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Posts posted by webworldly

  1. You can get a good local UPS with USB connection and software for around 2,000 baht. An APC will be at least twice that price.

    Hey Phil...thank you, sir. Any advice on a particular store to buy one? I'm not trying to drag this thread on...just trying to maximize the efficiency of the shopping trip. I love computers.....as for shopping....not so much. :-)



  2. UPS means Un-interruptable Power Supply.

    Most computer units will supply 400w for about 10 minutes.

    Larger units are available, and have large lorry batteries.

    Depending on the load and capacity they may run for 2-3 hours.

    This is the unit I have, batteries not included; :o


    Hey Astral...thank you again for the response. And your power supply looks like it could light up an entire city block.....ha!!



  3. Very cool.....and thank you for the quick and very instructive replies!! I'll go have a look.

    I may be pressing my luck....but do you know of any specific ones that will give 60 minutes of power to a laptop computer, a second computer monitor (not a 2nd computer...just a monitor also attached to the laptop), and a little router device?

    Maybe an extra large APC?


  4. Greetings!

    Rainy season is here...woohoo!!

    When the power suddenly and unexpectedly goes out...it can cuase problems for some electrical devices (computers especially). In other parts of the world I've seen a device sold in electronics stores that acts like a battery of sorts. It gives you between 30 minutes to an hour's worth of stored power for one or two small other devices you choose to plug into it.

    It's not a "generator"....doesn't run on gasoline or anything like that. You just plug this thing into the wall....and the on board "battery" charges. Then, if the power goes out....you have however long the battery life lasts for and during that time...the one or two devices you have plugged into it will still have power.

    OK....that's a pretty bad description. Sorry. But my question is.....where can I buy one of these in Thailand? Anywhere you know of in Bangkok? What about Phuket?



  5. My brother in law owns a chicken farm that turns out 400,000 Units per 45 day cycle. That's from chick to two kg's in 45 days. :D

    The farm is under liscense from CPF foods company. They supply so many anti-biotic and growth hormone substances to add to the food that the mind boggles. My brother in law swears he would never eat a chicken grown on his farm. :o



    Yikes, Soundman.....that is a "stomach churning" (lol!) report. I'm wondering if there are any other perspectives yet to come on this thread, or if the consensus is going to end up with as dire an outlook on the "healthfulness" of local grown veggies and meat.

    Anyone with a more positive outlook (based on facts)?



  6. Greetings!

    I hope that you find this to be an interesting question / thread.

    After posting a similar question regarding vegetables in the farmer's forum....and after seeing the rather scary responses (indicating lots of pesticides are used on the veggies)....my mind turned to meat.

    'Cause me luuuuuvs me chicken and fish!

    My question is.....at the local open air markets....is the chicken and fish different in terms of source (where it comes from) and is it different in quality than chicken or fish from "super markets" like Tops, Tesco, or Carrefour?

    Regarding the local market chicken and fish....what (if any) "unnatural" agents do you think might be used in the process from "seed to market"? For instance, are the chickens pumped full of steroids?

    Hmmmm.....and as for the fish.....is it "farm raised" (fish breeding farms)...or is it, for the most part, caught straight from the ocean?

    Any other thoughts on the "non beef" meats here? (chicken and fish)



  7. Very valid question - Wash all veggies you purchase from markets before eating. That's putting it diplomatically.

    Use of pesticides in Thailand is so high it borders on been criminal - and treat "organic" statements with caution & suspicion.


    Wow! Maizefarmer.....that's so different than I thought (hoped?) the response would be. I pictured local farmers doing less "unnatural" stuff to their crops than what in my mind I pictured the larger commercial farms using.

    Not so, eh?

    Can you share a bit more as far as specifics?



  8. Greetings!!

    I'm hoping one of our farmers here can help answer a question. I'd like to know about the use of pesticides used in the production process (from seed all the way to market) for the average vegetable lot sold at the average outdoor market. (Things like Kat Na, Marat, No Mai Fa Long, Broccoli, etc.)

    How heavy (if at all) is the use of any "stuff" that is harmful to human health is used along the way? What (if any) are those things? Hmmm....any additional thoughts related to this would also be appreciated.

    I luuuuuuuvs me veggies!



  9. If you can help with the Thai characters....and if possible.....an English written sorta' pronunciation.....it would be soooo appreciated.

    Extra Virgin Olive Oil น้ำมันมะกอกชนิดบริสุทธิ์พิเศษ (NumMun Makork Chanid Borrisud Piset)

    But i think it's not necessary for you to know the Thai words . Just go to the Oil's shelf. It's lebeled in English.

    the label was in English .


