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Posts posted by pookondee

  1. The Thai version of Idiot Faucci ?


    Meanwhile on another online site you can see pictures of several thousand Thais (bunched together closely) protesting in the street.


    and how many days now?


    social distancing be daมนed?


    not worried about the evil covid?


    The next article talks about 4 people found positive in quarantine facilities and one at the airport..

    which will no doubt induce mass panic accross the land.


    So, is anything slightly amiss here or is it just me??

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  2. To funny

    Do everything you can to make em buy property, condos



    Meanwhile, another Thai department will be devising more nonsense Covid requirements as well as the usual holding up of flaming hoops to entice foreigners to stay away.


    So, buy your condo, wait for the next pandemic, or lockdown or some such other calamity..

    which will likely see you back in your own country waiting Cหrist knows how long to move into your unoccupied condo.


    yeah thats gotta work????

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    I think a lot depends on one's personality...if an extrovert 14 days of almost total isolation will seem like prison, no matter the surroundings, and if an introvert, like me, it would be heaven. 


    Yes, but there have been many folks around the world who have already been under house arrest for the past X months..

    treated like criminals for crimes they most certainly DID NOT commit.

    (Its actually what they do to rapists and paedos in some countries)


    And I never enjoyed being treated like a criminal, relegated to my own home,

    though i guess for some, doing it in a hotel might be a slightly better novelty.


    But no thanks, whatever way its sliced and diced, i aint travelling long haul just to experience that.


    And If i told others i was contemplating this about Thailand..

    ..and knowing IF i somehow tested positive along the way..

    I face the real risk getting escorted to a Thai hospital by guards,

    (even if having no symptoms) 

    getting locked up in Thai hospital and most probably extorted at the end..



    tell your friends that and see what they say..


    good chance they will tell you that you are completely Fxxxxxx nuts!!

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, placeholder said:

    "If vaccines are just around the corner then, in my view, we should try and keep the incidence as low as we can now, because we will be able to use vaccines in the not too distant future," he said.


    Not to be a negative nelly, but the thing everyone seems to be forgetting here, is that the vaccines will not be 100% effective on everyone anyway.


    This is what makes Thailands (and other countries) crazy hoop jumping process even more silly..

    Right now they want zero risk of infected people entering,

    but even when everyone is vaccinated, there will still be those who the vaccine won't work on.


    Therefore, there will still be a chance that a certain % of people will be infected and crossing through borders anyway...


    well, that is of course, unless they accept the vaccinated folks  

    AND keep all the crazy hoops and restrictions in place on them anyways.

    • Like 2
  5. 22 minutes ago, polpott said:

    The Covid travel passport will be the Antibody test not evidence of receiving the vaccine.


    Where did you get 60-70% effective for the Astra Zenica vaccine from?

    In that case i hope antibody test is  watertight and doesnt bring up old or other illnesses.


    I dont know about that particular vaccine, rather im applying the school of thought where many experts are saying most vaccines are only 60-70% effective.

  6. 4 hours ago, gungadin1 said:

    Don't know about you lot but I'm getting to the point I can't be bothered to read anymore of this nonsense everyday

    I dont know,

    if you live in Australia, where

    p4p is $300 per hour,

    a carton of beer is $55

    packet of cigarettes $40


    AND they wont let you leave the country


    this is cheap daily comedy gold right here!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. On 10/12/2020 at 9:56 AM, heybruce said:

    So long as mask deniers promote the spread of the virus things won't return to normal unless an effective vaccine is developed and administered to a large portion of the population.  Neither President can make much of a dent in the stubborn idiocy of the mask deniers, but Biden is setting a much better example than Trump.


    So long as Covid is running unchecked in the US, travel in and out will be difficult to impossible.

    The thing i dont get is the vaccine might only be 60-70% effective in any one individual anyway.


    Right now places like Thailand are obviously aiming for a 0% risk of anyone with Covid entering the country..


    So what makes you think they will let ANYONE in (post Vaccine) 

    If there is still a 30-40% chance of a vacinated person still being a carrier?

    ( and the vaccine will never be 100%)


    Theoretically that means we could have these restrictions until....


    Its just another reason we have to get life back to normal and manage this thing..


    else get prepared for a world with:


    - limited to no international travel

    - tourism decimated everywhere

    - all countries in depression at once.

    - imports/exports being effected.

    - companies folding..imported products        disappearing of shelves.


    Not to mention, people going crazy from all the above, suicides,

    families being separated, and folks NEVER having a decent overseas holiday again..


    Not a very nice world huh?


    Just open it up already and let mother nature triage, else we all go down.





    • Thanks 1
  8. On 10/11/2020 at 12:20 AM, Throatwobbler said:

    Nice rant. Has nothing to do with any facts or science but nice rant non the less.

    I will give you that many Thais believe in ghosts but many Americans believe in god. No difference

    Thanks (i think).

    I didnt lay claim to any facts or science, just opinions.


    So let me ask you:

    Do you think a future presidents decisions  will have any bearing on the management of Covid?


    Who (Trump or Biden) will get things back to normal quicker?


    I have family to visit in USA and then intend to hook up with my partner in Thailand.


    However i guess since Australia doesnt want to let anyone out, it sucks for me on all fronts

  9. 1 hour ago, candide said:

    I don't think future Covid policy is still a key issue. There is a WW convergence about what to do: wear mask, avoid crowd meetings, sometimes partial lockdown. Nobody is advocating full lockdown any more. There isn't much unexpected left about Covid. Trump can brag as much as he wants, people are more inclined to follow health expert's guidelines.


