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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Well I certainly wouldn't say I was "anybody", but I have never been harassed at Swampy, by punks or anyone else :)

    But I guess it helps if you are neither paranoid, nor obsessive :D

    Yes we know, you mention it on every thread along with your attempts to belittle those that have.

    So where would you classify yourself?

  2. From the beginning, the AOT has colluded with the transport mafia to fleece visitors.

    Remember, the original plan? They wanted to have zero taxis at the airport, insisting travelers take their 900 bt AOT taxi or lug your stuff onto a bus that take you to a taxi terminal, 3 kilometers away.

    Yes, that was the plan.

    They were then forced to provide taxi access but had them stationed on a different floor than arrivals...with no signs!

    Now, they allow a bunch of punks to harass anybody that doesn't take their service.

    Well I certainly wouldn't say I was "anybody", but I have never been harassed at Swampy, by punks or anyone else :)

    But I guess it helps if you are neither paranoid, nor obsessive :D

  3. They especially dislike foreign journalists that print the truth. They don't understand Thailand, blah, blah, blah.

    I was photographing the yellow riots for a while until they started the anti foreigner stuff at the rallies.

    Got uncomfortable. It was cool for a while then one day, many of them started questioning me, why I was there, a journalist?

    Same week, my Thai friends started warning me not to go there any longer. Dangerous for foreigners they said.

    That 's why it baffles me when I see the anti Thaksin-pro yellow people on here. They must be reading the local english newspapers(propaganda sheets).

    Read some banned books and you may not be so impressed with the head of team yellow.

    The sad thing is, there is very little difference between Yellow and Red, having read some of those banned books -it's not pleasant reading. In the end the current two factions are only interested in increasing their own wealth and grip on power, and to hel_l with everybody else.

    As for the don't understand Thailand, that's a lame excuse all to often used to defend the indefensible.

    Thaksin was a competent CEO. Owned 60 companies....and he had most of that money long before politics.

    Check his capitol gains vs the SET. Then check the head of team yellows account for that same period. Then get back to me.

    The buffoons that are running the show now, stole their way to the top.

    There are buffoons running the show (who have not yet been accused of wholesale corruption, or egregious breaches of human rights), and there are other buffoons, previously banned on TV for their obsessive focus, but who now post under another name.

    Eh! Serpico?

  4. Softwater are you thai, you seem to be siding with scammers which side are you on falang or thai. This guy has peoples lives in his hands when he is at work so i doubt very much he will be seeking in your words his 15 min fame. We all know what happens in a thailand if yoy stand your ground. The iffence you were not guilty od suddenly escalates and you find your self in prison waiting for a court date there goes your flight home your job might go as well when the employer knows your in a thai jail. So in reality you can only complain in the safety of your own country. What about the bike scam in patters where the girl jumps on the back of your bike and the local plod who just happens to be infront of you claims you have girl on bike you pay 500 bht no helmet even if she is thai your the stung because your falang. So stop siding with the enemy and support your fellow falangs if your not thai.

    This is probably the 'best' of the 'great posts' that have appeared in the last hour while I was off getting scammed for 15 baht (fifteen??! You mean it wasn't ten baht?! I know, I know....) by the Thai coffee lady (sister of the Thai Yakult scam girl no doubt, playing for big stakes in the 68 baht a-time game).

    What we're talking about here folks is critical reading - I never said there are no scammers in thailand, god they're everywhere, there's even a guy sat on the coffee table opposite me eyeing up my laptop as I type. What I'm talking about is the Danish guy in this story said the SKYTRAIN station at Siam Square, and the SKYTRAIN guards, not the overhead walkway at MBK and the cops. Even if he's confused, as someone plausibly points out above, as to what is or is not a skytrain station (duh...) or a cop (double duh...) my point stands that he didn't get taken off by skytrain guards and relieved of 10k in Siam Station; THAT is not plausible REPEAT: I didn't say being scammed wasn't plausible, I said being scammed like this in the Skytrain station isn't plausible, and if you use it regularly as I have for nearly everyday in the last six years, you'll know why I am saying this.

