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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 43 minutes ago, Shiver said:

    Do you mean move on pedo's? ???? Of course, pedo doesn't necessarily mean what many assume it to be.  There was a pediatrician in UK some time back had bricks through his window because people misunderstood his job.

    No, I mean that the two persons in this story are acting like children.


    Regarding the pediatrician. Think about that it was in the UK, the land where most things are severely misunderstood.

  2. 1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

    Normally when any treatment, dressing changing or something similar medical practice takes place relatives/visitors are asked to leave the area to ensure no contamination takes place from outside sources.

    As far as "the finger starting to rot" I think is a bit extreme... maybe a slight infection is what was meant.
    Rotting would mean the wound was not properly treated or dressed and not checked periodically to ensure correct healing?

    Ok, might be different in your world. I´ve had two children in hospitals and born in Thai hospitals, and never ever had a nurse asking anybody to leave when removing a drip.

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  3. As you will have to go in to a shop to sign the cancellation in person and there will be a minimum of a 1 month time for the cancellation to go into effect. Why don´t ask in the shop when you sign? They will probably give you the best and the right answer.

  4. 1 hour ago, Vacuum said:

    At the age of 16, they think they're the smartest on the planet. Probably met a boyfriend and thought; this is the way to go. Pregnant next year and bf disappears,next move would be to dump the baby with her parents and head for Pattaya...

    I can see that you like to blame the female sex for everything bad. What about all the boys that just makes girls pregnant without taking their resposibility? You know, these guys that do not know how to firmly attach a condom.

    And just for your information, it´s just a small percent of the girls that take off to Pattaya in the line of work you are meaning. Just guess that shows what experience of Thailand you have.

  5. 4 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Actually i see it as no such thing. I see it as learning about responsibility. I knew what i could skip and what not. I never failed always top marks of the class. 


    Though of course not everyone is like me so can't really say it will always work out that way. But 4MyEgo seems to have turned out good. The other side of the medal is of course people who lack discipline and abuse the chance to skip and mess up their whole education. 


    Hard, as usual the good will suffer under the bad as its hard to differentiate between both.

    Nah, not so hard to differentiate. Just that the same rules should go for all that studies something. One of those is attending lessons, otherwise they should be put on the fail list. That was one of the things needed to not fail in my school. Also brought something called disciplin into my life, that tells me the value of not skipping out of things I do not like while others need to go through it.

  6. 6 minutes ago, fhickson said:

    thats all you do is sit around and drink beer.


    get out, man up, and get some exercise and a job you fat fuk.

    I know it 5uck5! Some people have to work. Me on the other hand, can just look at people doing that. With a beer in my hand. Not fat, due to that I have interests like going to gym, mma and other fun sports you know. Hey, you should try living my life sometimes. By all means, don´t stretch your budget, boy. ????

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  7. 1 hour ago, pookondee said:

    Maybe the people reacting are aware of what corporate greed brings?


    The more wages go up, the more likelyhood the cost living goes up exponentially, since retailers and big business have the perfect excuse to raise prices.


    Will do nothing to help the wage slaves.

    They might get an extra 10-20 baht but everything they buy has the potential to go up 5baht

    And in what part of the world is the same practise not beeing used? What you just said is that it doesn´t matter how much rise workers get, because the prices go up as well. So, then it has nothing to do with the amount then, right?

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