You can't buy friends with money.
You can't reach happiness leaving your homeland to relocate in Thailand.
It's sad to be in Thailand without friends, without relatives, without sons and leaving your hopes to a stranger Thai.
The first thing I asked myself was why do we need to know the name of the "victim"? Did Khun Treerat Sirichantaropas by any chance pay the "journalist" for publicity?
Just fear mongering. Pushing the fear machine you'll let peasants accept whatever they won't accept in a normal condition. Goebbels described these techniques very well.
Having established the fact that Chinese girls are now the most attractive women, this doesn't mean that you have to smash them to the ground because they won't let you smell their strawberry.
He's in Italy and would like to learn some basic Thai phrases to communicate with his little cousin, my son.
Do you know if there is an app similar to Duolingo so based on a gaming approach?
Thank you.