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Posts posted by Kimera

  1. Hello,

    I was just having a conversation with my investors, and they asked a really good question.

    How many expats are in Phuket, and where are most of them from.

    We were on the subject of Resturants and such, and I know that different people from different places like many different things when it comes to dining out. By no means is this a competition, but I would love to know how many Americans are here on the island.

    Working here, retired, vacationing?

    I know, having read the forum in depth, that there are many from the UK and Germany, ad various other places.

    I love the mix and find trying to place the language or accent I am hearing in the line at the store to be very fun.

    So, where are you from? And What is your favorite dish! Regardless of its region or country.

    Like I am West American and I love Chicken Masala from India.


    PS: Siam Real Estate found me (2) PERFECT HOUSES!!!!

    Who are these investors I feel I need to Know ? :o

  2. It strikes me as amazing how entrenched is the thought that a man is responsible for all the financial situations that might arise in a modern family.

    I grew up in a house where I never saw my mum as she worked, but yet now I am propelled back to the 1950's !!!-lol

    I will just add I came on this forum because all my so called "forward thinking london friends" just say the same thing " shes Thai she must be on the scam"- I hoped you guys would have a little info- correction some of you have given very good info.

    But attacking me is pointless, I do that myself already.

    I know I am in a bad situation, but what I want to focus on , is this immediate problem, the rest can be sorted later.


    Well I have posted before and I still feel the same, pay her the money she sounds like a good girl and then my friend you can ( sort the rest later) ie. the next request for money ??? then you will clearly know! it is in the way of things a small amount of money, as your wife and children live very well in the UK due I take it from your efforts, uk or Thailand your problems are the same, support your family :o

  3. Just don't ask anything that’s been asked 50 times before, then you will find how nice the people really are.

    And be sure to remember any opinion you have on anything will always be wrong, even if it is right every where else in the world, it is wrong here.

    And never question a person with over a 1,000s posts, because there 1,000's post automatically make them experts on everything, since that’s all the do all day long is read this forum and post BS on anything and everything.

    Other than that have fun. Welcome by the way.

    Sorry, I forgot one very important detail about using this site, if you have a sense of humor; you are defiantly at the wrong place.

    Well that about covers everything, like the 1000 posts thing, you think thats all they do all day? what do they do at night ? :o

  4. What do you guys think ?

    Is this just another "sick Buffalo story"- or are there ever any honest stories?

    She is 25 and mature I am in my 40's wise to some things not all.


    I think girl had some bad luck, that's all. Let's face it, if this isn't a wind up, what do you have to offer her ?

    Would a 25 year old woman in UK find you irresistable when you are jobless and potless ?

    If she wanted a guy that had no job and was skint, she could have found one a lot closer to home.

    And why would you think that a loan shark wouldn't call in a loan ?

    There is now a Farang in the Family, so it would seem the perfect opportunity for a loan shark to call in the loan, I would if I was him.

    Many Farang make me laugh, they fly half way round the world to meet a poor girl half their age, then seem amazed that the girl's Family are also poor people.

    Poor people in UK are in debt up to their ears, yet you seem to think that the story of X's parents being in debt could be phony, no social security in Thailand mate, if there was, you would probably never have met in the first place.

    Well said !! :o

  5. Has anyone else noticed the large number of young men wearing make-up and womans clothes?

    Where are you seeing these guys dressed as girls at? I have been coming here for about 4 years and I have not seen them. Are they in a show or something? :D

    This is really scary, you are telling us there are boys dressing as girls in Thailand. :o

  6. Strictly speaking all beaches in Thailand are available to the public, however if all the access ways are privately owned then by default the beach becomes private. Le Meridian owns almost all the land about Relax bay and controls who can or cannot get onto the beach. No part of Karon beach can be considered 'private' as the public can walk along the entire beach front.
    So what ya saying is, if you land on this beach by boat it is okay for you to use it?


    Better to just walk along to it :o

  7. Have never seen the lights working at the monument roundabout? Maybe the new ones in Chalong will fail within a few weeks and that will be the end to that expensive idea.


    No lights at the Monument only traffic, police and cones :o

    Well the last time I looked there was lights at the monument roundabout. :D They have been there for sometime now.


    Best look again :D

  8. Apparently you find the Phantom has enough power to handle realistic driving conditions throughout most of Thailand. How's the vibration on the Phantom at the speeds you normally go?

    Vibration is rather bad under 100kph. If you cruise below that, you can feel it in your arms and hands after an hour or so. I have added lead plugs to the end of the bars and installed gel grips. Its no problem now at any speed.

    The Phantom does have everything you need for the driving conditions in Thailand, and I have no problems with vibrations at any speed , maybe different bike to bike :o

  9. Ok here is a story of which many of you will probably say " we got another one", but all opinions are being sort here so no problem.

    My marriage fell about after 18 years in 2005 to an English girl who kept the house etc, etc.In Apr 2006 I had to freelance out in Los for 2 months and met girl X.

