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Oliver Holzerfilled

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Everything posted by Oliver Holzerfilled

  1. Meet Matthew Patashnick, the FORMER associate dean for student and family support. Shocked, shocked I tell you!
  2. Simon if you're reading this we want answers and we want them now.
  3. "Dream holiday" to Thailand without your girlfriend? The siren song of temples and street food proved irresistible to another Brit.
  4. How did she earn the 400k baht for the ticket?
  5. You going to hit him with your keyboard for 5 minutes?
  6. He's traveling with a bigger suitcase than most women. Fancies himself a bit of a model and needs the clothes?
  7. Guys that look like this should get an electronic monitor strapped to their ankle by the police before they even leave the airport. Don't like it? Go holiday in Cambodia where you belong!
  8. "His close friend, Danny Lemmens, was by his side during his final hours," Good on his mate. But where was the "Thai girlfriend?" 🤔
  9. "Thailand's bold move could inspire a broader recognition of LGBTQ+ rights across the region," Magical thinking.
  10. Its a miracle, in the comments before Chomper and Tug. They really fell asleep at the wheel on this one!
  11. So all the hand wringing in Europe over the rise of the "far right" is for nothing and everything is fine? Seems from a distance to be similar to the liberal vs. conservatives in the US.
  12. Since you were "pretty snookered" are you sure he didn't take a ride on your Hershey highway?
  13. I've heard rumors for years that there is an American who isn't a convicted felon that lives somewhere here in Thailand. Anyone ever actually met him? Starting to think it is just a rumor.
  14. How do you know you're not also on the "not fit to bus" or "not fit to cruise" lists?
  15. Wonder if she'll share the parts about clam clapping in the book.
  16. 1:15 connection is a terrible idea unless your wife is an experienced traveller and can make her own hotel arrangements if the flight is missed and the airline plays games with rebooking or providing hotel vouchers.
  17. 70 Cuda 440 6 pack 65 Mustang fastback 72 Cutlass convertible AMC Gremlin orange with a brown drivers side door
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