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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 4 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Time to end the hypocrisy. It's the same argument as for drugs. Experience shows for both drugs and prostitution, in countries where they are decriminalized, the crime rate goes down significantly, because criminals can no longer profit from either.

    The bar girls from Isaan could choose to stay in the rice fields, working for a subsistence wage. Everyone makes choices, many are made on the basis of money. Bar girls have the option of refusing a client if he is too drunk, sweaty or aggressive.

    Some women are clearly unsuited for sex work. For some, it's just a job. Others take to it with enthusiasm. The ones that don't like it usually back out quickly.

    Are you arguing prostitution should continue to be illegal? Who gains from that, except criminals and corrupt law enforcement?


    No, if you do not chose to read my post in the wrong way, I never posted that prostitution should continue to be illegal. Where did you get that from?

    What i wrote is that it´s is not a victimless crime as it is today. There are many many girls that force themselves into this line of work, only because of poor education and need of money to send home. The whole system is wrong from start. Where I grew up, and I assume that also goes for you, it´s the parents that works for their children so they can get a good start in life. That is just not a part of the culture here, and a very big underlying factor that creates and feed the prostitution.


    So, what I am saying is that it is many times not a victimless crime, even if the customers feels like that and that all seems fine. I can not care less about if it continues to be illegal or if it is legalised. That was not my point.

    As you say, of course crime rate will go down if prostitution is legalized. That speaks for itself. However, I wonder if it is the real significant crime rate you are talking about or if a big part of the down is form the fact that it just for example is no need to arrest the 24 000 no more.

  2. 1 hour ago, animalmagic said:

    The EU, albeit in a German controlled fascist form, would have come into existence approximately 80 years ago were it not for America's intervention; and Britain standing alone against the subjugation and control of Europe by one nation.

    So, then something else than The EU, would have come into existence approx. 80 years ago. Because you just posted that fact, the rest of your reply just lost it´s foundation.

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  3. 1 hour ago, animalmagic said:

    The attached quote from the article would suggest you are wrong re the laws being enforced - 

    'More than 24,000 people were arrested, prosecuted and fined for sex work-related offences in Thailand last year, according to the Royal Thai Police.'

    The problem is the law is enforced selectively and gives others the leverage and power to force the sex workers to comply with their wishes.

    To me it does not make any difference if the laws are enforced in the wrong way or not at all. To me that is same and equally worng.

  4. I would not play for the money, but put them into stock market in land based gambling. Here we have casinos and resorts of great magnitude that has been closed and lost their value on the stock market. What you really can trust is that both virtual and land based gambling is coming back. That as well as a certain expansion prognosed until 2030 makes it a sure bet. But be sure to only invest in the big and established hotel and casino groups. 

    For example Century Casinos, Caesars and Las Vegas Sands. All are chosen from the American gambling market, due to that is the one that are growing fastest in the world at present time. Mean that you are making money on gambling instead of gambling the money away. ???? 

    If you want a real ride, then you go for 25% in the Colombian gambling market as well.

    • Haha 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

    Come on, why would they announce an extension of the amnesty after it's already expired? I realize that in Vietnam, they announced an extension of their amnesty on the day of expiration, but not afterwards.


    So no. Instead, I foresee a possibility of some leniency with regards to getting people back in status since there are apparently still so many foreigners left in the country who haven't extended their stays or departed yet. And clearly only a certain fraction will be able to do so by Saturday. 

    You know I posted it in the Farang Pub Fun Forum instead of the Thai Visas section, right? Do you somewhere read a bit of sarcasm, or?

  6. Here we are! It has been a lot of talk about possible extension of the still ongoing amnesty. Some people call it a dream, while others cling to pure illusions of hope.


    Where are we know? Is it finally over or is it going to be a round more, like Mike Tyson said after spitting out Evanders ear?

    How many of you out there in the dark world of reality is holding on to the last hope?


    Is there going to be a back flip on the 29th of september where all overstays are cancelled and a retroactive amnesty is going into effect?

    If so, how long will it last?



    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

    5 people in the whole strip is not dead?? Big LOL that. 


    You just love an argument don't you. But I understand, your life is very boring, I get it.

    Ok, I get it! If the doctor say that you have a deadly disease and give you 3 month left, then you will say you are dead already. Good Luck finding you topless bar full of punters. ???? 

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