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law ling

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Posts posted by law ling

  1. 10 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Absolutely my experience too. Every single person my wife knows despises every single thing about this government. They also know that their chance of changing anything is slim to none after the constitution was changed to ensure that the military will always have the upper hand in Parliament, no matter what the result of any elections.

    Indeed ... the Thais find themselves in a "military-dominated" hole they can't get out of. 


    And the powers that be seem determined NOT to order vaccines of sufficient quality and in sufficient quantity ... just ordering small batches here and there. Even in the OP (from the top vaccine guy), he talks about "next year" and an uncertain hope for free vaccines.


    So that's their game-plan: we'll all have to just endure what comes.

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  2. 23 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    -Highway checkpoints set up to discourage travel out of dark red zone provinces. Public asked to register online in advance any such trips to obtain a QR code document.


    The registration can now be completed in English:



    Well done on an English version.


    But I couldn't input a date (by default it gave today's date), so it seems to only work for day of travel?

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  3. 56 minutes ago, anchadian said:

    Coup rumor persists as government struggles to contain virus


    Coup rumors within political and business circles have reached a crescendo this past week with many claiming that a putsch was imminent due to the worsening economic and Covid-19 situation.


    The government has struggled to contain the pandemic with the country reporting more than 5,000 cases per day since June 28 with that number peaking over 10,000 cases per day for the past week.


    The third wave, which started in Bangkok and surrounding provinces, has led to 397,612 cases and 3,408 deaths since April 1.



    1. If there's a coup, I hope it's quick and bloodless.


    2. The PM is prepared: he's still "working from home" - which is in an army barracks - so full of "loyal troops" 


    3. Not sure what a new administration could do (other than giving hope) ... but what seens urgent is:

    A. actually ordering more quality vaccines, and

    B. providing more support for those in hardship.

  4. 18 hours ago, DefaultName said:

    Good idea, how please? 

    The vaccines are leaving the makers as fast as they roll off the production line. The next few months production is ordered and paid for already.

    Yes, a big mistake was made in not ordering sooner, but that doesn't currently matter.  The problem for now is how to get them fast, and I don't see an answer in the short term.

    The only ones that seem to be readily available are the Chinese versions, but they're pretty much useless against the newer strains.


    Does anyone have an answer - not a moan or a recrimination, but an actual answer?

    Noted. But the wait-time for delivery doesn't even start to run until the firm orders are made - and I suspect the Czar hasn't yet made actual orders for say the 110 million quality vaccines that are needed.


    Yes, the light at the end of the tunnel may be a way off once orders are made, but at present there is no light - other than local production of AZ at 5 million a month (?) - which would take nearly two years to roll out enough quantity (and assuming it proves to be of adequate quality).

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  5. As others have said before: just a weekly press-release offering "hope" ... and thus encouraging desperate tenants to pay a few more months rent.


    No vaccines here, bars closed, massage is feet only, alcohol restrictions etc, etc - cannot see them turning all that around in a few weeks.


    Correctly described above by several posters: idiocy from baffons.

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