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Posts posted by Kimera

  1. You are cordially invited to another Thaivisa BBQ party to be held at

    Friendship Beach Waterfront Resort Phuket

    Sponsored in part by;


    The festivities will begin at 7pm on Saturday, 12 July 2008 at The Friendship Beach Resort

    All Thaivisa members plus 1 guest are cordially invited and

    there are no signups required to attend

    Only the following pre-requisites apply;

    1) Only Thaivisa members with 10 or more posts prior to today, Thursday, 12 June 2008 will be permitted to attend. Anyone with less than 10 posts or those joining after today cannot be accomodated.

    2) There will be laptop computers set up at the entrance and each member will simply need to log in successfully to Thaivisa. Upon successful log-in, a name tag will be issued on the spot and you are then free to meet and greet the "faces behind the avatars" as well as enjoy Buckwheat's famous BBQ ribs, salads and beer courtesy of Thaivisa.

    3) Friendship Beach has generously offered significant discounts on their rooms at the actual party site.

    The rooms must be booked by Thaivisa and cannot be booked individually.

    Their normal rates can be found HERE

    **Please contact Buckwheat via pm for room rate inquiries and bookings**

    Due to space limitations and the anticipated number of attendees, children unfortunately are not permitted

    We anticipate a large turnout so come out and meet your fellow members and enjoy free beer and food and

    **Don't Forget Your Password**

    Click on the address or here for a location map


    Marvellous, I spend 6 months a year in Thailand and still never been there when you have a party :o

  2. I have what is a potentially dangerous problem with my 1996 SJ413...(aka White Caribean)

    The other day as I was racing to get though the yellow light Central Intersection Intersection (heading south on the bypass) the old jalopy started to vibrate violently from side-to-side, and continued to do so until I came to almost a complete stop..

    This is not a mild vibration, but closer to 'space shuttle on a bad re-entry' type stuff...very bad. I was lucky there were no other cars around me.

    This has happened to me 2-3 times before over the 6-8 months I have owned it, and it doesn't always have to be at a very high speed to set it off.

    A buddy of mine says he had a similar problem with an old Ford Comet and that it was a design flaw with that car -- not something that could be fixed by a trip to the mechanic...

    So I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem with a Caribean and, if so, how they solved it....

    You can get this problem on many 4 wheel drives, it will be wear or alignment problems on steering, chassis or transmisson, front axle best place to start cv / ball joints etc is it bent ? :o

  3. I don't want to seem like a complete sh!thead about it, but the problem is the bike you bought (more specifically the construction of it). Sometimes it is good to have herd mentality. Looking at the picture, you can see that the nearest brass nipple is broken off. The fact that they didn't use a hose clap on the other one is also disturbing. Good luck with getting your bike up to an acceptable standard.

    A tad harsh but amusing and accurate, tho I'm not sure you'd usually get a clamp on an overflow pipe. Crossy' advice is correct, of course, although it could also be a blocked fuel shut-off valve. Maybe a bit of rust from your new tank made it's way down the fuel line. If they can deliver a bike in this condition anything is possible

    I notice there's only petrol running out the hose while the engine's running...would that be a stuck float, or the shut off valve....or either ?

    Well the float controls the inlet valve to the float chamber, the leaking fuel can be the result of two things, incorrect float adjustment or leaking / sticking valve !!!!!!!!!!!!! where is the shut off valve ? :o

  4. Let me put it another way.

    The price the gardening companies charge is outrageous, mainly because the company takes the lion's share of the money.

    If I hire an individual, not only is it a lot cheaper for me, but, the gardener gets the whole lot, which is a lot more than the poor gardener that works for the company.

    But, and this is a big but; I'm only willing to hire a gardener that is hard working and knows his business. My hibiscuses and roses are my pride and joy and I wouldn't let just anybody with a pair of secateurs loose on them.

