-14 / 14/22

  10. Myself I am looking for a phone , my 8850 is making strange sounds and lost the time !! I do not want camera / music , just a smart phone ..

    Looking at the 8910i , but not sure yet ..

    Any ideas ? do not need to be a nokia …

  11. I find SaphanLek as the best place for PS2 the price vary between 7000 to 9500 bahts , careful a lot of parts are inferior quality in the cheap machine .

    i do not think to have a play station to view dvd is good idea , some dvd block before the end .

    the best I find was to buy a duty free playstation in Australia and get new chip put in sapanlek .

  12. hello ..

    can thai gold be sold in australia ? and what will be the value given as it do not have australian stamp ?

    said 2 bahts bought at 16700 bahts ( gold price plus workmanship fee )

  13. hello .. my friend has a business selling Buddhist audio tapes and have some video tape too , i help him with the computer .

    we went to Pantip in the third floor between the two elevators to the shop and done some VHS to vcd , sorry to said the result was not very good !

    my self i went to Kodak shop and done one , absolutely horrible ...

    BUT the best place we found and the quality is original as the VHS are in top floor of Pantip, when i mean top floor, it is near the IT city , it is along the corridor going to the car park , where are all the repair shops .

    if you really can not find it , i will next time get you the phone number ..

    the cost was, i think 300 or 350 bahts , but quality same as original ..

    i think he can do dvd too.

    come back to me for the telephone number if interested ...

  14. I bough mine in duty free Australia , the Bangkok offer price was more ( street ) , i did check duty free Bangkok few month later for memories cards , it was much more expensive as the street price ...and double as Singapore.

    i think Sydney will be better , but not sure if arrival duty free have same price as departure …

    got 50 dollar rebate plus free memories when i bough it ..

    use to have a duty free www.page with price , perhaps you could call them ..

  15. I go to Pantip ( ITfever shop ) think 3 floors ..

    I select what I want , the guy in the back put the computer for me and load window ( I have it with me ) , I give him 200 bahts tip ..I think his name is A .

    I make sure connection and USB working .

    I go home and finish the loading ….

    I done it 4 times all ready ( friends and myself )

    Great way , save cost and get good components, and you know what it is it .

    I done one last month for a friend , middle range computer with monitor . cost 17000 bahts .

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