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CM Dad

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Posts posted by CM Dad

  1. My son's private school, not international, starts online classes which are at no cost and not compulsory on May 11.  They will run until June 20 then regular classes are scheduled to begin on the first of July.  We have been told that the academic year will be adjusted to compensate for the late start - October break eliminated and probably ending the year in late March as opposed to early March.  Most parents are not in favor of the online classes, but the school is offering them to give students something to do.  Since they are at no charge my son, M3, will participate.  I appreciate the fact that his school is trying to do what they can.  The school has asked parents to try and pay 50% of the tuition and book fees if possible so that they can keep all staff and faculty employed.  I am more than willing to do that.

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  2. 7 hours ago, ChaiyaTH said:

    Have to agree partly, I think many just do it because they can get it for free. Same with the meals. I mean, jesus, it is like we are in a war or tsunami for months while in reality people have been without work for less than a month in total. Imagine what a real disaster would do then.

    Know quite a few of the Thais getting free meals since day 1 in CM, while they had no rent due and money in the bank for luxury coffee from Graph cafe.
    Basically you would have people in long queues on any given day by handing out free food or money to Thais. Morals & Ethics don't exist here.

    Your gender might be male, but you are certainly not a man.

  3. The alcohol ban is a typical case of "Pak chee loy nah" in much the same way as the Thaksin imposed limits on sales (11AM - 2PM and 5PM - midnight), along with the Thaksin introduced re-enforcement of the 90-Day check-in.  It is all meant to show that something is being done to deal with a problem or perceived problem.. Politicians the world over are known for doing things like this.  Prohibition in the US is a prime example of a western version of this behavior.  I doubt it did much to reduce the virus numbers though it did hurt the sellers and the hard-core drinkers at the lower economic level who did not have the funds to stock up.  Like most bans, there were ways around it as evidenced by my Thai neighbor who, when I saw him unloading a couple of cases of Leo from his car yesterday evening, offered me a few bottles.  I am not a beer drinker, so I just smiled and declined.

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  4. The problem with trying to seal with cement or a cement-like mixture is that after several years in the hot sun the cement shrinks, contracts and cracks.  My rented house has done this and it has been re-roofed and sealed using cement by the landlord, but now it is starting to crack again.  I have decided that I will most likely have to find a piece of land and build my own house.  When I do that, I will not use these kind of tiles, but will go for the more expensive but more durable tiles used in western countries.  Unfortunately, Thai builders usually try and cut corners by doing everything as cheaply as possible.

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  5. My son goes to a private, bilingual school - 70% English and 30% Thai.  The school follows the Thai curriculum, and all subjects taught in English - 70% - have credentialed, native speaking teachers.  The school is not inexpensive - just slightly less than an international school.  I chose to send my son there rather than an international school because he is Thai and international schools do a very poor job of teaching Thai.  He needs to be able to read and write Thai fluently, skills that many Thais who attend international schools lack.  So far, we have heard nothing from the school regarding fees or online courses, which I am against by the way.  That said, I am not willing to pay even half the normal tuition if the school wants to do online instruction.  The school can simply adapt their schedule by eliminating the term break and finishing the year a few weeks later.

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  6. 23 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    quite sure all the EVA air staff  on the Bangkok / Heathrow planes have all been taught English by Americans. Drives me nuts all these Chinese ladies walking up and down the plane saying 'would you like more cAAffee'

    Suicide is painless.  Perhaps you could sort out a time and place with Neeranam and his daughter - make it a three-way.

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  7. In 30+ years I have never been asked for my passport except at Immigration or when checking in to a hotel when traveling around Thailand.  I have a Thai Driver's License and it has my passport number on it.  These days, I am only leaving home every two or three days to grocery shop or get food.  I do all of that within 10KMS  of my home.  I am well known at all the places I go.  If I am stopped and asked for my passport by the Thai police then they are welcome to follow me home to see it.  I will not risk losing it under any circumstances since it is difficult to replace under normal conditions.  It also has my latest extension which is good until late February of 2021.  I am able to speak Thai and I am sure that I would be able to express myself to any Thai official clearly and calmly.   Why do so many who post on TV seem to want to create unneeded hysteria and spread rumors?

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