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Everything posted by zhounan

  1. There's a new term in the village, you should know it, it's "influence for hire". It's a subliminal weapon, soft power ones, but still a weapon.
  2. Promote Lamyai Haithongkham TAT's President. She knows how to attract tourists in Thailand.
  3. Every article mentions studies should starts in this way: "A recent study written by...financed by..." Based on these two infos, we will decide whether it is credible or bull<deleted>. Trust Era is Ended.
  4. No, just 1/4 of it gone mad. The rest 3/4 is still quite rational; I mean, at least they know what a man and a woman is.
  5. It is either diversity or it is equality.
  6. Idiots, if they had extorted money from a farang at most they would have risked transfer.
  7. Comrade, don't create unnecessary problems for yourself. You never know what's inside Thai people's brain; many of them often have a behind motive for every action.
  8. I keep a bunch of them under one foot of my desk to keep it balanced. The woodworker made my desk with a shorter foot.
  9. Intellectuals, especially scholars, love to use catchphrases literally in every context. This tendency exploded after chalk was abandoned in favor of PowerPoint. They probably think it's cool and creative.
  10. Probably written by some marketing and PR corporate agencies dedicated to free trade and globalisation. I remember a few years ago Mr. Dr. Ph. D His Majesty Her Excellency Piti complaining about American "protectionism" and "tariffs" who he said were protecting US citizens, to the detriment of exporters around the emerging world (but he kept that second sentence in mind). Globalization has created a mindset that Western countries must import as much as possible from emerging countries, and if maybe one day you say, "no, thanks, I can make my own toothpicks," that's when the wild crying starts. One conviction unites all these cosmopolitan and liberal Asian gentlemen: they are convinced that China will import all their manufacturing surplus without, however, noting that 29. baht gets you a product from China to Bangkok.
  11. Dedollarization is on the way. Loading Yuanization...
  12. Sugar is considered one of the refined 5 white poisons: white rice, salt, milk, sugar and flour.
  13. The salient question is: did he at least bang the lady or did he just drink beer till fall asleep?
  14. Just another mysterious fall from the balcony.
  15. Sugar is one the biggest problem in Thailand.
  16. They are too focused on banning and censoring those who do real information.
  17. When your electric drill has discharged, the woman can take ten more with no problem, while yours is there waiting to recharge for at least an hour. We have the physical strength. Women have the sexual stamina. From this point of view, women destroy us. If your woman die on the bed after your drill discharged, it means she's either teasing you, has more important things to do, or doesn't have any other drills at her disposal.
  18. The best age is when your sexual life is at peak. Thailand is packed of 20~40 years old unsatisfied and naughty ladies ready to teach you how to do things and be a man. Passed the peak you need money.
  19. Let's do a reality check, okay? When you end up focusing all your energy, your attention and your actions on defining what woman/man are, or throwing tomato soup on paintings, welcoming immigrants with barely naked dancers, pulling down statues, painting your daily life with multicoloured flags, promoting abuses and killings etc., you end up - among other things - lose control over raw materials (including those to produce drugs). We shouldn't blame China if our societies are becoming Sodom and Gomorrah and lost the right trajectory.
  20. Allow me to disagree. "Precious media" and "cloud" are incompatible words, as long as the cloud is owned by you.
  21. I am a professional photographer. I have lived from archiving all my career. If you'll allow me one advice: always keep two identical hard drives, never trust one.
  22. Let's be serious, the thought of settling in Thailand in those who are truly rich does not pass for a second. The nexus Quality expat-Thailand is a myth. If I were rich I would live in Sardinia, Spain, Greece, certainly not Thailand.
  23. I guess they plan to discuss another free trade agreement to impoverish the masses.
  24. We are in no position to judge or advise Thai society how to crackdown on drug use, because our Western societies literally swim in an ocean of drugs of all kinds.
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