    If you read the OP properly, it implies this happened some time ago, even that he's been to Thailand since, so why's he suddenly talking about it now? Doesn't that make you even the slightest bit suspicious? All you people who believe everything you read just cos its in the newspaper, raise your left hand. Now use your right to type 'higher education' in google and get signed up for a course in practical reality.

    To people like this knob-brain above talking about 'the enemy' and 'which side are you on' I can only laugh, and say god, I hope you're happy in your life, cos you sound like a real sad sad b*st*rd. The only side I'm on is NOT YOURS.

    Good luck to you softwater - you will soon discover (if not already) that when some of the good posters of TV smell a scam of any description, logic, analysis, comprehension and critical thinking go out the window. :)

  5. There was a long and detailed post in the Airport section of the forum warning of the 'Excise Scam' but it was unfortunately spoiled by the usual suspects and closed by the mods.

    A shame, as it served as a good warning of what was really going on at the airport, even if some members are still in complete denial.

    If anyone has a link to it or any other it would be appreciated as I can't seem to find it.

    So many scams, but as usual the Saffron Tinted Specs Brigade will always defend it. I am sure the great Emperor Tud has been fully vindicate in his warnings.

    I have no doubt that when the history of Thai Visa is written, Mr Toad and Emperor Tud (and the good Oberkommando, plus PadThaiGuy - aka Serpico) will be right up there in the highlights :)

    Intelligent, thinking people will struggle to believe it is possible. :D

    Well that rules you out then, Jack!

    I've yet to see you make one constructive post to this thread, just an endless stream of cheap jibes at those posters trying to input something useful.

    There have been several useful comments on this thread, along with the multitude of other threads dealing with this subject.

    Unfortunately, they have been overwhelmed by the less than useful, and more so, the unthinking.

    I am smitten by your reference to my intelligence :D

  6. There was a long and detailed post in the Airport section of the forum warning of the 'Excise Scam' but it was unfortunately spoiled by the usual suspects and closed by the mods.

    A shame, as it served as a good warning of what was really going on at the airport, even if some members are still in complete denial.

    If anyone has a link to it or any other it would be appreciated as I can't seem to find it.

    So many scams, but as usual the Saffron Tinted Specs Brigade will always defend it. I am sure the great Emperor Tud has been fully vindicate in his warnings.

    I have no doubt that when the history of Thai Visa is written, Mr Toad and Emperor Tud (and the good Oberkommando, plus PadThaiGuy - aka Serpico) will be right up there in the highlights :)

    Intelligent, thinking people will struggle to believe it is possible. :D

    Thanks Jacksaprat, are you trying to accuse me of having two user names? :D

    2 user names - certainly not. I reserved that for serpico aka PTG.

    On the other hand, buffoon.....................hmm :D

  7. There seems to be some confusion amongst posters to this thread as to the guilt or innocence of the two British people. Let me make the following clear:

    - the King Power video is NOT conclusive evidence that the crime took place, regardless of what viewers think they see

    - the wallet was not found in the possession of either of the accused

    - there has been no security camera footage made available showing the accused dumping the wallet in the rubbish bin which is required as evidence that the wallet was in their possession

    Being that the KP video is not conclusive evidence and the wallet not being found in the accused possession the police rightly could not press charges as there is NO PROOF that the accused committed the crime. The accused have a document from the police or court rightly proclaiming their innocence.

    INNOCENCE, get it ? Meaning NOT GUILTY of committing the crime.

    Seems pretty simple really. I'd say in light of the statement King Power made public the two Brits could sue them for libel/defamation.

    Accepting that the 3 dot points you make above may be correct, are you cognisant with what other evidence the police may or may not have eg witnesses, statements/admissions?

    No - of course you are not.

    The fact that documents have been issued to demonstrate their "innocence" proves only 1 thing - that they have paid enough money to the correct people.