    The key issue is whether the candidates are able to initiate and lead an efficient response to a major unexpected crisis. Trump has clearly shown he's unable to do so.

    That may be true, but do you really think Biden has the mental capacity to handle those challenges?

    He seems confused a lot of the time.

    Most likely it will be left to his team and those around him to wing it.


    Your post does sound positive about Covid however, so i can appreciate that. 


    But as far as..Partial lockdowns and not much unexpected left about Covid..


    I wish it were the case for Australia.

    they still will not allow us to travel out of the country

  10. 23 hours ago, polpott said:

    Its called "having consideration for others" or "putting others before yourself". Concepts a Trump supporter could never understand.


    What did Hillary call you? The Deplorables? Sounds about right to me.



    So actually you said the exact same thing there...

    "putting others before yourself"


    Well, i am 62 y.o.

    I would not trade 100% immunity from Covid if it means the youth have no jobs, no industry, no international travel or tourism..

    No future AND NO LIFE..


    We have had the above things in abundance..

    let the youth have some of that also, instead of shutting down the whole world!

    • Sad 1
  11. There will be tears spilled when the masses wishing for a vaccine finally get one,

    only to find that most countries WILL STILL NOT drop the quarantines and other stupid requirements..


    And this is why:


    Most countries are now tolerating

     ZERO risk of anyone entering with Covid.

    Hence all the silly hurdles.


    It has been reported that a vaccine at best will only have a 60-70% chance of being completely effective.


    So, people entering a country, even having taken a vaccine, will still have a 30-40% chance that they still could be a carrier.


    think about this again:

    They have initiated these quarantines and restrictions wanting ZERO % risk of anyone infected entering...


    So, who in their right minds thinks they will accept vaccine takers (en-mass) without restriction.. when its found that any 1 traveller will still have a 30-40% chance of being infected anyway??


    Its time to bite the bullet, grow some baใใs and live with this, and manage it..


    otherwise we may as well just ban any international travel forever and be done with it.







  12. 4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Whether or not you are afraid of Covid is a personal choice. Personally, I am not. However, what people should really be afraid of is an infected person, who continues to behave like a fool. That makes him a dangerous man, which I have always considered him to be. Reckless and way too self important to take basic precautions. He has humiliated himself to no end, by denying the effects of the virus for months, then getting infected, and becoming a super spreader within the White House. 


    No worries. He is gone, baby gone in a few months. Enough of his chaos and stupidity. 

    I'm not a fan of Trump either,

    but since im not American i don't really have any say in it.


    The one and only thing i care about is getting the world back to some semblance of a normal life..

    because this ain't it and what it is now aint worth living in!


    Im probably selfish here, but getting international travel happening again and being re-united with my Thai life and Thai partner is my number 1 priority.


    Biden is an old guy.

    Hes obviously scared out of his wits with this bogeyman flu, and he seems confused a good deal of the time.


    I think a vote for Biden is gonna see more lockdowns,

    possibly a roll out of worse OTT restrictions, more laws squashing personal freedoms..

    Basically, more fear and NO LIFE for the foreseeable future.


    Its a choice between two duds really, but  

    i think Trump has more show of getting things going again.


    If Biden does win, most likely he will be to terrified to even step foot in Whitehouse with all the nasty traces of Covid,

    it will be back in the basement for him.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

    1.3 to 1.5 million die on the roads in the world each year, but travelling on the roads had not been banned, nor has walking near the roads ! And no country - not even disastrous thailand - has shut their economy for death figures 4-500 times worse than covid figures!



    And what of all the world wars,

    even just counting those in the 20th century??


    Must have been in Millions those who died horrible deaths..


    We didnt care so much about the loss of life THEN did we?


    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, Elkski said:

    Why didn't he say his ATTA would  pay the salaries of all the contact tracers who will be busy like bees.    He states cases are declining but not in my state.  We are at record high new cases.   Spewing lies and expressing  greed isn't going to go over well with the thai people who don't work in tourism  and are enjoying life and feeling somewhat secure.  They are practicing social distancing and face masks but have been shown buy  top dogs and news and protests that western foreigners dont wear masks.   And they disliked Chinese tourists before.   I think thai people are enjoying their country without tourism.   Let tourism die.  

    That's an interesting scenario you paint.

    You are not a white/westerner then?


    The bulk of Thais whom you claim are enjoying this zero Western tourism are usually the arrogant/rich/conservative types.


    This whole thing doesn't effect them, and although they generally disliked/distrusted westerners, they are hardly a threat to the average farang walking the soi..


    The other groups however,

    the 80%,

    (including tourist industry workers) 

    who will soon be a mix of uneducated, very poor, unemployed, bitter, desperate, angry, hungry, drunk on Lao Khao or drugged up on Yah bah..

    and of course .. BROKE


    Well, they certainly never liked farangs at all either, just tolerated them for money and and income.

    And what when these lot are desperate and wondering the sois in gangs??


    There will be buออer all foriengners around (due to your excellent zero tourism scenario) 

    except for your good self..


    So..Guess whos gonna be the one sticking out like dogs baใใs then..???


    Indoctrinated by anti farang hate, calling farangs dirty and the soul blame for Covid...


    I wonder who they are gonna turn on???


    I think you should be careful what you wish for fella.


    • Like 2
  15. 47 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

    Try un plugin your wifi, TV and anything else which will emit radio waves.  

    Its true. Strange enough, i found it to be the fridge, in one place i lived.

    It would mess with my old tuner also as the tuner in the open mode would always be stuck around G or Gflat.


    Of course, I finally realised what was going on when the hum would suddenly stop and realised that coincided with the fridge clicking out.

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