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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. One thing I wonder about after reading this news, is how all the non believers is going spin it this time? A while ago it was the other way around, and Thailand was put on the list of countries in UK that needed to go in to quarantine. Then all the brits here posted that was because Thailand have lied and manipulated that Covid-19 results. How is it now??? Was UK wrong? Now Thailand is on the safe list. How come? 

    I think it is because the UK were so depressed of it´s own poor results, so they just needed to punish the rest of the world. However, it´s now nice to read that they got a little bit back of common sense in their decisions. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, polpott said:

    How would immigration in the UK know that I'd been to Dubai? On arrival I present my passport to a reader and walk through the gate. No questions asked and my passport doesn't show my entry into Dubai. Technically, transfer passengers don't enter the country.



    That´s wrong! Even if you do not have a stamp in your passport, you will still have a digital travel trace in your passport, as it´s scanned at every arrival. So, you can be sure they know where you have been as well as that you will get 14 days of beautiful quarantine if the country is not on the list. Problem solved! ???? 

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  3. 11 hours ago, Dene16 said:

    I think you are missing the point? 

    Why should i get an STV which will nullify my present extension of stay. 

    They forced me/others into getting the OA visa years ago which i had no problem with. Now they are declaring it useless but when this is all over, no doubt, they will declare that i need to have it again.

    Your answer to the problem involves extending the STV 2 times

    I am only in Thailand 3/4 months at any one time so my problem is not solved

    Applying for a Non O is only worth it if you are not subject to the 90 day border runs, not everyone is in that position. Ie marriage/dependant

    You post is confusing. At the end you are talking about not a subject to 90 day border runs???? And you are only mentioning marriage and dependant??? But you have a Non-OA, which means you are over 50 years old, which is the age for retirement in Thailand. Mean you can later apply for a Non-O and extend that at the same time as you are not a subject to any 90 day border runs. Only subject to 90 day reporting, same as with your Non-OA.

    Also it´s confusing that you say they forced you into Non-OA. That´s not possible. You have the free choice of Non-O, All the tourist visas as well as Non-OA or other long stay 5 and 10 years visas/extensions. Why do you say that they forced you into something?


    So, I know that you will lose your present extension, but that is the only bad thing that would happen. In other word, you will lose 2000 baht. If you do not think it´s worth that much t come back to Thailand? Yeah, then I just believe you have to make the better choice and stay home then. 

  4. 11 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

    Oh we're used to it - 40 odd years of being in the EU has made sure of that! It is known as BOHICA - bend over, here it comes again!


    The various threats to prevent trade in foodstuffs between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK, together with the talk from Brussels of punitive tariff regimes designed to punish by damaging or even wrecking certain industries rather reveal the true nature of the beast!

    In about 3-5 years from now you will find the irony in your post. Trying to explain it now, would only make you go further in embarrassing yourself.

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  5. 13 minutes ago, dieter1 said:

    if this is a fact, it is a prove,on which level these clowns are playing - its Kindergarten level

    28 in a country with over 60 Mill. people ! How much did it cost to implement this sh..? start counting how many hours of manpower was used for this ! The one, who is responsible for this, should be transfered to the far east of Siberia.. or inner Mongolia ...

    Yep! Read it yourself.



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  6. 53 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Thaivisa notes that if this target is to be reached initially each of the tourists will have to spend a million baht or well in excess of $30,000 EACH per month.

    If Thai Visa thinks that, then Thai Visa can´t count. It´s directly understood that they have made the calculation on a nine month period, and therefore your initial calculation fails.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, transam said:

    So you cannot answer why you posted you hope the UK gets rid of its Queen.

    Why is that....?

    My opinion is that the royal institution in UK do not fill any function more than present the country in a bad way. That´s my opinion. If you have another, that´s fine. Stop bothering me now and go play with somebody else.

  8. 4 hours ago, Mattd said:

    I would imagine that the inference was more of those that are not currently in Thailand, are not married, do have retirement extensions and cannot, at the moment, return back to Thailand.

    It is, IMO, unfair and this really should be addressed, if a retiree has a one year EOS and a valid reentry permit, the government should be allowing them to return, with the condition of them doing the 15 day ASQ upon arrival.

    Sure, that is a fair solution. 

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  9. 3 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

    I think if women didn't take any risk getting to know a man they would end up lonely spinsters. The problem here is not to criticise the woman for knowing better it is all about the disgusting behaviour of the man. Every woman should take care of themselves of course but she still has the right to say no. Almost any other time any real man would not even think of forcing himself upon a woman, the problem is all about the man, thats the point I was making.



    Again I do not disagree with you. Just that the risk can be minimized by getting to know a person before advancing to fast. Mean you can meet and get to know each other a couple of times first. Actually, I do think that most ordinary men would see that as more attractive than a quick ride the first night.

    However, If is rape then he should be punished.

  10. 2 hours ago, Dene16 said:

    so as a retiree on a retirement extension, but out of the country.

    My only option is to return on the STV visa which will automatically nullify my OA extension thus forcing me to reapply (but an OA visa can not be applied for in Thailand)

    How hard would it of been for them to allow Longstayers/ people on extensions to re-enter Thailand on the present conditions

    It would not be hard, but you could re-enter on STV and then take the chance that they are open as usual after your 270 days. Then you can apply for a Non-O and extension on that. Problem solved.

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