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Posts posted by Kimera

  1. I was asked to loan some money to my wifes sister only a small amount 4000 baht , wich i did ,

    That was the first mistake , i never got it back so i told my wife i will not loan money to any of here family again as they did not pay me back,

    That was the second mistake ,

    because my wife thought i was unhappy not being payed back ,

    so when her sister asked for a loan again my wife explained that i was unhappy about not getting anything back,,

    So the sister and my wife did a deal over the last loan and a new one ,

    I am now the proud owner of 3 baby buffallo ,,,, yes 3 buffallo ?

    What the inghell do i want with 3 buffallo , I want the money :D


    Yes I own normally two Buffalo now down to one Buffalo, Ask the family to buy you Buffalo (before they ask for a loan) then when they ask for loan tell them to sell your Buffalo and when they can pay back buy Buffalo back. NOW my family have Buffalo and of course the Buffalo are never bought or sold so when I visit I ask to see my Buffalo!!!!! Hope you can follow all this or are there to many BUFFALO :o:D:D


    I'll trade you your three buffalo for my 2 cows. ;)

  2. I think Billytheheat was quoting from an old Humphrey Bogart movie about tough guy private dicks, Maipleur.

    It's called humour.

    (I think a few of the broads on this board could probably smack most down the street!)

    I think he should of made that clear, some of us are not 125 years old. :D

    You don't have to have lived history to be aware of it.

    Some people can get to great age and still be ignorant.

    Well Ill agree to disagree, as your little digs are ridiculous..

    I dont think many Thai people would understand that and I do not believe many people under 30 would either..

    Now you have made it clear, I can see the humour, but It only took the post being put into quotes to make it clear.

    BTW, I know you quite well OLD croc, so wind your neck in!. :D

    If you know me so well then why the nasty bit at the end?

    I'm fairly sure I now know who you are as well. :D

    sorry. I wasnt trying to be nasty, I was having a joke, apologies if it came over wrong... cheers.

    Steady now! :o

  3. Hey Mr. Oak, I'm back, and paid, how’s your handicap?........ Anyway, lets drop the juvenile dribble, getting back to the OP, I don't want to see anyone without money or food, Thai or Farang, that’s why I have a business in Thailand, not because I need the income (if the truth be told, the work involved outweighs the income), simply I am providing an income to all those involved within my company, and they in tern are caring for their families.

    I’m north of Chiang Mai, things here are booming, really, our town is buzzing with enthusiasm and prosperity.......... go figure.....

    Well posted! And Farang well I have certainly helped the Thai people over the years and still I do not own my home,Yes one day my daughter will. :o


  4. You have to eliminate all sugar from your diet .

    I think that I rather die. :D

    Why live in f*cking misery for the sake of an extra five years in the geriatric ward of the old folks home?

    So if a few drinks and a slice of pie puts the weight on you so what? At least the whole town will know what's going on when they cremate us General.

    Yes YES :o:D

  5. My wife had our first child yesterday and I am so proud that I want to tell the world. We were expecting a girl but got a boy but I have no complaints. I needed to go back to my house earlier for an hour to get something and I really missed him. I haven't slept in about two days but still feel wonderful.


    Its the best feeling in the world, now you have something more important than ANYTHING :o:D:D

  6. When in Rome, do as the Romans.

    Do you mean building an efficient and modern sewerage and drainage system?

    Apparently, although bizarrely possible some two millenia ago, the Bangkok Municipalities find this somewhat of a problem in this day and age... :D

    Might not work though! in the UK you are never more than 10 feet away from a rat, They say :o

  7. The exceptional thing is how seldom stuff like that happens here. Compare to a big US city.

    True!! Ive been stopped in the street in the US, Hey big guy. Price of a coffee/taxi etc But never yet in Thailand, strange really I think if and when it does happen it will be a falang :o

  8. I realize that my story is not typical and I am just thankful that I am a very lucky guy in so many ways. :bah:

    Ruddy h3ll jetjock,

    ditch the wife, i'll marry you :D:D

    Is the position as mia noi...uh...poa noi - open?

    :D My wife made her position about me having a mia noi very clear to me early in our marriage--she told me some stories about Thai woman and feeding it to the ducks !! :bah:

    I got the same advise. Best sleep with one eye open :o:D

  9. Are you coming here to make money?

    It may be in the best interests of the family if you stay in the UK (not sure about you or your wife sending back money etc...), how will the economic situation in Thailand really affect you though?

    True! reason for their advice? Do you send money to the family? :o

  10. I think you are getting very good advice take your holiday and enjoy it ! I also believe that the key was in your post (I never gave her any money) her friends would have called her a Buffalo. Why wait for him? But dont worry you are best away from her I feel in the end you would still be hurt :o

  11. Make the money while you can, where you can,

    LOS will always be here when you want to spend some.

    Good Luck, :D

    You may not be here though - remember that guy who got beheaded in the ME? The one with the Thai wife. I bet she agreed, like your wife, to go there and earn the big bucks. Greed is a terrible thing.

    Yes you may not be there to spend your hard earned money, the older you get the more you realise it :o

  12. Hi,

    I'm looking for property the adress of property agency in phuket.

    Thanks u so much for your help !!!!!

    Use the internet seach engines, you will find quite a few sites that will give an insight into property and prices on the Island :o

  13. "Britons in search of cheap alcohol", what's become of the Empire?

    The world has to understand the the British have been responsable for these things for centuries, We are good at it!! Every straight line on any map, every war. even now. every country the world was ours, Aus. US and Thailand all of you are our children :o Maybe all we have left is to drink too much,Ah well

    God save the Queen

  14. heres how the daily mail chooses to report the same story.
    Holiday yobs bring shame on Britain worldwide


    Last updated at 20:30pm on 1st August 2007

    The mayhem caused by British yobs holidaying abroad has been revealed

    At least 1,549 were arrested in Spain last year, 1,368 in the U.S. and 330 in Cyprus.

    Many of the incidents will have been fuelled by alcohol, badly tarnishing Britain's reputation around the world.

    Drunken Brits are causing chaos in holiday resorts worldwide

    Other hot spots for our nationals being held by police include Greece with 226 and Thailand with 108.

    God bless us :o

  15. the other day i made a huge message of standing on some coins my sons was playing with, the looks i got from the family were, to say i thought i had of killed someone,

    well my wife told me that you can not stand on the king, i understand the respect thing, so i enquiredj so why is it ok to put notes in to my arse pocket, why is it ok for women to put money in there bikinis, down there bra etc, response because its ok.

    can someone enlighten me as like a lot of things in thai, baffles me

    Its simple really treat Buda and the King with total reverance. then you will be safe. it is difficult though you can make mistakes, most will be forgiven :o

  16. Hi!

    We are travelling to Phuket for the first time and staying at the Holiday Inn at the end of October. Could anyone tell me if its safe to have tattoos done in Phuket? Can anyone recommend an artist or what cost to expect?

    With Thanks


    The safe bit !!! is a bit like doing the lottery :o

  17. It's not much to westerners but that is like $100,000 US dollars to a Thai. Did you know it takes most Thais 5 years to pay off a 30,000 baht motorbike?

    Thats just as dumb on the downside..

    I know a restaurant that cant keep its staff.. The unskilled girls they employ (basic rudimentary english only) get 12k per month + tips for waiting tables.. So with some tips in there 60k is 4 months work for a unskilled female waitress.. So average unskilled females make 300k USD per year !! Every second bike round here is on red plates, 2007 mios / nuovos / airblades / etc galore..

    The economy I see around me you dont get any kind of worker for <10k per month..

    You must live in a different place in Thailand than me my friend :o

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