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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Neverdie and JC.

    I have to agree with you. I find myself less appalled by the waste of a life than I used to be. So many people seem to find joy in others' suffering.

    Especially here...have you seen the advert on Thai TV, it's for an insurance company...

    People are inside an eating house or something like that and there is the sound of an accident outside... All the people jump up and gleefully rush outside to have a look at the carnage. By the time they get outside, the Insurance man is already there and everything is sorted already. The disappointed people go back inside. The advert is meant to show that the Insurance company responds really quickly, but it also shows the truth, that so many people get excited about somebody getting hurt or even killed.

    Not so long ago I was riding the m/bike on my way home on the dual carriageway and there had been an horrific accident on the other carriageway, a bus and a pickup. My side of the road was more like a car park, where people had left there cars and were standing in the central area so they could get a good look at the carnage.

    What is the matter with these people?

    I was thinking exactly the same when I read some of the posts surrounding (and including) yours.

    Here we go again, I was thinking! Some of Thai Visa's brightest trying to impose their western values and social conditioning on the Thai population.

    Does it ever occur to you that people are different, and what was "right" in [insert your western country of choice] does not necessarily apply to those born and bought up as Thais in Thailand.

  2. Allopurinol is generally not available in pharmacies (at least not in the town in which I live), but is certainly available in the hospital pharmacy.

    Cost is about TBH150 for 100 tablets.

    And I highly recommend it.

  3. This must just be a good example of the eduction level of our younger generation today.

    You may have a good point there. A lot of youth culture revolves around "street cred" witch is mainly about the interactions between gang members. Once they are taken out of that "gang" environment they are a little like a fish out of water and that's within their own national cultural surroundings. Add into that a totally different set of cultural values and the individual could quickly lose the plot.

    Surely you overlooked the smiley :o at the end of your post.

    Otherwise, unless you wish to be more specific about what country and culture you are talking about, it is absolute nonsense :D

    Okay I apologise for using all those long words that are beyond your stone age comprehension. In future I will try and only use monosyllabilic words for folks like yourself. I guess you need the smilies the same as you need the pictures in the comics so as to understand the story. :D:D:wai::burp::P:D

    Okay, happy now?

    You should apologise to yourself for making yourself look so silly.

    Given that you have been unable to supply any details of countries, cultures etc, when you talk about "street cred", "gang members". etc, it seems pretty obvious to me who has quickly lost the plot. :jerk:

  4. In a certain way I'd actually agree that Mr Burrowes is a victim - the victim of living in a society that has been destroyed by liberals, do-gooders & the politically correct, where children learn nothing about respect, misdemeanours go unpunished, strong values, morals & principals are of little importance....................where do you stop? :o

    Unfortunately Clayton, cheered on by your sycophant-in-chief, neverdie, you don't stop.

    But feel free to do so, asap :D

  5. This must just be a good example of the eduction level of our younger generation today.

    You may have a good point there. A lot of youth culture revolves around "street cred" witch is mainly about the interactions between gang members. Once they are taken out of that "gang" environment they are a little like a fish out of water and that's within their own national cultural surroundings. Add into that a totally different set of cultural values and the individual could quickly lose the plot.

    Surely you overlooked the smiley :o at the end of your post.

    Otherwise, unless you wish to be more specific about what country and culture you are talking about, it is absolute nonsense :D

  6. I think that these human rights people should remember the televised beheadings of people shown on Al jezerra(sp), water boarding isnt squat, compaired what these animals do. Take em all and throw them in a pit , and throw pig parts on them everyday, eat or die. Just a thought.

    But not a particularly bright one - unless you are happy to put yourself on the same level as those doing the beheadings of course :o

  7. IN October in Perth I got a multiple entry NonO-A.

    AA Non O_A is a retirement visa issued in your home country and enables you to enter for one year. A normal non-O only lets you enter for 3 months and then you need to get an extension.,

    I am not sure this is correct. My understanding is that non-Os can be issued for 12 months, but require you to do a border run (ie leave and re-enter Thailand) every 90 days.

    Of course you can apply for a 12 month extension at any time during the initial 12 month period.

  8. “There’s no secret jail for torturing terrorist suspects in (the northeast Thailand province of) Udon Thani,” Gen. Anupong said. “There’s no secret place in Udon Thani. Anybody can visit every district or village.”

    -- TNA 2009-03-04

    Ah yes! But can "anybody" visit the Voice of America radio station just outside of Ban Dung in Udon Thani Province?

    Me thinks not. :o

  9. yeah .. his 'literary masterpiece' is now online for all and sundry to see how poorly he writes ... he's been convicted of a serious crime in Thailand and deported ......

    Yes, I guess that is what the more open minded posters on this subject are struggling to understand.

    As no doubt are many, many others outside Thailand. After all, the unfortunate Mr Nicolaides, whatever his alleged or inferred motives, is but a very minor player in the wider scheme of LM.

