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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Look at the video closely, this is not the same couple, the guy is a stand in and the woman is the actor. Neither ever look up or around to see if they are being watched, surely they can see the camera looking straight at them. The woman looks younger, walks like someone in her 20's not like a person in their 40's, the hair is longer and is being used to cover her face and the body is slimmer, the breasts appear smaller than Xi's are. Remember, she never looks around and neither does he, if he was meant to be the lookout, then he just isn't doing the job. Also, can anyone see them communicating, like him saying "go ahead, nobodies watching"? England is a land full of cctv's so if the Ingrams had stolen the bag I would have expected them to look up as well as around.

    Is that right?

    Where does all your very pertinent inside information come from?

    Have you been lucky to have been privy to seeing Ms Xi's breasts? The single photo (besides the video) that I have seen of her (in the OP) does not show her breasts, nor the length of her hair.

    Please tell us more - particularly a link to her photo(s).

    You seem like a very ignorant fellow...........

    :):D :D

  2. My post No. 442 contained the following:
    Stephen Ingram denies that the video clip implicates him and is suing for 1 million Thai baht for wrongful arrest and imprisonment. The video appears to show Xi Lin putting he wallet in her shoulder bag while Stephen Ingram looks on.

    He says he has no evidence that King Power is in on the scam but was told that part of his money had already been paid to security staff at King Power.

    Hopefully Mr Drummond can fit another piece into the puzzle ie who is Mr Ingram suing, and in what jurisdiction?

    And why for only 20,000 pounds :)

  3. They were perpetrating a similar scam on tourists bringing in excess tobacco from the Middle East recently. Anyone caught bringing in over the allowed amount was taken away and extorted in a similar fashion to the Ingrams.

    It wasn't Customs doing their jobs either, it was just a bunch of people claiming to be officials searching travellers bags in the arrivals area and at the taxi ranks.

    It seems they have switched tact and are now targeting Duty Free shoppers.

    Extortion, pure and simple.


    This hoary old chestnut was gone through at length on TV more than a year ago, and clearly shown to be codswallop.

    Those caught with excess fags were being fined the prescribed amount - hardly extortion.

    But you are right on one point - it wasn't Customs Officers doing their jobs.

    It was Excise Officers doing their jobs. :)

  4. Look at the video closely, this is not the same couple, the guy is a stand in and the woman is the actor. Neither ever look up or around to see if they are being watched, surely they can see the camera looking straight at them. The woman looks younger, walks like someone in her 20's not like a person in their 40's, the hair is longer and is being used to cover her face and the body is slimmer, the breasts appear smaller than Xi's are. Remember, she never looks around and neither does he, if he was meant to be the lookout, then he just isn't doing the job. Also, can anyone see them communicating, like him saying "go ahead, nobodies watching"? England is a land full of cctv's so if the Ingrams had stolen the bag I would have expected them to look up as well as around.

    Is that right?

    Where does all your very pertinent inside information come from?

    Have you been lucky to have been privy to seeing Ms Xi's breasts? The single photo (besides the video) that I have seen of her (in the OP) does not show her breasts, nor the length of her hair.

    Please tell us more - particularly a link to her photo(s).

  5. In one breath, we like say how bloody hopeless the Thai (English) press is.

    But in the next breath, we are happy to take what they, plus assorted bloggers and other forums say as gospel, and mount whatever case happens to suit us at the time, based on that "evidence".

    Thank god rational people, and those in positions of responsibility, do otherwise.

    But then if the good correspondents of TV went in that direction, the input would likely fall by 50% or more.

    Maybe not such a bad thing when you think about it :)

    I don't know who you are referring to when you mention rational people, and those in positions of responsibility.

    But I do think that you will agree that there is only 2 possible scenarios here.

    1. The couple did not steal the wallet, but were extorted of 8000 Pounds to secure their freedom.

    2. The couple did steal the wallet and paid 8000 pounds for the prosecutor to decide that there was insufficient evidence to proceed with the case.

    I cannot see that it can be anything but a case of extortion or corruption whether they are guilty or not.

    You may well be right.

    However, if you cast your mind back, this thread started its life as a quite nasty diatribe against King Power.

