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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. To me Thaksin and the UDD gained the upper hand momentarily by managing to get so many people to attend the rally.


    How many was that again?

    I expect you can answer via my previous question to you:


    post 2009-04-09 15:01:46

    Post #1642

    QUOTE (photojourn @ 2009-04-09 13:45:27) *

    For those interested in a first hand report on yesterday's rally it is now posted at

    If anyone wishes to dispute the attendance figure then I suggest they get off their bums and go to the protest site rather than relying on reports from people who stood at one spot.

    A photo compilation will be posted this afternoon.


    I am not disputing your number, but before I get off my bum to do a headcount, perhaps you would be good enough to explain how you arrived at your conclusive number (not estimate) of "more than 150,000" in the body of your blog, or "hundreds of thousands" in your headline?

  2. For those interested in a first hand report on yesterday's rally it is now posted at

    If anyone wishes to dispute the attendance figure then I suggest they get off their bums and go to the protest site rather than relying on reports from people who stood at one spot.

    A photo compilation will be posted this afternoon.


    I am not disputing your number, but before I get off my bum to do a headcount, perhaps you would be good enough to explain how you arrived at your conclusive number (not estimate) of "more than 150,000" in the body of your blog, or "hundreds of thousands" in your headline?

  3. At this stage please note the only offence Thaksin is convicted of is his wife buying some land......if thats an offence. Nothing else has been charged with. The idiots and liars who quote "tax evasion" are idiots, the law of the land was adhered to, he broke no laws. Many tax loopholes exist in many countries and politicians and rich use them often, this may be morally wrong, but its not illegal.
    Nothing else has been charged with.

    That's just not true now is it? He has been charged with a number of other offences, only he is not here for the proceedings to go ahead.

    How many warrants does he have out for his arrest?

    Being "charged" and being "convicted" are two different things.

    The one conviction they knew they could get, that of being his wife buying land, they went for first.

    Much of the other "charges" are all down to "spoken testimony" of people, that took two years to get hold of, for some reason. They are pretty flimsy and appear to some people to be totally "false allegations and testimony" which was the reason Thaksin fled as he said "I cannot get a fair trial".

    You have demonstrated in your earlier posts that you don't have a <snip> clue about anything else, so how would you have a <snip> clue on what evidence they may or may not have on Thaksin?

  4. I am sure there is an innocent explanation to all this.

    As I see it, we merely have the Directors of Shinawatra Inc getting together for their Annual General Meeting - you know, sign off the accounts, pass a couple of resolutions, increase the directors fees, answer questions from the shareholders, etc. :o

  5. I am always bemused by those who write it hasn't happened to me, so therefore it never happens - despite the fact that far more people write of their personal experiences of being shaken down by the corrupt (or should I say, hungry and thirsty) pr1cks who put on brown uniforms and pretend to be law enforcement officers.

    I don't know if you were referring to my comments here, but I was pointing out that the experience of the quoted poster (being stopped and asked to pay bribe money 4 to 6 times on every road trip) could be so vastly different from my experiences, and those of my friends for that matter. I never even implied "it never happens."

    You can relax Scuba - I wasn't referring to you in particular. Have another read through the thread and you should be able to pick the points of reference :o

  6. I am happy to see that this time the owner suffered too.

    Pity the child.

    Brainless dog-keeping to me is somehow similar to driving without a license: potentially dangerous to everyone around.

    (A car usually is not dangerous in itself; neither is a dog)

    Who ever does not see his/her responsibility towards the public when keeping a dog deserves no sympathy, as such a person demonstrates that he does not care about the interests of others. This does not only apply on pitbulls, but also -for example- to ten white noisy mini-poodles in a small house (this does NOT mean my neighbour of course, because it is always the others; his own dog is different :D )

    Funny, that I am not allowed to smoke in a restaurant, but having my spoilt dog with me is all right.

    "Happy to see the owner suffered" - what a plonker you are.

    "A car is usually not dangerous in itself", "whoever does not see his/her responsibility to the public", "such a person does not care about the interests of others" BUT "Funny that I am not allowed to smoke in a restaurant" :D:o:D :D

  7. Hmm, I hardly ever come across any form of porn unintentionally.

    Our market in mooban doesn't carry any porn, videoshop owner I know doesn't carry any porn. I visit Pantip maybe once a year, none of the IT malls I usually go to have any porn on display, much less Pantip like tawts.

    Google filters out porn when I'm on the net, the police drove karaoke girls from the sidewalks back inside long time ago, there's one with girls on display, on Phattanakarn, that I occasionally pass with the kids, and they really stare at them as they've never seen this sight before.

    The perception that Thailand is filled with prostitution top to bottom and porn is everywehre is just plain wrong, it might appear that way if only you stick to Nana/Pantip/Pattaya.

