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CM Dad

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Posts posted by CM Dad

  1. I have lived in In CM for thirty years and have never had air-con.  I did buy a small water cooler this past April which I used for two months because it got so hot.  I do use fans when I am inside and I keep the windows open both day and night.  If you spend all of your time in air-con your body will never adjust to the climate of the tropics.  I do admit that living in BKK might be difficult without air-con, especially at night, but I feel better when I use just a fan and open windows.

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  2. Immigration does not issue Non O visas.  They give extensions of visas.  You need to go abroad to a Thai Embassy or Consulate to get a visa then apply at Immigration for an extension based on retirement using your income.  I also strongly suggest you change your attitude, ask for advice and help instead of blowing up and stomping out.

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  3. They hired you and arranged a work permit for you to work for them at their school.  You do not have a work permit to teach private classes outside of the school for extra money that you are most likely not paying taxes on.  You are breaking the law and your contract.  I would advise you to not do extra classes, or to at least keep your mouth shut about them.

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  4. Apply for a medical visa.  This kind of visa is only good for 90 days, but can be extended every 90 days indefinitely.  It requires a letter from the care facility and a photo of the person being cared for in the facility, one that would confirm her condition, not one where she is all dressed up with her hair freshly done.  The 90-day report is still needed even though the visa stamps are only for 90 days at a time.  A doctors letter verifying her condition will probably also be required.  A medical visa does not require 65K in income nor 800,000 in the bank.

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  5. When I retired several years ago I easily changed my Non-immigrant B visa to a visa based on my marriage to a Thai and the legal adoption of my wife's children.  I extended that visa for several years based on my monthly income supported by my US bank statements and a letter from the US Consulate.  Last year my extension was denied because Immigration said my US bank account was not solely mine (I have a sister's name on it so that she can take care of things for me since I have not been back to the US for more than a dozen years).  In January of this year, I went to the Thai Consulate in Suwannakhet and used my marriage and adoption documents to obtain a Multiple-entry Non O visa.  I have now had money transferred to a Thai bank account in my name only and have topped it up to the required 400,000 baht.  I am waiting for it to age for the two-month period which will be mid-July.  Does anyone know if I can then apply for a one-year extension based on my marriage as before using my Non-O?

  6. Private hospitals always overcharge for everything.  I am a retired teacher and many of my former students are the children of doctors and are now doctors themselves.  They ALL tell me never to go to a private hospital unless I do not have any other choice.  Some of these doctors are also medical professors and practice at both government and private facilities.  Private hospitals are businesses and nothing more.

  7. I was denied coverage in the government SS insurance system when I was a teacher at the largest, main, secondary school in CM when I was 58.  I was denied because of my age.  The school told me that if I was over 57 they would not enroll me.  I taught there with no coverage and no medical issues until I was 65.  As a result, I do not have access to SS coverage today, and when I retired I was also denied coverage by one of the largest health insurers in Thailand due to age and a pre-existing condition, which does not really affect my health day to day.  Now I am 71 and no insurer in Thailand will even talk to me.  I have lived and worked in Thailand and paid taxes here for almost 30 years.  I have a Thai family  that depends on my support. 

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