    And no-one has yet mounted a reasonable case against them.

  6. In one breath, we like say how bloody hopeless the Thai (English) press is.

    But in the next breath, we are happy to take what they, plus assorted bloggers and other forums say as gospel, and mount whatever case happens to suit us at the time, based on that "evidence".

    Thank god rational people, and those in positions of responsibility, do otherwise.

    But then if the good correspondents of TV went in that direction, the input would likely fall by 50% or more.

    Maybe not such a bad thing when you think about it :)

  7. One issue that came up when we discussed the options on a previous thread was whether Garmin is infact still using the ESRI map in its products. I bought the Garmin SE Asia map (which includes Thailand) on micro SD card just over a year ago to use with my NUVI 250, and I am not quite sure what I have. While the map seems okay in cities, it isn't very good at distinguishing paved roads from semi-impassible mud tracks out in rural provinces and I very often over-rule its directions. I've heard that even the single Thailand NT map now supplied by Garmin is not the ESRI map (i.e. this is a different rumour from the one that said the Garmin map was always one year behind ESRI). Does anybody know the current position?

    Garmin stopped to use ESRI maps. About 1 1/2 years ago.

    They now use Teleatlas.

    I am using the Thailand Street Map v9.0 NT, which I loaded a month or so ago.

    When the GPS boots up (loading maps), it shows Whereis (Oz map) and ESRI (2008) as the two providers, so I assume ESRI is still being used by Garmin in Thailand.

    Of course.Thailand streetmaps V9.0 is from Esri.I only don't know why you are confused because you can't have purchased it from Garmin.

    I am not confused. I have V9, and it is from ESRI. Any further information is superfluous.

  8. I don't think he should be jailed. He shot be shot along with every other perp in on it.........

    Dear oh dear!..............children, children, can we please stick to sensible discussion.

    If sensible discussion would bring about a sensible outcome, I'm all for it; but all you're doing is essentially talking crap and getting nowhere. It needs a rough, Singaporean-style approach, although understand that would first require a modicum of education/awareness by the general populace. What say you pratt?

    Another inane comment from a card-carrying member of the hang 'em high brigade. :)

    Do they execute scammers in Singapore now?

  9. I believe very strongly that this amounts to a type of terrorism,........
    I don't think he should be jailed. He shot be shot along with every other perp in on it.........

    Dear oh dear!..............children, children, can we please stick to sensible discussion.

    Okay Brainiac, here's the definition for you, so you can compare it to the topic at hand and the actions of those involved. Not to mention the effects of being held in a Thai jail facing false criminal charges. Do you need me to also post the definition of coerce, or do you think you can manage some understanding?


    1.the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce. , esp. for political purposes.

    2.the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

    Main Entry: ter·ror·ism

    Pronunciation: 'ter-&r-"i-z&m

    Function: noun

    1 : the unlawful use or threat of violence. esp. against the state or the public

    as a politically motivated means of attack or coercion

    2 : violent and intimidating gang activity

    Got it now, DAD?!

    Please note the parts you deleted from your "definition" above. I am sure mummy wouldn't be pleased with your attempted deception.

    You really are a silly sausage :)

  10. One issue that came up when we discussed the options on a previous thread was whether Garmin is infact still using the ESRI map in its products. I bought the Garmin SE Asia map (which includes Thailand) on micro SD card just over a year ago to use with my NUVI 250, and I am not quite sure what I have. While the map seems okay in cities, it isn't very good at distinguishing paved roads from semi-impassible mud tracks out in rural provinces and I very often over-rule its directions. I've heard that even the single Thailand NT map now supplied by Garmin is not the ESRI map (i.e. this is a different rumour from the one that said the Garmin map was always one year behind ESRI). Does anybody know the current position?

    Garmin stopped to use ESRI maps. About 1 1/2 years ago.

    They now use Teleatlas.

    I am using the Thailand Street Map v9.0 NT, which I loaded a month or so ago.

    When the GPS boots up (loading maps), it shows Whereis (Oz map) and ESRI (2008) as the two providers, so I assume ESRI is still being used by Garmin in Thailand.