  10. Go to the red channel!

    and do what? Declare it and it will be confiscated.

    I've brought a few (not all at once) in checked baggage with no problems. Take the batteries out so it doesn't look like a bomb, chances are it won't even attract a second glance.

    That said, I wouldn't risk it going to China and they are illegal, so up2u.

    You can apparently buy "massagers" in BKK anyway, if you know where to go (I don't).

    Thanks Crossy, useful info. I thought China might be a bit of a problem! I bought the vibe here in Oz but I'm going back to the UK after Asia so I think I'll just have to gift it to some poor undersexed mite here and just buy another in Blighty. :o

    There are sex shops all over Beijing openly selling vibrators, so I am not sure Crossy's advice is correct, so far as China is concerned.

  11. Just another loud cheap charlie middle aged disgruntled wacko who thinks that the world revolves around him.

    Just a thought - you don't happen to have a mirror just behind your computer monitor do you?

    As far as the OP is concerned, I agree with him. Tiger is not interested in problems or complaints, as evidenced by their lack of any online complaints mechanism.

    I have flown with Tiger on a number of occasions, without any dramas. It was also very convenient when they had a direct flight from Sing - Udon Thani. Of course, when they dropped that route, they didn't bother to amend their flight schedules on their website, despite having already started to inform people who had booked prior to the decision being made to drop the route.

    As it stands now, unless you make a booking when Tiger is having one of their "sales", there is generally little difference in the cost when compared to, say, SQ.

  12. ^^^ ^^^ Maybe they've seen things that we will never see.


    Honestly you wouldn't have to worry about Pollies seeing anything, you don't actually believe they would get that involved do you? The pollies need to shutup, get organised & make sure theres full support on the ground for the victims, their families, the fire brigades, Police, Ambos & other emergencies services...end of story.

    Your cynicism is uncalled for neverdie - what a surprise!

    Unless the pollies get involved (as they absolutely should) things will not move at the required pace.

    What planet do you come from?

  13. Thats an interesting result. In my home country many drivers who drive dangerously & kill people often leave court with little or no jail time at all. Its good to see the thai court is taken this so seriously.

    Having said that, typically, the offender gets 10 years, the victim gets life!

    It's the same in the uk mate , the courts hand out ridiculously leniant sentances and then claim that their hands are tied. You have to feel sorry for the police sometimes when they risk their lives catching these people ...........................................

    Can you point to some examples of where the police have "risked their lives" catching drivers who have killed people by driving dangerously. Or is that just a little bit of hyperbole?

    Jackspratt, firstly on your other point....I don't need to do my research about Australia, I am Australian & having operated in my role in most areas of Australia I am well educated in relation to the different laws of the states. Thanks for your attempt though, I really appreciate you constant attempt to teach me about my homeland. I chose NSW as an example because it is the most populist state.....which state would you like me to quote....this blog is about thailand, so I wasnt too interested in quoting all of the Aussie figures.

    As to Malcy's point above, I can think of a number of seperate occassions in a number of states where police have risked their own lives to apprehend offenders that have killed people through dangerous driving. I am sure this has happened many time around the world including Thailand. I cannot state any case where this has happened in Thailand, but I know of serveral back in Aust. You seem to have some resentment towards anyone like Malcy, who may show sympathy towards law enforcement officers throughout the world. I would put it to you the only hyperbole here is you jack.

    On topic, this bloke in question very obvously has a serious problem, which has effected the lives of so many other people....He should be in jail now, where he can await his appeals & society is safe from him.

    You quoted Australia as your point of reference, when quite clearly this is not correct - thank you for your confirmation of this point.

    As you seem to have presumed to respond on Malcy's behalf, perhaps you would be so good as to answer the question I posed to him (notwithstanding he was obviously coming from a UK perspective). You also presume I have resentment to Malcy - without any evidence, other than what may exist between your ears. I don't - I only asked him to back up his statement, which in my view appears to defy common sense.

    And please, check your dictionary for the meaning of hyperbole.

    I am still trying to establish what you "role" was in Australia, but at the moment, and in the absence of any further information, you are coming across (to me at least) as a "dumb cop". I stand to be corrected.

  14. I would welcome any thoughts on what might be the best visa options for my wife to stay in Oz for the medium term (say 1 - 2 years).

    I am returning to Oz to take care of my terminally ill mother, and naturally would like to take my wife with me. She has been to Oz 3 times before, on 2 different 1 year (3 months max) tourist visas.

    It is our intention to return to live in Thailand after my mother dies, so I want to avoid to hassles and costs in applying for a spouse visa. My wife would like to do some study while we are in Oz.

    Given the above circumstances is Immigration likely to look kindly on 1 or 2 X 12 month tourist visas, with 6 month maximum stays, given that my wife will need to return to Thailand 2 or 3 times a year to visit her son (9 years) and other family?

