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Posts posted by webworldly

  1. Hi guys.....I really blew it on the clarity of this question. I regret that and wish to apologize. I'll also give the question another try.....here goes:

    When I was speaking with her today...I was able to take note of how she pronounced her name in English. She said it over the phone and it sounded like, "Hannah".

    My problem is, I doubt that the way I would spell her name (based on how she pronounced it) is right. So what I'm asking is.....if a Thai woman said her name was "Hannah" (that's the pronunciation).....how would it likely be spelled? I want to email her....so I'd like to know how to go about spelling her name in English, not Thai.

    An example would be....I know someone else whose name sounds like "At eeeee porn". That's how it's pronounced. But she spells it (in English)....Atiporn. I would have never guessed that.

    OK.....so how do you think Ms. Hannah chooses to spell her name in English?

  2. Greetings! :-)

    I spoke with someone today and would like to follow up with an email to her. I know how to say her name....but I forgot to ask how to spell it. :-(

    Her name is pronounced...."Hannah". Well, that's how it sounds from a Western perspective.

    I'm sure the Thai spelling is quite different. Can you help me with your best guess how I might spell the Thai version of "Hannah" in English? Sorry if that sounds confusing. What I'd like is an English spelling....but spelled the way she would probably write her name. I doubt it would be exactly the same as, "Hannah".

    Make sense?



  3. 1. Teaspoon = ช้อนชา

    2. Tablespoon = ช้อนโต๊ะ or ช้อนคาว

    I do want to mention that a tablespoon can also be referred to as ช้อนคาว (chaawn khaao), which if you are looking at transliterated thai words, ช้อนชา (chaawn chaa) and ช้อนคาว (chaawn khaao) can look similar. I am learning thai myself, but in this situation, I think it really helps that I learned the thai alphabet first.

    I have never heard a thai person say ช้อนคาว "chawwn khaao" for tablespoon. I have only heard them say ช้อนโต๊ะ "chaawn dto". I have, however, seen ช้อนคาว "chawwn khaao" in thai recipes before.

    Thailanguagestudent, Yee, Neeranam....thank you so very much! I am now well equipped to cook delicious recipes! (OK, they may not be delicious, but at least they will have the right amount of ingredients in them....lol!!!)

    And Thailanguagestudent.....it looks like you've made fantastic progress in your Thai studies...well done. :-)



  4. Greetings :-)

    I was at the "old" airport in Bangkok (Don Muang) and they had a store inside the airport that sold foods from something called (this probably isn't exact) The Royal Project Foundation. It was all natural, healthy, fresh food....wonderful stuff!

    Is there a location in Phuket where I can buy from them?

    Specifically, I'm looking for the unprocessed flax seed (also called Linseed) that I bought there. Does anyone know where to find Flax or Linseed in Phuket?



  5. Thank you, Pepe. My local GNC is hyper expensive. I'd really prefer to find someone who sells either the leaves, powder, or liquid without GNC's markup. And with the help I received in this thread.....I think I'm on my way!

    I appreciate the tip on the home done extraction process. Very interesting. :-)



  6. BambinA....your thorough information helps more than I could have hoped. I am eager to complete the order and be in Stevia heaven! Thank you so much for taking the time not just to respond....but to post the links, the store address, and the phone number. Awesome!!

    Happy7....just like you, I plan to use it as a non-blood sugar raising sweetener. It's been a few days since your post....have you taken the plunge and tried it yet? How'z it?



  7. Just in case, you should have anything to do with that establishment, the term "Blue Diamond" has just been added to the list of terms that'll go right into a folder called "spam". Depending on my mood, I might open it, or I might click on "Mark all as read" - whereby anything referring to "Blue Diamond" will never enter my event horizon.... Hope this help.

    Cyberstar....I don't understand the message of your post. Just so I'm clear....did I do something wrong?



  8. The Blue Diamond restaurant in Chiang Mai has stevia available as an alternative sweetener. Whole leaves.

    'satiwia' is just the way a Thai person would read out the word 'stevia'.

    Meadish.....as usual....you rock! Thank you.