    Yes I know what you mean Plus, I walk down Sukhumvit and never see the signs on every DVD stand saying "new Porn" or "sexy movie". I go to Panthip, Fortune and many other IT malls and have "NEVER" been accosted by people with dvd covers of porn asking me to buy, I go to my local mooban shops and they never ask if I want "Special" movies. I walk down Sukhumvit or Silom late at night and none of the fetching young ladies who are "obviously" just waiting for a friend ask me "go with you". In fact I can say that after 28 years of spending as much time here as my job allows (generally 6 months a year) that the perception of thailand as a place full of prostitution and pornography is totally................................right !!!!!



    You need to make allowances for Plus. He really does look at everything Thai through yellow coloured glasses :o

  8. Very often when I'm out alone in Khon Kaen city I get sexually harrassed by women AND men!

    I'm not joking - this morning at a new barbers, he asked if I was alone and if I was interested in "gatoeys". I told him I wasn't and then he started rubbing my leg saying "unzip and give me a look".

    Yesterday, at a new coffee bar, the waitress rubbed my thigh and gave me her telephone number.

    In public places I can't often get any peace - there's always some girls(usually university)hassling me, and occasionally "gatoeys", who for some reason think all "farang" like them.

    This morning, I just told him to stop, and that he was sick, and walked out.

    Yesterday afternoon, I just smiled and ignored her.

    Strangely, when I'm in a touristy bar area, the bargirls never bother me.

    Does this happen to you?

    How do you handle it?

    Oh! no.

    Emperor_tud is back :o

  9. there is NO excuse for these actions, they are criminal ones.

    Exactly & there's only one punishment which fits a crime like this - DEATH! :o

    Come on Clayton - you're going soft on us. Not turning into a trendy, PC, left-wing liberal are you?

    In days of yore you would have been calling for plucking their eyes out, 1000 lashes, rod hot poker up the date, and disembowelling - all before they are executed :D

  10. In the UK it would have been eccentic curiosity. One of those wacos who preach aliens and crap. Elsewhere he'd be a clear mental case.

    Maybe so, maybe not.

    But what is he in Thailand (if he were here)? - someone liable to years in jail, for speaking his mind on a matter that is subject to repressive laws being used for political motives.

    If I were in his shoes, I would go for the eccentric, waco (sic), mental case alternative.

  11. Wrong.

    There is free trade of some goods amongst ASEAN countries of goods produced in those countries.

    Unless your GPS is manufactured in, or a product of Singapore (or another ASEAN country) it will not qualify for duty free treatment under ASEAN free trade rules.

    Of course, having said that, this is Thailand, so no-one could really predict what would happen if you imported a GPS - or anything else for that matter.

  12. Again, I ask those defending this crminal, to please look at his past record. Does he have prior convictions? Has he ever been implicated in such activities before?

    Can you point to any posts where this guy is being "defended". Every (on-topic) one I have read so far talks about the reasonableness (or otherwise) of the sentence.

    And I am unable to find any reference or report of a "past record". In the absence of such, would it be reasonable starting point to assume there is not one - unless of course you belong to the group that subscribes to the theory of guilty until proved innocent (which I suspect you do).

    But please feel free to answer your own rhetorical, straw man questions.

  13. There seems to be a general theme amongst the hang 'em high brigade who infest this forum. Doesn't matter what the crime or misdemeanor, there is no sentence long enough, or prison tough enough, to satiate their barbaric desires for revenge.

    Rather sad, really.

    How about the pathetic babblings of the pc brigade who are not only content with screwing the West but feel the need to infest forums over here? :o Perhaps we should let them all go free for the sake of morality; then, with a bit of luck, said brigade can have their houses burgled, their bank accounts emptied, and ultimately their eyesight broadened.

    I say make the 18 years solitary so they can have a proper think about it. :D


    You picked this person perfectly, it seems the only thing missing from the urbandictionary's description of you jackspratt is your picture.


    Golly gosh - you got me there neverdie.

    I have been trying to develop the self confidence and vanity to emulate you, and use my own photo as my avatar.

    Can you PM me the name and number of your psychiatrist - he may be able to assist me :D

  14. There seems to be a general theme amongst the hang 'em high brigade who infest this forum. Doesn't matter what the crime or misdemeanor, there is no sentence long enough, or prison tough enough, to satiate their barbaric desires for revenge.

    Rather sad, really.

    How about the pathetic babblings of the pc brigade who are not only content with screwing the West but feel the need to infest forums over here? :D Perhaps we should let them all go free for the sake of morality; then, with a bit of luck, said brigade can have their houses burgled, their bank accounts emptied, and ultimately their eyesight broadened.

    I say make the 18 years solitary so they can have a proper think about it. :D

    Obviously the hat fits you, jackr :o

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