    Iv'e read the post and I'm not sure but I know one thing I wouldn't let just anyone with a pair of secateurs loose on my hibiscuses

  5. Local vendors form 'Market Assembly of Thailand' to resist mega-retailers

    BANGKOK: -- In an attempt to boost their competiveness and ability to fight against mega-sized business retailers, especially giant transnational firms, more than 500 Thai greengrocer wet market operators in Bangkok and upcountry on Saturday signed a declaration to establish a so-called 'Market Assembly of Thailand', a senior Commerce Ministry official said.

    Internal Trade Department director-general Yanyong Phuangrach said his department would advise small businesses on sources of inexpensive goods prices for market traders because the department has wide knowledge of these sources.

    The objectives of the assembly, Mr. Yanyong said, are aimed at enabling wet market operators to work as a team or to form a cluster of businesses in order to boost their competitiveness so that they can fight off major retail businesses which are threatening traditional business in Thailand.

    Such businesses could be affected like the so-called mom-and-pop businesses which have been significantly eroded, and are now in decline, said Mr. Yanyong.

    According to statistics prepared by the Internal Trade Department, there are more than 6,000 retail shops and markets nationwide with combined sales of over Bt1.2 trillion annually.

    Of these, there are 2,847 wet market operators earning between Bt50-60 billion annually.

    -- TNA 2008-05-03

    I had a local shop in the UK 35 years ago I felt the same, do what you will, there is no stopping this one :o

  6. the name in Thai is something like A-NOO-SOW-REE (I'm sure there will be plenty of other opinions!)

    No idea about taxi cost.

    Forgive the "odd" question, but how does one say "Heroines Monument" in THAI?

    And if I must go to that area (Ban Pahklok) directly from HKT, any idea of what a fair price would be---by taxi? (hopefully LESS than the THB 500-600 fare as if going to Patong, etc..)

    Thanks in advance for the assistance.


    Yes plenty of opions !! A-NUUT-SOW-WATS-LEE sounds good !!! and 400 bhat ish gone up re. petrol :o

  7. post-59607-1207630622.gif Moved to a new house over the weekend and shocked to find the well has no water in it.

    At first I thought it was the pump playing up, but after priming it water came out into the tank.

    It stopped flowing after one minute. The wife asked next door, and they said their well is also dry.

    So it cost us 230 Baht to fill up the tank , If we are lucky it will last about a week.

    The locals are saying that it is because of the new dame that is being built in the area.

    Is there anybody on phuket experienceing the same, and in what area?


    Dig it deeper, not too expensive its your best bet things won't get better :o

  8. Some of the more classy(!) Thai karaoke bars are festooned with strings of christmas lights that use leds, as opposed to the standard filament bulb. The light produced is a very intense red or blue, and looks quite pretty. I want to buy some for my hotel, but have no idea who sells them.

    I've asked at the karaoke bars, but the managers are never there and the staff profess ignorance. The shop under Big C doesn't stock them either...But someone must be selling them to these bars!

    Any suggestions??


    Ground floor Big C electric store at far right end :o

  9. Takes place on the following dates:

    SATURDAY 22/03/08 - 12:00 UNTIL LATE

    SUNDAY 23/03/08 - 14:00 UNTIL LATE

    Happy Easter to you all.

    Kan Win :D

    P.S. and please try to keep the noise down with the "Font"'s and your shouting in your posts. We are not all blind :D BTW :D I Kan Read :D

    If its free he can shout Why not? :o

  10. I Was driving along yesterday when the pick up in front of me, carrying builders, screeched to a halt. Two fellas jump out and run across the road carrying bamboo sticks, and dive in to the bushes. Being a nosy sod, and seeing as there was no vehicles coming up behind me, I stopped behind them and waited to see what they were up to. They both came out seconds later carrying very small lizards, probably only 6 inches, head to tail. I have been told that they are used as a tasty snack while drinking, as we in the west would eat peanuts. My question is: has any body seen them being prepared/cooked, has anybody eaten them and finally has anybody eaten anything else in Thailand that you don't normally see on the menu. I've seen several times on documentaries, snakes and crocs being eaten and always wanted to try them both. Anybody eaten either of those, and if so where, and what were they like.