    I have no doubt King Power would welcome a law suit against them for libel/defamation. But we both know it ain't gunna happen - the Ingrams have far too much to lose.

    And that really is pretty simple.

    If this saga leads to a cleanup at the airport, I am all for it. But it will take long term change in Thailand before the culture of corruption is overcome.

    At the same time, hopefully the culture of reactionary and unthinking (ie totally lacking analysis) comments by contributors (most of them very recent) to Thai Visa will become a thing of the past.

    But I won't hold my breath - for either event.

  8. There was a long and detailed post in the Airport section of the forum warning of the 'Excise Scam' but it was unfortunately spoiled by the usual suspects and closed by the mods.

    A shame, as it served as a good warning of what was really going on at the airport, even if some members are still in complete denial.

    If anyone has a link to it or any other it would be appreciated as I can't seem to find it.

    So many scams, but as usual the Saffron Tinted Specs Brigade will always defend it. I am sure the great Emperor Tud has been fully vindicate in his warnings.

    I have no doubt that when the history of Thai Visa is written, Mr Toad and Emperor Tud (and the good Oberkommando, plus PadThaiGuy - aka Serpico) will be right up there in the highlights :)

    Intelligent, thinking people will struggle to believe it is possible. :D

  9. This thread is becoming so exciting, with post after breathless post from those calling for the resignation of the PM, links to the WCO, suggestions about the PM's priorities and his drinking problems, continuing accusations of a King Power conspiracy (or at least, a cover-up), future immigration laws requiring execution, paranoid tourists complaining about what didn't (but could have) happen(ed), etc, etc - and that's just the previous page :)

    Did I say exciting - sorry, I meant silly.



    Why are you shouting?

    Do you understanding the meaning of logic?

    You certainly seem to have a firm grip on drivel :D

  10. My Vision For The Future Of Thailand.

    An Essay by Somchai Wanawat, aged 12.

    My vision for Thailand is that it is a place where everyone has a mobile phone, even my Issan uncle who works in the rice field where there is no coverage. The Government can give everyone a mobile phone.

    My favourite colour is red, so I think in future, everyone should have red clothes.

    I see the government will give all Issan rice farmers a tractor and also make sure no farang who take my sisters are poor or abusive.

    I think students should get good jobs in the government when they finish high school so that my sisters do not have to work far away in Pattaya.

    The end.


    Contender for what?

    The person who wrote that obviously left school in grade 3, so is unlikely to qualify for any sort of scholarship. :)

  11. Police say not guilty, and take their money, but

    King Power tries to save face by declaring them guilty again

    AFTER the police say they aren't.[/b][/size]

    Why so much revolving change in status,

    is it because KP is scared of the bad PR and tried to stamp out the bad talk?

    Once not guilty, are you then likely to be re-accused

    just so some one can save their bottom line, or just FACE?

    Sure looks that way.

    or maybe

    - KP accuses the couple of stealing

    - Police apprehend the couple and question them - there seems to be a suggestion that they were apprehended twice

    - KP submit their video and statements to the police

    - Police charge the couple and explain what they need to do to make bail , giving them a look at their accommodation if they do not

    - interpreter/legal advice explains to them some options - including paying for the charges to be dropped etc etc

    - newspaper article , thai expat forum wailing and gnashing of teeth causes KP to release the video footage of why they accused the couple.

    What the Prime Minister needs to do here is investigate these events and publicly fire, prosecute and imprison some of the high ranking corrupt officials and do it quickly.

    Anything less than this is not good enough.

    but the scale of this is a trifle when compared to the real corruption involving govt contracts and concessions - Japanese businessmen have been convicted in Japan of paying money to Thai Govt officials and nothing has happened to those involved in Thailand - surely the corruption at the higher levels of govt are more important for the Prime Minister to be focussed on than this pitiful effort at the Airport.

    Congratulations stu - at last a sensible post, rising to the surface in a sea of (mainly) dross.

