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CM Dad

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Posts posted by CM Dad

  1. The vast majority of accidents and deaths on Thailand's roads are caused by speeding, following to closely, and alcohol.  In addition, the majority of the drivers at fault, injured, and killed are NOT older drivers, but are those under the age of fifty.  Medical certificates and tests such as those already given will NOT make any difference.  What is needed is simply enforcement of existing driving rules by traffic police.

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  2. The last time I renewed my drivers permit in CM it took me about twenty minutes to get the letter.  My next renewal is due in July of next year.  I see no reason why this letter is even necessary since immigration already knows where every non-Thai and every Thai lives.  Five years ago was the first time I ever needed one in the past 30+ years I have lived here.  It is just another way for the government to harass people and extort more money.  Perhaps I should just make my wife do all the driving.

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  3. 5 hours ago, muratremix said:

    Why they call a pinoy foreigner? Pinoy is a pinoy (filipino) and farang is a westerner. Asians are not farangs, period. 

    A Filipino/Filipna is not referred to as a farang anywhere in the article.  However they are foreigners.  I sincerely hope you are not teaching using the English language at any scholl in Thailand since your first sentence is not correct. 

  4. 6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    So if I do not read into this at all, then everyone who gets or got a 30 day extension regardless of when, will have that 30 days start on November 1st and end on the 31st.  This is either now a drop dead date for those visas to expire and folks to obtain a 1 year extension of stay or leave Thailand.  It will cause more overcrowding on the 31st of November if they do not roll over again. Or maybe this just become a new rolling 30 day period, Again speculation on my part.

    November does not have 31 days, only 30.

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