    I met her in Pattaya ( I know, I know!).in a disco

    By observing her over many days, I came to the conclusion she had a good heart and was pretty honest.

    When I returned to Uk in June we kept in touch ( her always phoning me)

    In Aug 2006 while homeless and skint and feeling down, I travelled back over to Los.

    We hooked up and travelled around Thailand

    We did the usual trip to Issan etc, etc

    Her family were lovely too

    Somewhere during this trip, she got pregnant.

    I was due to return to UK after 5 weeks but thought I have to stay and not leave this girl to cope with this alone .

    Because Of the visa situation in Thailand I had to keep leaving so, we got her a passport and she came too

    I took her for two months to Cambodia .then back to Thailand, etc, etc.

    On one of these trips we popped into Pattaya she hated it I loved it, but we moved on.

    Just before the baby was born on a that last trip to Cambodia We were involved in a bad crash.

    Luckily she was Fine I was a mess ( smashed leg, shoulder etc, etc.).

    We transferred to Trat Hospital where The baby was born, and I was cast up.

    After 15 days and 2 ops I had to leave hospital as all money gone.

    X, baby and me had to loan money and rent cheap place in trat for the next 2 months till I could move.

    She said to me " I would love you even if they cut your leg off- reference to what Cambodia clinic were

    advising to me, she looked like she really meant it.

    In all the time there she never moaned while looking after a new baby, and an invalid day in, day out. getting food etc, etc

    Because of leg cast and shoulder cast, I couldn't even help by holding our Daughter.

    Anyway when we could move from Trat we had to stay with her Family in Issan as I had no cash and couldn't get on my plane yet due to leg.

    All the while in Issan X was positive making the food, looking after baby etc, etc.

    I explained many times that I was going back to no job, house, and a complicated divorce.

    When the time finally came for me to face the UK, X cried real tears ( so did I) we had travelled 14 months solid, day and night, with me being quite poor ( for a farange), if truth be told.

    When I got back I found a lovely little note written on our daughters tee-shirt, hidden in my bag.

    Also I was shocked to see all my clothes secretly ironed

    Anyway I have been back 4 months now, and although we spoke everyday at first, now both of being skint, we are down to emails.

    X works 300 kms+ from baby who is in Issan with Gran. X is selling clothes- trat ( of all places)

    Now I discover her mum is Owing 100,000 Baht ( and has done for 8 + years) to a loan person who now wants to call in the loan, i.e. House/Land etc, etc.

    Now this part I believe having been there a few times and observing what goes on.

    But If happens My Daughter who is parentless now becomes Homeless.

    I am switching between totally believing the story, and thinking that at worst they just want the security of the home, and that the loan shark doesn't really want the house now. Which are both good enough for me as I lived there so long and have a daughter and genuinely like them all.

    OR am I being carefully scammed.

    One Brit in Pattaya some 12 months before said to me- without meeting her " she'll have the lot off you mate", to which I replied " too late the uk wife already has it all- and this Thai girl doesn't seem to want anything, i.e. I give her money she goes and buys me clothes etc, etc.".

    He said to me " Oh she is playing the Long game, for the big score"

    In order to pay that 100,000 baht at this time I would have to loan, so not something I can do Lightly-if at all-

    I can't believe I am so blind after 18 years marriage, or am I just rebounding and that is blinding me

    What do you guys think ?

    Is this just another "sick Buffalo story"- or are there ever any honest stories?

    She is 25 and mature I am in my 40's wise to some things not all.


    Well I think she is genuine she sounds like a good girl and we are only talking 100,000 baht and she knows by now you have no money, this my friend is not the big one !!!! times it by 100 !!!!! maybe, its nothing in the way of things 100.000 you clearly dont have the big one, many of use spend that much in one month on the girl, give her what you can :o

  10. I am up or down here in Chiang Mai depending on where you are and I am looking to buy a used Honda CB 750.

    I have done the rounds of the dealers here and have found nothing exciting. Seems there is a shortage of them at the moment. Nothing for sale in the CLASSIFIED before anyone jumps down my throat.

    I have been

    quoted anywhere between 55-80 for a bike with 80K being a 2000 model. Does this sound right ? A few dealers have offered to get me one from BKK but thing is that they want a deposit and I have not seen the bike.

    Anyone got one for sale or know of a reputable dealer who has one on his lot ( haha ).

    Send me a PM if you do not want to post your number.

    Any help or ideas greatly appreciated.


    See the bike , ride the bike AND make sure that the papers are in order, ie that they can be transferred to you by the owner in the book, MOST inportant :o

  11. Have just read the comb over hair thread, I have the hair well most of it, but I have a short cut beard well grey now, what do you think my friends, the advice I get from the girls is to cut it off, Ive had it so many years, What do you think, Please this is a serious request :o

  12. My last posted thread concerning my Sin Sod saga went like this.........

    I was informed today that for the most part the guest would not be giving anything to us, but rather we should be treating them? Also, when I questioned my GF about the return of the Sin Sot, she said that anything returned would be used for the honeymoon and such. As for the ring thing, she asked and received an engagement ring and a wedding ring and also said she needs to get some "gold?" My response was "Are we getting close to the end of all the things you need?" Her response? "That's the Thai tradition." Actually, it was A LOT more than that, but since I don't speak Thai, just suffice to say I got an ear full!