  9. Hi I bought some in the Hmong Village up in Doi Suthep the other day. Not sure if this helps.

    Hey Happy7......you bet that helps! Thank you. Two questions if you're still around on this thread. First, is the place you describe in Bangkok or somewhere else? Second, what form was the stuff in....whole leaf with stem, just leaf, powder, or liquid?

    Hmmm....and I'm curious....what do you like to use it for?



  10. Greetings....does anyone know where the following sweetener (used as a substitute for sugar) can be purchased? Best if in Phuket....but for starters anyone anywhere (Bangkok maybe?) would help.

    The sweetener is known as "Stevia" in the USA....and it seems that in Thailand it is known as "satiwia, หญ้าหวาน (ya wan, or sweet grass in Bangkok)"



  11. HEY HEY HEY!!!!

    It's Happy Chestnut Friday :-)

    She came from Tops with 3 prepackaged pouches (100 grams each) of roasted Chinese chestnuts. The packaging is written almost entirely in Chinese with some English on it that is obscured by the mandatory Thai language version sticker. The only ingredient is "chestnuts"....no additives, preservatives, etc.

    Price appears to be 42 BAHT for each pouch. (The receipt in in Thai.)

    Best of all....they're yummy!!

    I appreciate all of the interest and help along the way from everyone here. "We" did it, gang!



  12. Hey all :-)

    Here's the latest on the hunt for Chestnuts. I spoke to her on the phone....read the English phonics version of Meadish's post....and she indicated she understood. Rain prevented us from meeting on Monday, so we have rescheduled for Friday. What shows up in the bag will be interesting to see. Let's hope either way....it's something yummy! :-)

    Too early to know if we're victorious, but I'll update once the verdict is in. Thank you again!



  13. Meadish...and Totster, Expat4life........thank you very much!

    I'm going to read what Meadish wrote to her over the phone on Sunday and I've got high expectations that because of all of your help I'll be good to go on Monday.

    Chestnuts.....here we come!

    Have a great weekend, folks.....thank you again.



  14. You guys rock! Thank you so much...especially because I wasn't nearly as clear as I should have been in my OP.

    What I'd like to say is....

    "Please buy the chestnuts that come prepackaged in plastic pouches and are sold in the same aisle as the other packaged fruits.....which is a different part of the store than where fresh fruit are sold."

    I don't mind if they are imported or not....I'm just thankful to have any Chestnuts for this one recipe I want to try out on Monday.

    She's not going to be able to read the Thai version before she goes to Tops, so I need to read it to her over the phone. Can you provide the "English pronunciation" for that sentence?



  15. Greetings.....there is someone who has offered to go to Tops Marketplace for me on Monday.....she only speaks Thai....and I have a chance to speak with her one more time before she goes.

    I'd like her to buy a few packages of "chestnuts". They are sold this time of year only in the aisle where all the packaged fruits (dehydrated fruits and stuff) are sold.


    How can I describe to her what I'd like her to buy?

    I would need an English based pronunciation of the Thai words to use....since she won't be here to read a true Thai version of what to say.

    OK...a bit of a weird request, I know. Your help is GREATLY appreciated!



  16. i smell a troll........lol.

    works fine from viktory monument area.

    Ha! No troll here, friend. :-)

    Among others, these are a few sites that were down for several hours...and are now intermittently inaccessible (sometimes on, sometimes off):



    Before I get flamed for this update, please note that both of these work now (this very moment), but neither worked for several hours earlier today....and neither worked as I started writing this updated post.

    Anyone else having issues?



  17. I may be pressing my luck....but do you know of any specific ones that will give 60 minutes of power to a laptop computer, a second computer monitor (not a 2nd computer...just a monitor also attached to the laptop), and a little router device?

    The lap-top should already have an integral battery back-up so only the monitor will need UPS.

    Hey Yorkie.....ya' know.....I hadn't considered that. Very cool...so by only attaching the external monitor and the DSL router....and maybe a table lamp....to the UPS...and not having to attach the actual computer....even a base level UPS should provide an hour or so of operating time. Nice! Thank you for pointing that out.



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