  11. Fair enough. Where do you stand morally? You didn't answer my question..

    Talking of which.... this one seems to have slipped under your moral radar :)

    QUOTE (zorro1 @ 2009-06-20 09:36:46) *

    You have to expect some "collateral damage" . I suppose you could argue there are thousand of innocent people in jail or sent to the gallows over the years as well. No system is perfect

    So if you, or a close relative, or someone you love, gets caught up in the next "War on Drugs", the headstone can read:

    " RIP

    Don't Grieve for Me - I Was Collateral Damage.

    After All - No System is Perfect "

    I am sure we will all understand.

  12. You have to expect some "collateral damage" . I suppose you could argue there are thousand of innocent people in jail or sent to the gallows over the years as well. No system is perfect

    So if you, or a close relative, or someone you love, gets caught up in the next "War on Drugs", the headstone can read:

    " RIP

    Don't Grieve for Me - I Was Collateral Damage.

    After All - No System is Perfect "

    I am sure we will all understand.

  13. You did not add in the cost of shipping to the vehicle value before doing the other maths.

    Its crazy, you have to pay the taxes on the shipping cost + value :)

    CIF = Cost, Insurance & Freight. So already included the the value of 100.

    Many countries use CIF value when calculating customs duty and other import taxes. Australia, for example, is in a minority by using FOB (ie customs value doesn't include F&I)

  14. my 3mb tot line have been very unstable the last days,dns problems etc...speeds from fantastic to sometimes less then gprs speed.

    Upgraded from 2Mb last week,i am in Cherng Talay,Phuket...wondering if somebody else had similar problems?

    I also have had problems for 2 days, with the ADSL dropping in and out continuously. Sometimes OK for 30 minutes, and then dropping out every 30 seconds.

    The ToT guy came to look today - said it was a problem from Bangkok (I am in Udon), and they were sorting it out. He said everyone had problems. I suspect he was bullsh1tting, just to get away. Everything I read on the internet points to a telephone line problem.

    I will see what it is like in the morning :)

  15. You should also look at the Australian government scrapping its old retirement visa system and replacing it with one where a retiree needs to bring over a fair chunk of money to invest (circa $500K), before they are granted to visa.

    Seems to me that looking at Malaysia's My Second Home program would be a more apt comparison than somehow equating Thailand to Australia.

    Does it have an investment requirement? If so, then yes.

    But at least the money you take into Oz can be used to purchase property IN YOUR OWN NAME and any capitol gains is not taxable .

    Only if that property is your primary place of residence, I believe.

  16. rgs2001uk

    Your post is ridiculous for the reasons outlined in my original post.

    However FYI, I flew BKK to LHR on Malaysian Airlines with a minimal 55 minute transit in KLIA. Needless to say I did not have to clear immigration in KL and my bags were checked at BKK straight through to LHR in complete contrast to your post.

    Just last month, I did the BKK to Stansted on Air Asia. Transitting at KL's LCCT, I, of course had to clear immigration and re-check in my baggage. This is because Air Asia is a point-to-point carrier only as I and other posters have pointed out.

    Instead of scatter-gun criticism, perhaps you'd like to provide info on what airline you flew with from BKK to KUL and what airline you flew with from KUL to Australia and why the airline(s) could not process you and your baggage all the way through. I'm sure you'll find there is a very logical reason and not that KLIA is "f****d up" in your words.


    My post be may be as ridiculous as your replies.

    The reasons outlined in your original post do not apply, do you mean your second post? again nothing to do with the situation I faced.

    It is impossible for me to provide you with the information you request, read my original post and subsequent post, but to reitterate for you, I did not say I flew from Bkk to KL, neither did I say I flew from KL to Australia.

    I stated I was transitting through KL on route to Thailand.

    My fellow passengers on route to Australia were doing the same.

    I have never flown Air Asia,Tiger,Jetstar or the like in my life, so I am in no position to comment on what restrictions may be imposed by choosing to fly a low cost airline.

    I have no explanation as to why the airline could not process baggage to my destination, however if instead of scatter-gun criticism you are able to provide me with a very logical explanation I would be all ears, its more than the airline and KLIA were able to do.