    Many thanks! This is exactly what I needed. You rock. :-)



  10. Greetings!

    I can't seem to find a store directory (even if it's not complete or "final") for the Jungceylon Shopping Center.

    Anyone know where to find one?



    I just googled it and its there. Is that not what you want?

    Hey rak sa_ngop....thank you for the reply. I don't know what to say. I am not a Google newbie, and yet what I see when I Google "jungceylon store directory" is nothing as far as an actual list of the names of the shops in the mall (which is what I really want). I also looked all over the jungceylon.com website....and there's nothing there (as far as I caould see) either.

    I just want a list (hopefully by category) of the shops in the mall.

    Care to help out one more time with a link? Please? :-)



  11. Just my quickie...."two cents".

    I bought a wireless keyboard / mouse combo at Power Buy. Got home....it didn't work as well as I had hoped. I took it back, my Thai speaking acquaintance with me to help convey my thoughts and request for a refund......and 10 minutes later I left with cash in hand. Literally, they took cash straight from the drawer...and only required a handwritten refund form.

    All in all....a good experience as it relates to the refund.

    That said, for computer parts, there is a smaller shop in CF.....I can't remember the name but it is down the corridor from Power Buy...on the right hand side.....and past a barber shop (which is on the opposite side) if memory serves. They built an external hard drive for me....and were verrrrrrrrrrry knowledgeable about all things computer related.

    Hope this helps. :-)



  12. Since arriving in Thailand around two years ago, I have been scouring the supermarkets for real thick genuine

    'greek style' yogurt, made with ordinary full fat cows milk.

    Nearest I found so far is one in Villa Supermarket on Ploenchit, a large pot for around 4 euros, but it is still low fat and thickened with tapioca starch. Imported from Australia. Although nice, it is nowhere near as good as the real thing.

    Not thinking of eating it morning noon and night but the genuine stuff, made with full fat milk is incomparable to any other. Delicious for breakfast with honey drizzled over the top.

    HEY HEY HEY....finally something I can help with (sort of). Tops Marketplace has something very close. I don't recall the brand name, but it's a "set" yogurt....no other ingredients, no sweeteners, nuttin'. As close to traditional as you'll find.

    If that won't work.....you can make your own pretty easily. Google it for recipes.



  13. Greetings!

    I am receiving SMS messages on my Nokia 6681. Since they are in Thai....they come through as nothing more than "weird box characters". What software do I need to be able to have the messages come through in Thai characters...which I can then have someone help me translate into English.

    To be clear...I don't really need "translation software". I just need software for my Nokia 6681 phone that allows the Thai SMS's to actually come through in Thai instead of garbled boxes and dashes.

    Can you help?

    Edit: I bought the SIM card for the phone here in Thailand....it is a "DTAC Happy SIM card".



  14. Greetings! :o

    I'd like to purchase a SIM card for a Nokia 6681 phone I have. K....no problem with that. :-)

    I just have a few quick questions:

    If I dial a "toll free number" (CAT Telecom / PHONE NET)....which is just four digits long (#1544) from my mobile phone....will there be a charge against the SIM card minutes? If so...about how much per call or per minute?

    If I receive an incoming call from overseas....will there be a charge against the SIM card minutes? If so....about how much per call or per minute?

    Is there a general consensus on the best SIM card provider to buy through in Phuket (Central Festival or Lotus hopefully)?



  15. Greetings!

    The DSL service for the computer I am using today is connected via a modem through the phone line. The result is that the internet speed is decent (850kb), but it makes it impossible to use the phone line at the same time as the modem is plugged in.

    To be clear, there is still a dial tone on the phone line when the internet modem is connected....but there is so much "noise" on the line (the unmistakable sound of the hissing that the modem makes) that you literally can't hear the person you are calling. I've used DSL services before, and none had this sort of problem....meaning, on all of the others you could easily talk on the phone and use the internet simultaneously.

    Do you know of some better way of achieving my goal of a high speed internet connection (the faster the better!) and being able to talk on the phone at the same time? Is there something different (hardware?) that would help the existing DSL connection be "more quiet"....or is there a different high speed internet service option (cable?)?

    Any ideas are much appreciated.



  16. HEY HEY HEY.....that indeed helps improve my day. :-)

    Thank you, BambinA



    I'm happy that you are happy

    BTW "Luk" pronouce like look /luke

    or you just print this word in TH ลูกซัด

    Cool....I'll give it a shot! Thank you again.



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