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Posts posted by webworldly

  1. Hey Donna......thank you for the laugh!! :-)

    Because they are so yummy.....I would think they are indeed popular with Thais and foreigners alike. But, that said.....I only see one cart selling them anywhere between Bumrungrad and Sukhumvit 10. That's a big area...and for most other foods there are many different vendors. For the tasty lil' crepes, however....there's only one. And he's never busy when I'm walking by.

    Any idea why?



  2. Thank you, "blue eyes"......and "who, me". Your pictures made me hungry! :-)

    The second pic......from blue eyes.......that's the item I've been wondering about. WOOHOO!!! I thought the white creamy stuff was marshmallow....but an earlier poster informed me that it is coconut cream.

    These go for about 2baht apiece, right?

    In terms of desserts........are they very popular with Thai people?



  3. Hi Maccaroni Man......that's a good question. Truth be told, my starting point for the calculation was based on thinking that wherever I located.....regardless of rent.....if I need more than 100 customers per day just to break even....I'm probably in too expensive an area. And since my concept fits just in the dessert niche.....specifically, no full meal menu...and since it would be my first go in Thailand.....I'm hoping to sort it out so that I'm in a good location and can still at least break even at 100 customers per day. Then, as I refine, improve, and evolve the concept with real customers.....I'd be looking to expand the projected customer count for any future outlets.

    Sound reasonable or no?



  4. Hey! anyone know about this new natural sweetener from stevia leaves as sugar substitute(50% less calories) branded "greensweet", can be used for cooking, baking and also hot&cold beverages. i found it at Villa Market ---> good to try and good for your health too especially anyone who want to reduce sugar intake by not using chemical like aspartame.

    KittyCat ;-)

    Hey Namwan.....I saw that, too....at Villa Market. Check the ingredients....if I recall correctly it is over 95% sugar (maltodextrin) and less than 5% Stevia. If so, that's something to consider if you're sugar sensitive.

    Good luck to you. :-)



  5. Greetings!

    For a "dessert / sweets" shop that is to feature baked dessert treats (no bread, just cookies and sweet stuff)....and will also serve coffee....desired average ticket of 80baht or so.....needing 100 customers a day to break even....what part of Bangkok would be best and how much seating would be required?

    Thank you in advance for your input. You guys are the entrepreneurial gurus.....I'm not even a wanna' be yet.



  6. Hi! :-)

    What is the name of this dessert that I frequently see made by street vendors.......they take a base that sort of looks like a very thin piece of fortune cookie (sorry, I know that isn't Thai....but it's the only way I know to describe it).....then they put a white cream in the center of it....then they add some orange shreds of something....then the fold it over and serve it.

    I know that isn't much to go off of.....but can you help identify what it's called?

    Also....what's the normal street price for this....and how many "pieces" of it should you get for that price?

    Thank you very much....in advance. :-)



  7. Some of these agreements include the shop owner providing access to electrical power or leaving the outside lighting on until an agreed time at night.

    Farma.....that's an interesting point. I've often wondered who pays for the electricity and the upkeep of the power lines, etc......required to power the stalls that run on electric power. I gotta' say, I'm fascinated by the whole street stall / cart "industry".



  8. Try googling.

    Hey Patsycat......yuperoo.....I'm a big time Googler, and I did in fact make use of it this time. Almost everything I found was simply travel booking sites trying to push their offerings. I'm hoping to hear from real people....like you :o .....with their own experiences and recommendations.

    Tell ya' what....I'll go back to Google again while I wait for the next reply. Deal?



  9. Hey Thomsat....that is truly sound advice. Great stuff....especially the bit about the HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).....very astute of you to include the benefit that this type of exercise continues to burn calories long after the end of the relatively "short" workout.

    I'd love to see more great tips like that......and that said, I'd still like to hear an update from any of our SERC taking friends. How's SERC doing for ya'? How long have you been taking it? What dosage and time(s) of day?



  10. Wow!!! This thread was a little slow in developing....and I thought it was about over when talk turned to "stomach pumping"....lol!!.......but, the most recent comments have really brought it back to where I had hoped it would go. Thank you! Keep it up and bring on more "sweet treat" opinions and advice.




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