    Well if you have been here a long time I think the answer is probably. Skin them take out the gutts and off with the head, dice up and cook same pork :o

  11. Viagra is just speed for your dick; the only reason it is legal is that the target market is flaccid old men.

    Whoops. My Doctor friend told me that you really dont need it, just change your partner every week !! seemed to work :o

  12. What great news! Ive been looking for a Thailand map for my Garmin for ages. All I could find last year was an unknown product at an rip-off price.

    It looks like this Rottweiler guy (who had his thread closed for commercial advertising) has good (locked) maps for USD 100. Routeable and, from today(!), fully searchable on the Nuvi.

    BTW, anyone who needs maps of Malaysia or Singapore could do worse than visit www.malsingmaps.com

    It's an enthusiasts' site. All maps are free.

    Their maps work in the chaos which is KL, so I'm impressed!

    My company provided me with a Garmin GPS system, it came complete with the Thai Map built in

    It is ALL english and precise to about 1 metre, it is also very up to date, and i notice it updates itself with new roads....

    it is now something i cannot live with out now... :o

    Thats what I need do you know where your company got the Garmin unit from ? :D

  13. I want to visit Phuket but can only dates I can manage overlap with Songkran??

    Are the bars, clubs, shops opne or are many shut down because staff retrun to visit their families??

    Don't want to show up and have everything closed.

    Open yes, pack your waterproofs :o

  14. Hey guys, becaue you guys seek more enjoyment out of making people unhappy, I'll keep it real. In a way I am happy that Thaksin is back. Not in the way that if he is back in power I will have a harder time finding people to work for me.

    have been quite happy since he left because I have no problem finding people to do my finishing work (most jewelry and other companies for that matter have moved to Vietnam). I imagine that most of you guys answering and listing on this website have a direct relationship to Thailand.

    Have you guys seen the inflation? Have you seen the people in the last 12 months? Have you been to Laos, Cambodia, Burma and first hand experienced the growth of tourists there, while looking at the decline here? I doubt it, since it must be really tough being negative 100% of the time.

    I welcome Thaksin back, he will only do this country good. Or maybe I'm wrong with a country that relies on the majority of it's income from exports. Maybe you geniuses can figure out how a strong baht relates to exports.

    Well I know the £ is down to 63 Baht from 70+ 3 months ago and that affects me ! and yes if the Baht is strong then exports will be expensive and difficult to place, but Thaksin's return I dont know! I will wait and see! :o

  15. Hi, every year I go patong and take my life in my own hands by hiring a scooter for a month, this time going in April so may be quieter. Not once have I managed to get any insurance, does anyone know if the situation has changed or is it just not worth getting as yet?


    Get a good travel insurance that could save your life, get you treated in hospital or your remains sent home. for third party damage the police will tell you how much to pay. no insurance for that, not that's worth anything anyway, drive carefully my friend..... :o

  16. Ban on Cell phone driving to take effect on May 8th

    The Traffic Police Office has declared that the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) has passed the 8th draft of the land transport act which contains a regulation concerning the use of mobile communication devices while driving.

    The law will ban the use of mobile phones while driving unless assisted by a hands free device and will take effect 90 days after its publishing in the Royal Gazette.

    The law is set to go into full swing on May 8th and will entail a 400-1000 baht fine for transgressors. Citizens who use their cell phones while driving will be subject to road blocks similar to those used in speed checks.

    The law details that all mobile communication devices must not be held or touched during driving and must have hands free devices attached.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 14 Febuary 2008

    The TV on the dashboard next, :o

  17. Bakersfield is one of those armpits you drive throuh on the way to go snowboarding and skiing in Mammoth. I think there is a Denny's there.

    There might be some man made lakes up there too.with the kind of place where river rats go on a day off like sunday to tear it up.

    I have heard that Thai Visa is full of mostly expats from the Uk, it was actually a complaint made ....about this forum however I feel it is pretty international.

    Yes I think mostly from the UK we have this thing about colonising places :o

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