    I stand by statement to advise all passengers transitting through KL to enquire if there baggage can be booked straight through to their destination, if not allow time to enter and leave the country.

    I am pleased to hear you had a hassle free journey.

    rgs it would be very helpful if you could tell us the name of the airline(s) with which you were flying.

    Others may then be able to share their experiences with that airline, to determine whether your situation was a one-off, or normal procedure.

    Surely this was the point of Briggsy's posts.

    So in the absence of a response rgs, would it be reasonable that people should dismiss and ignore your initial comment about KL Airport on this thread?

  17. As many of you know Thailand signed up to the GATT agreement which imposes fair and transparent valuations on all imported goods, the problem is although the Thais singed this agreement it as usual does not mean they have to follow the regulations.


    Not that i think for one moment that it would make a difference but who is the Governing body (i.e a type of Ombudsman) who Thailand could be reported to ?

    Also, is it only farang who have these problems and do Thai's returning to live in Thailand have a smoother ride through the customs.

    Complaints can only be made by another country(s) which is also a signatory to the GATT Agreement. Before a complaint can be made, negotiations between the parties must have been tried.

  18. rgs2001uk

    Your post is ridiculous for the reasons outlined in my original post.

    However FYI, I flew BKK to LHR on Malaysian Airlines with a minimal 55 minute transit in KLIA. Needless to say I did not have to clear immigration in KL and my bags were checked at BKK straight through to LHR in complete contrast to your post.

    Just last month, I did the BKK to Stansted on Air Asia. Transitting at KL's LCCT, I, of course had to clear immigration and re-check in my baggage. This is because Air Asia is a point-to-point carrier only as I and other posters have pointed out.

    Instead of scatter-gun criticism, perhaps you'd like to provide info on what airline you flew with from BKK to KUL and what airline you flew with from KUL to Australia and why the airline(s) could not process you and your baggage all the way through. I'm sure you'll find there is a very logical reason and not that KLIA is "f****d up" in your words.


    My post be may be as ridiculous as your replies.

    The reasons outlined in your original post do not apply, do you mean your second post? again nothing to do with the situation I faced.

    It is impossible for me to provide you with the information you request, read my original post and subsequent post, but to reitterate for you, I did not say I flew from Bkk to KL, neither did I say I flew from KL to Australia.

    I stated I was transitting through KL on route to Thailand.

    My fellow passengers on route to Australia were doing the same.

    I have never flown Air Asia,Tiger,Jetstar or the like in my life, so I am in no position to comment on what restrictions may be imposed by choosing to fly a low cost airline.

    I have no explanation as to why the airline could not process baggage to my destination, however if instead of scatter-gun criticism you are able to provide me with a very logical explanation I would be all ears, its more than the airline and KLIA were able to do.

    I stand by statement to advise all passengers transitting through KL to enquire if there baggage can be booked straight through to their destination, if not allow time to enter and leave the country.

    I am pleased to hear you had a hassle free journey.

    rgs it would be very helpful if you could tell us the name of the airline(s) with which you were flying.

    Others may then be able to share their experiences with that airline, to determine whether your situation was a one-off, or normal procedure.

    Surely this was the point of Briggsy's posts.

  19. Ah, good old KL, probably the most f***ed airport in the region, the only airport I know of where you have to enter the country to pick up your bags before checking out again.

    Still I suppose it allows the Malays to give such impressive passenger arrival stats.

    As pointed out the hotel is value for money, you may also pass the time riding the train back and forward.

    Chickencurry, given a choice between Kl and Singapore, its a no brainer, Singapore wins every time.

    Singapore, what swampy tried to be and failed.

    KL is hardly unique in this regard.

    I have had to do this under 2 scenarios at your seemingly favourite airport - Changi.

    1.Flying Perth - Bangkok (or the other way) on Tiger you will have to clear Immigration and Customs at the inwards Changi LCT, pick up your luggage and re-check it, along with going through Immigration again, at the adjacent outwards LCT.

    2. I recently flew Emirates from Melbourne to Singapore, with an onward flight on Jetstar to Bangkok. Again, I was required to go through a similar inwards/outwards routine as described above, except at Terminal 1.

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