  12. This thread is becoming so exciting, with post after breathless post from those calling for the resignation of the PM, links to the WCO, suggestions about the PM's priorities and his drinking problems, continuing accusations of a King Power conspiracy (or at least, a cover-up), future immigration laws requiring execution, paranoid tourists complaining about what didn't (but could have) happen(ed), etc, etc - and that's just the previous page :)

    Did I say exciting - sorry, I meant silly.

  13. my god another falang who bends the rules and then moans stop bringing more cigs into los then your allowed the warnings have been up for the last couple of years and its pretty normal to be stopped

    coming down from nong khai hello you broke the law you are at fault if there was a problem you should have phoned the tourist police simple

    You miss the point.

    The man agrees that, as a person, he brought in too many.

    But as two others had taken over the cigarettes as personal, the man was not doing anything wrong.

    The police/customs were quite overstepping the mark.

    And you really think the tourist police would help?

    The man was extorted, simple.

    Don't close your eyes for wrongs things, and if you seen them don't try to erase the wrongs.

    Either you speak out against the wrongs or better be silent.

    It is advisable to switch on the brain before opening the mouth

    Even better - to know what you are talking about, before attacking the keyboard.

    Do you know who owned the excess cigarettes ie who paid for them, and who was entitled to have possession once well away from NK?

    You can't just "lend" them to someone else, for the purposes of circumventing the allowances.

  14. This story was on the 5 pm news tonight, channel 7.

    King Power received a letter from the British Embassy asking them to explain the incident.

    There were 3 videos shown, one supposedly of the Ingrams, one of the Malay supposedly stealing cigars and one of the Irish woman which was very unclear.

    The news guy mentioned that the Ingrams were stung for B400,000, and the Sri Lankan was also said to be involved.

    Kings Power said that they have done wrong.

    There was a further video of Jack Ruby supposedly shooting Lee Oswald - but it was very unclear.

    Obviously another conspiracy :)

  15. I have never made a comment about kp being involved in this particular scam.

    Though there appears to be a lot of comment about them over the years.

    From your posts I am not sure you do "know the score" actually. I think you are quite naive.

    3 selected quotes from you on this subject caf - despite your disingenousness at times, others can make up their minds as to what you position is vis a vis KP and the "scam".

    You seem to be listing all the little people (referring to KP employees - jackspratt comment) , if you get my drift
    I think we have all read the reports and stories of the history of KP. Rather too many stories all pointing in the same direction.
    There are people who appear to have led a rather sheltered life in LOS and probably only go into KP to renew their rose coloured spectacles
  16. Eleven posts in one day from the Aussie.

    At this rate he'll soon be in Bedlam

    But as he says "so far I have seen nothing that makes me think these people did not commit a crime or that there is any scam at all involving the police or King Power". Given his current posting record he must be right, and all of us guys who have lived here and know the score have obviously been wrong all along.

    And for his next post - the moon is made of cheese.

    Despite what the Aussie may or may not think caf, it is certainly obvious to the intelligent section of those of us who live here, and know the score, that there is no evidence of King Power's involvement in this "scam" - despite what you were promoting so strongly when this story first hit the airwaves.

    Should one go back and look at your posting history to see if you have reached the magical 11 posts in one day? But of course, you are different :)

  17. I'm not talking about the random scumbag shoving a massage parlor brochure in my face or some taxi trying to get me to an expensive seafood place or some other ripoff joint.

    I'm concerned about the thousands of professional employed scammers(working with protection) posted around Bangkok near every tourist site, scammers in uniform at the International Airport...they are everywhere.

    Like I said... A good example of what is happening is right at the Erawan Shrine.

    There is an organized 'team' of scammers there right now.... Yes, the same people in the photos that I sent to the Tourist Police last June, still working full time, lieing to visitors. http://www.flickr.com/photos/21533131@N06/

    Why is it allowed to continue? Many speculate the Tourist Police are involved with the scamming. Imagine that.

    Nope....I have had enough of this clowns obsession. Now banned.


    Hopefully the good Dr will also have a look at serpico's obsessive posts.

    Has PTG comeback to us with a new moniker?

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