    Is there a better visa available?

    What are the complications if we decide to take her son?


  15. Thats an interesting result. In my home country many drivers who drive dangerously & kill people often leave court with little or no jail time at all. Its good to see the thai court is taken this so seriously.

    Having said that, typically, the offender gets 10 years, the victim gets life!

    It's the same in the uk mate , the courts hand out ridiculously leniant sentances and then claim that their hands are tied. You have to feel sorry for the police sometimes when they risk their lives catching these people ...........................................

    Can you point to some examples of where the police have "risked their lives" catching drivers who have killed people by driving dangerously. Or is that just a little bit of hyperbole?

  16. I don't really care about what they call it in the UK. I was referring as you might remember about Australia, that was my original comment that you critised me about.

    If you do your research in Australia you will find that there has been much revision in relation to the word 'Accident' and its meaning within the law. It is now common for the word 'accident' to be reserved for those incidents which are truely accidents and the word 'collision', 'impact' or 'crash' to be used where blame can be attributed towards someone.

    If you look at some of the definitions of the word accident, you may see things like "anything that happens suddenly or by chance without an apparent cause" and many other versions of this. Many accidents are NOT ACCIDENTS, there is a reason or cause for what happened. Its only a play of words.

    I don't need to google things that relate to this, as it is an area in which I specialised for a great number of years, I am well qualified and experience in the field. If you doubt what I am saying, have a squiz at the actual legislation wording below, you won't see the word 'accident' mentioned anywhere, but rather words like 'impact'.

    That legislation is section 52A of the Crimes Act of New South Wales, its all there & I guarantee you wont see the word accident mentioned.

    As for this incident here in thailand....no part of it was an accident!

    And if you do your research neverdie, you will know there are 8 different criminal codes in Australia (1 for each of the states and territories) covering various categories of vehicular offences. And all with their own definitions and terminologies.

    In other words (as I think I have said before), NSW is not Australia (just a small part of it).


  17. The rate of customs duty in Thailand for imported computers is 0%. A 7% VAT applies (cost of computer, plus freight costs to Thailand)

    Armed with the correct information (ie the appropriate tariff item, with associated duty rate) you should be able to challenge any attempt to impose duty.

    It is also pretty easy to provide evidence of the correct value for a laptop computer if Customs dispute the declared value.

  18. Funny old forum, this.

    If you wish to discuss downloading pirated software, it is forbidden, and the mods will come down on you, because that is an illegal act.

    If you wish to discuss evading (not avoiding, or "fudging") customs duty (ie tax), that apparently is OK, but it is also an illegal act. :o

  19. Perhaps the death penalty would be a greater deterrant if they got the public involved, hold the executions in public like they do in the middle east. In some of those places you can actually throw your own rocks at people when they are burried in the sand neck deep....if this was televised throughout the world & it was compulsory for school age children to watch, then I am sure we would have less takers that are willing to act as drug mules.

    I mean, if we are going to have a death penalty, theres no point going half way with it.....bring it on i say!

    Meanwhile you can keep going down the track of softly softly, please dont do this and please dont do that & lets see whose society is under the most control.

    You mean like the women are are stoned for adultery - after they have been raped?

    And what a jolly good education for the kids. "Children, tomorrow we are going to watch a public execution - might be hanging, stoning, or a beheading if we are really lucky. It is all part of the rich tapestry of your rounded education. Please bring a note signed by mum or dad, plus $5 for the bus fare. Those who don't attend will be looked upon as soft and unworthy".

  20. get real. i suppose you dont believe that thailand is the seventh most dangerous country in the world either! stick to facts gary and stop trying to talk the problem away

    Have you got a (reliable) source for this?

    / Priceless

    I await the response with interest. In the meantime, think about where you would place these countries on a list of the most dangerous place in the world for tourists:







    DR Congo









    Papua New Guinea

    East Timor

  21. Khun,

    I think it was post number 26 - Funnily enough, I haven't noticed the gossiping (except amongst the farangs),

    But it is not a problem. Living in Isaan can be great fun. It is even more enjoyable if you learn the language.

    Having to depend on a grilfriend or wife to translate Thai into English is a very, very dangerous route to travel. Been there done that. Never again.

    To the OP, If you want to live in Isaan as a singular man, learn the language first and enjoy it!!!

    Geek, your experiences are not necessarily reflective of everyone else's, and in particular, mine.

    Just for clarification - you will note that I said I do not speak the local language. It follows, therefore, that if gossip was occurring, I wouldn't notice it. However, as I speak English, I do notice when the farangs gossip.

    Having my wife translate is at times frustrating, but as I trust her (or put it another way, have no reason to distrust her), I don't believe it is dangerous. Again, your comment is a reflection of your particular experience(s), and not universal.

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