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Oliver Holzerfilled

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Everything posted by Oliver Holzerfilled

  1. They are useful for the "hub of porn" and for other geo-blocked sites. There is no such thing as true privacy but then again the average VPN user isn't an international criminal or terrorist so they don't have much to worry about. Most if not all VPN services are likely either backed by the CIA or some other intelligence service or otherwise knowingly or unknowingly have their infrastructure totally compromised by intelligence services or cave in to pressure from them. So in other words if any Aseannow members are pedos and think a VPN is protecting them they are living on borrowed time. And you can't specify the country of the exit node in the free version.
  2. She could start getting some credibility back by divorcing her dirtbag husband.
  3. "I expect it from clowns like Gottfrid" Amen brother!
  4. I noticed long ago some people use a contrived defense of Islam for the real goal of expressing their hatred of Christians. It was on full display at a Roger Waters concert I attended around 10 years ago.
  5. You seem to know a lot about Muslims. Maybe you should change your screen name to MalcolmX.
  6. No need to ask if she was a ladyboy. The Arabs should have known the lack of a camel toe gave it away.
  7. Ellen DeGenerate is more like it. "In July 2020, ten former employees of The Ellen DeGeneres Show accused DeGeneres of creating a "toxic" on-set atmosphere of "racism, fear, and intimidation", including failing to address executives sexually harassing female employees and making "racist micro-aggressions and abuse" to or about employees of color, firing employees for taking medical and bereavement leave, and replacing her own crew with non-union workers during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic."
  8. "Apidate was fined 1,000 baht and ordered to pay 20,000 baht in compensation to Natchacha." And I believe in the tooth fairy I'm expecting to find 20k under my pillow when I wake up tomorrow.
  9. “I was drinking with friends when, on a dare, I fired the gun into the air.” Round up the idiots that dared him and jail them too.
  10. Sounds like OP is playing the long game. First it's a few restaurant meet ups to identify the marks then he starts quietly asking for "loans."
  11. Keep hoping to read in one of these stories Gottfrid was implicted and got sentenced to a long prison term but so far no luck.
  12. It's always the "much loved local lads" that end up in Thailand. 🤔
  13. This incoherently drunk farang senior citizen has almost certainly been making poor life choices since before the two Thai men were even born. Burden of proof is on him.
  14. Look closer the photo on the left. Sexually deviant biological males with tattoos who think they are female and wear dresses are in the 49.8%.
  15. If a few unwashed hippies get taken out in the crossfire then so be it.
  16. Not surprising that transman and the others ignored your posting of a well written piece by Zakaria that doesn't fit their worldview.
  17. OP's evasiveness to exactly what he is trying to accomplish is a possible red flag. Could indicate nefarious online intentions. I'd advise anyone that tried to assist in this thread delete your posts immediately so you don't get dragged into any legal complications.
  18. Make her post a selfie in handcuffs in the jail to all her social media profiles. Maximum loss of face.
  19. That's how I'm leaning. But I know a Thai woman with two cousins whose older farang husbands have died under very suspicious circumstances. If I remember correctly Britman mentioned a former girlfriend admitted to him she killed her farang husband. I would have written his story off as unreliable had I not seen what I've seen with this Thai woman.
  20. The Scouts' latest initiatives, including a “pronoun” game featuring characters like Billy the Non-Binary Butterfly and Sam the Cisgender Dog, How about MalcomB the bisexual beagle?
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