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law ling

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Posts posted by law ling

  1. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction with this:


    1. I entered on (my first) "non-imm O-A" (retirement) visa in mid 2019.

    2. Mid 2020 (using an agent) I got an (in-country) "extension of stay" to mid 2021. (As far as I could tell: obtaining medical insurance - and paying the agent's fee - is all I had to do).


    What are my (easiest, and most likely successful) options to get a further (in-country) yearly extension (before the current extension expires mid this year)?

    (I'd rather not have to wait till the last moment, and then pay an agent "any amount they ask for" to bring about "a miraculous result".)

    Reasons for urgency:

    A. if I MUST (although I'd rather not have to) bring in B800K (and have it here for at least 2 months), then I need to get organised now, and

    B. if my situation is hopeless: quickly getting out of the country is equally problematic: flights are rare, and pre-approved quarantine placements back home even rarer.

    If relevant:

    i. Australian, 66, using Jomtien.

    ii. No spouse or child here - so no additional options there.

    iii. Don't want an Elite, or commit to an Education visa.

    Many thanks in advance for any advice.

  2. Just an arm of government doing the bidding of the junta: giving some hope to the masses - that everything will be OK very soon (and that's why the huge spending potential is always mixed in with start date and the expected number of arrivals).


    If they spoke the truth (that they have no idea, or the significant numbers of tourists won't return for at least 12 or 18 months), then all struggling businesses would give up hope and just close - leading perhaps to an unstoppable economic decline, chaos and worse.

  3. Reminds me of a "Yes, Minister" episode - don't form a committee if you don't know what the outcome will be.

    The results of this committee may well blow this country apart - and finally lift the lid - as surely the only outcome it can come to is that: a combination of incompetence, indifference and corruption, by the military, police, and other bigwigs running their own profitable fifedoms, facilitated entry of illegal (non-quarantined) immigrants and allowed illegal, crowded, close-quarter gatherings.

    • Like 1
  4. Well done Thailand, but "best" in what way - requirements for water, fertilizer, pesticides, labor, land, yield per acre - ease of processing, storage and cooking - cost, nutrient levels and low arsenic levels ... Let's put a bit more objective science into it next time the award is up for grabs.

    Taste is subjective. Many countries prefer their local varieties (Korea and Japan spring to mind) - and would be unswayed by the award.


    However, I shall scan the supermarket aisles for "jasmine 105" and give it a go.

  5. 1. Probably fault on both sides - if the corkage charge was not advised clearly on the hotel's web site, throughout the restaurants and clearly on all menus (but yes, the guy should have checked first). It's just like being stuck with "joiner fees" after you've paid in advance and checked in - it's little more than just a vulgar grab for money.


    2. With the real risk of jail, etc, Trip Advisor, Agoda, etc, should just disable all comment functions for Thai establishments. Even leaving a one star, without further comment, could land you in jail?  

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    • Confused 2
  6. Don't know if this has come up before ...

    Some  months ago I noticed a very distracting, donut-shaped "floater" in one eye.

    I'd previously had temperature gun beams (lazers) hit my retina - by lazy, indifferent staff here, weilding their activated gun at me, even before I got into position - and I suspect that that's the cause of it.

    If I'm right on the causal link, be warned to approach the guns with care: head down and turned away.

  7. I'm not sure if I have it - but I do know that every hot flush, itchy nose or cough I get makes me overly-concerned.


    I do wonder how effective is the fairly easy to follow mantra of: hand-washing, no-face-touching and social distancing - with cases in places like America sky-rocketing - did those people not follow the mantra?  or is the mantra better than nothing, but overall pretty useless?

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