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law ling

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Posts posted by law ling

  1. 7 hours ago, shdmn said:

    I don't know what people are belly aching about being back of the bus.  You will probably be front of the bus with the premium vaccine if you can pay for it.   They need to be sensitive about what they say because Thais will resent foreigners being able to jump the queue by paying.  So I can sort of see both sides of it.


    I hear what you say - although the OP doesn't bring the ability to pay into the equation.


    But I'm not sure the good people of Thailand would have rejected a schedule of vaxing based only on need ... such as age, infirmity and occupation - irrespective of race or homelessness status.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Surely taxes are imposed by legislation, so new legislation could just be brought in exempting these vaccines?

    Likewise, from memory, Thailand declined to join the COVAX scheme also citing difficulties with existing legislative powers: again, they could have exempted the offending legislation?

    In both the big picture, and in the small details, they can't seem to get anything right.

    I daresay the Czar and his crew are currently the subject scarifying criticism throughout the nation ... hence the daily reports of so-called "action" taking ... but always details and dates are lacking, or missed dates are chalked down to a "misunderstanding".

    So much for "bringing happiness to the people".

  3. 1 hour ago, mark131v said:

    Every picture I see of people being vaccinated they are invariably young and healthy looking, why is this


    Why in a country so adept at copying stuff are they unable to copy the correct way to vaccinate ie old and vulnerable first, medical second, essential services everybody else by age group, not hard


    I think I got it that takes no account of 'me first' or 'do you know who I am'




    It seems the order of priority here has been (thus far):

    1. All the politicans

    2. Some hospital staff

    3. Thai Airlines staff and some football teams

    4. Some other people.


    Another schedule has also arisen:

    1. Thais first

    2. Immigrant workers, foreigners, stateless residents: last.


    By now the authorities should have published the proposed vaccination schedules - relative to age, infirmity, situation, occupation, etc. - with approximate dates based on the vax orders made thus far.

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  4. 1. I smell a set-up: first leak that expats can get jabs, then the boss comes in and says "Thais first!" - showing that "he cares".


    2. If Thais are first, that also excludes their large immigrant-worker population (here both legally and not) AND their stateless folk (nearly a million of them?).


    3 I used to smile at the PM boasting about his 20-year road-map - seems like now they don't know what will happen next week.

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  5. 3 hours ago, brian stoner said:

    I've never seen one of these before. I've seen and used the little plastic tray-type for mice, filled with a gel-type of 'glue' but never one like this. It appears to be made of cardboard, and so it is sold "folded-up"?  Where can these be purchased?


    Yes, sold folded-up, three to a pack, at e.g. Foodland - something like B80-B100.

  6. 1. Skin color issue - it depends on the context - and by leaving that out, they allowed it to have the worst possible interpretation - and by declining to name the person, they smear everyone - and by mentioning it in the same sentence as titles and protection, they intended it as a big "gotcha" moment.

    2  The skin remarks were made to Harry - would a wise husband report this to a fragile, hyper-sensitive, thinking-of-suicide wife?

    3. Be warned: smart phones can easily video and audio record - I look forward to a Part Two expose when Megan pulls out the big guns.

    4. Didn't the couple originally want a six-month royal life and a six-month free, money-making life? That was the game plan, but the Queen said no, and having burnt their bridges, the couple have found themselves in a position they didn't really want.

    5. A husband might do better to quickly rid himself of a  troublesome, high-demand, nothing's-ever-good-enough wife. The husband here can't do that: it would make him truely the laughing-stock of the entire world.

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