    Yesterday it went from bad to worse, if that's possible, and I reached the "tipping point."

    It seems as though the closer the wedding date became, the more the Sin Sod request increased (1 million to maybe over two?). The local monk jumped in with his request for 30,000 THB, the Pattaya apartment needed a new AC unit (28,000 THB), some more gold had to be purchased, etc., etc. When I said the money train was at an end, my GF stormed off and sent me a text message saying that it was too much drama and that I should not have lead her on? I just said fine, just return the wedding ring and keep everything else. She said that I get NOTHING back and that I wasn't getting <deleted>**ed for free. Yikes! Wake-up call down on Soi Bua Khoa for the big boy! I was out of our apartment and checked into a new place before 7 AM this morning.

    With all that said, I'd just like to warn other potential "Farang Sin Sod ATM Machines" to take it slow and hang onto your dough! :D Thank goodness I'm not out my life savings, but I'm certainly a bit more dubious of that lovely Thai smile and the "It's up to you" mentality. When left up to me, I was always informed that that's not what they want to hear.

    Life goes on........

    Good that you saw the light, Sin Sod has its place in Thailand but not between a Falang and a (bar girl) ? sorry if i'm wrong there ! Its an old tradition the highest sums paid for and to a NEW girl and its down in value from there, good job you didnt spend the 1millon baht on 30 Buffalo. A handfull in Patters :o

  13. All the Thai girls Know & love Atom(long for ATM) I am a Walking ATM would probably have you adorned by many many Thai girls in Pattaya ....If it was written in Thai!

    True ! It depends really if I wear it would that alter my name from (Come ATM) :o

  14. Have never seen the lights working at the monument roundabout? Maybe the new ones in Chalong will fail within a few weeks and that will be the end to that expensive idea.


    No lights at the Monument only traffic, police and cones :o

  15. Central ?? Do you mean Tops ??

    Branston pickle !! Will check that out.

    Yes. Tops in Central. And also aah Bisto gravy granules. "Great for a Sunday Roast"


    Ahhh. bisto the British Empire still lives on in Phuket, good that it does have to have Marmite from the UK Thanks :o

  16. I have been driving in Bangkok for 3-4 years. I think Phuket is the worst to drive in. Samui is 2nd and Pattaya 3rd. Bangkok is ok as long as you have a bit of aggresion, only a little though. and by that I mean pull out in front of people so you can do a left, dont wait for anyone to stop coz it wont hapen. its easy, just go with the flow and expect anyone in front of you on the left or right lane to just cut you up at anytime. and keep an eye open for the BIKES.

    Phuket IS the worst, stay to the north of the island, avoid Phuket town and the roads to the South, and over the HILL to Patong. My advice would be leave the island once over the bridge its much better, untill that is you get within 50k of Bangkok :o:D:D

  17. Have owned a Air Blade over one year now. Runs well easy to drive, mine will do 100kph no problem cruise 60- 70 ish. Honda main agent in Phuket very good service cheap and fast, however they did over fill coolent leaked for a week, NOT the bikes problem, but did have an electric proplem with starter, Sorted. and the fuel gauge, not sorted yet. shows nothing like whats in the tank been back 2 times still same, got a feeling its the TGF fault handy with the hosepipe :o Good bike tho. We like it :D

  18. I see circles working fine in many parts of Thailand: Heroine monument, Victory monument circle in Bangkok to name two that work. There's a big one in Chaiyaphum also.

    They all have at least 2 lanes around the circle. Maybe that is key and I always thought that's what the eventual plan around Chalong circle would be. If you notice, none of the shacks/building immedietly surrounding the circle are very permanent. (exception being Dr. Thi-Thi's)

    So, i'm not all that happy with the red light idea. I think it will slow traffic down even more.

    Possibly it will be safer although slower. I see many accidents there and most of them because of the either the face thing with the big trucks, and the motorbikes just jockeying for any opening they can get. Anyway, that's my 2 cents

    "So, i'm not all that happy with the red light idea"

    nor I, it always slows for the lookers!

    Circles work well, Heroine Monument, really!!!! they work well if people use the rules, What rules in Thailand, the police close Heroine's at peak traffic and send you to U turn, Crazy ! take care allways :o

  19. Of course they are not refundable, they are a gift.

    As a previous poster has commented Sin Sod's are not normally required by family of southern girls so this girl is clearly in the South making a business from what she has on offer. As long as there are takers why shouldn't she try it on.

    When another lump sum is on the horizon and she elbows this one out, I wonder who will leave the business?

    Tell him to look in the mirror and try to see why the girl fancies him.

    Thats a bit harsh, look in the mirror whooo ! :o

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