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CM Dad

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Posts posted by CM Dad

  1. No it is not.  From Chiang Mai the best route is to drive to Lampang then take Highway 1 to Phayao then on to Chiang Rai.  It is a four-lane divided highway that goes through a beautiful National Park.    I just made the trip on the 26th.  I took the more direct way back just to see if it had improved and it was still a mess.

    • Sad 1
  2. If you meet a woman, or a man, in a bar, and if you care about them and want a serious relationship then give them enough financial support to stay out of the bar.  If you are not willing to do that then you have no right to be judgemental. 

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  3. First, get rid of the coconut palms.  Second build or plant something that will block the ugly view of close-by houses and give you some privacy.  Lastly, buy a couple of landscape/garden design magazines or books to get ideas of your own -ie. do not rely on a designer.  Be careful of hiring a so-called professional as they will most likely over-charge you.

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  4. When I first made the decision to move to Thailand 30 years ago, many of my friends and family were eager to visit me.  I had lots of visitors during my first 15 years here.  Those who even express a desire to visit me and my Thai family are now encouraging us to come to them or meet elsewhere.  Only two have come during the past decade.  Those who were initially eager now question why I choose to continue to stay here.  Pollution is their biggest complaint following by double pricing which makes them feel like they are being cheated.  My last visitors stayed at well-known 4-5 star hotels and were shocked to discover that Locals received reduced rates.

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  5. 2 hours ago, falang1969 said:

    "then he will give you both the "in" and "out" stamp and you can walk right back."


    Not any more, you have to walk in to Myanmar turnaround and come back on the other side of the bridge and THEN pick your passport up.

    I last did it in mid-September without having to cross to the other side or go to a different office,  The whole process in Myanmar took less than a minute as I went across in the middle of the afternoon.  When did it change?

  6. I have lived in CM for more than 30 years and have always lived outside the city closer to the Mae Rim- Mae Jo - San Sai side of the city.  I am not on a main highway and cannot even see neighboring houses from mine.  I love the privacy, yet can be in town in 20 to 30 minutes.  I would never consider living in town anywhere in Thailand due to lack of zoning, traffic, and noise.  I feel very safe and secure, much more than I would in town.

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  7. 16 hours ago, fordguy61mi said:

    Trump loves legal immigrants, just not illegals that suck off the teet of the American tax payer. Open borders and giving benefits to illegals is not sustainable for any country. People need to go through the legal immigration process. All the triggered do-gooder liberals don’t seem to understand the repercussions of that or they must have the need to feel morally superior to everyone else and to hell with the citizens. Trump is a common sense leader with the right amount of compassion and intelligence. Get used to him being around. The fake impeachment coup sure isn’t going to stop him. Middle America will elect him again and the 2 coasts that are full of elites and the lazy that want socialism and communism can all kiss our collective a$$es. American patriots are still alive and kicking and we will keep our culture intact. The fake news CNN and MSNBC won’t tell you that or all of the great things this President has accomplished like the lowest unemployment rate in history, but the citizens that benefit from it surely will. Blacks, Hispanics, and are all realizing that his policies are working.

    My post was in reference to the initial query regarding legal immigration.  Neither the question nor my reply said anything about illegals.  As for your comment about Mr. Trump being a "...common sense leader", I nearly spewed my morning coffee all over the monitor.  Don has no sense what-so-ever and regarding love, he loves only two things - money and himself.  I disagree with your assessment that his policies are working, but if you think he is so wonderful then I suggest you go back and bask in the wonderful atmosphere you seem to think he has created in an America that I served as a volunteer soldier while your cowardly hero was fabricating bone spurs in order to dodge the draft.  Your vitriol is both unhelpful and off-topic here.  Go back home angry old man.

  8. Donald Trump has just signed one of his Executive Orders eliminating almost all visas for family members of a US citizen except for children of a US citizen.  This is effective November 3rd of this year.  His new order also requires proof of medical insurance.  This is exactly what his most xenophobic adviser, Steve Miller, has been advocating for the last several years.  With this new Executive Order, the recently renovated Statue of Liberty needs to be torn down.  Trump's America does not want those huddled masses yearning to breathe freely any longer.

    • Haha 1
  9. One other suggestion - if you do not speak Thai, then learn how since you have chosen to live in Thailand.  You will find that speaking and understanding the language will improve your life and your understanding of the local culture.  Also, you do not have to pay a Thai lawyer to get a divorce.  You can do it yourself, especially if you can speak Thai.  Even if you did need a Thai lawyer, then weigh the cost against your concern for your daughter.  Which is more important, the child or money?

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