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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Mr Wilson, one cannot but notice your eagerness to attack hhgz, on a minor point re Wiki, but at the same time gloss over the very relevant points raised by, inter alia, LooseCannon.

    A most convenient diversion.

    I also note you have not addressed the issue of your basing your OP on quotes from a wiki article, while at the same time totally ignoring the rest of the article - which, of course, inconveniently destroyed the basis of your proposition.

    Ho Hum.

  2. Agree completely. Should also raise all import tariffs by about 300%

    So you wouldn't mind, as a US consumer, paying a huge increase in price for goods made by a US company in, say China or Indonesia.

    And of course you wouldn't have a problem when goods manufactured in the US cannot be sold anywhere in the world, because other countries have retaliated by raising their tariffs on US goods by 300%.

    Yep, that really works :)

  3. It's a conspiracy of course, I am in the pay of Thaksin... obviously.

    Paranoia good. Obsessiveness good. Thaksin bad. All Thais are honest - except Thaksin.

    :D :D

    By the way... you can call me Kevin. Kev if you like.

    No, no, Mr Wilson - you try to overcomplicate things. When I read your OP, I didn't think conspiracy - I immediately thought just another Thailand bash.

    And given that the data taken from the same source as your initial OP shows that Thailand is not a failed state, the whole thread is a non sequitur.

    Perhaps the mods should therefore close it :)

  4. Given that Mr Wilson has chosen to use definitions taken from a wiki article on failed states in his OP, perhaps we could use the same article to provide his answer.

    List of Countries by "Failed States" Index 2009 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Failed_states

    Somalia 1

    Zimbabwe 2

    Sudan 3

    Chad 4

    Dem. Rep. of the Congo 5

    Iraq 6

    Afghanistan 7

    Central African Republic 8

    Guinea 9

    Pakistan 10

    Ivory Coast 11

    Haiti 12

    Burma 13

    Kenya 14

    Nigeria 15

    Ethiopia 16

    North Korea 17

    Bangladesh 18

    Yemen 19

    East Timor 20

    Uganda 21

    Sri Lanka 22

    Niger 23

    Burundi 24

    Nepal 25

    Cameroon 26

    Guinea-Bissau 27

    Malawi 28

    Lebanon 29

    Republic of Congo 30

    Uzbekistan 31

    Sierra Leone 32

    Georgia 33

    Liberia 34

    Burkina Faso 35

    Eritrea 36

    Tajikistan 37

    Iran 38

    Thailand comes in at #79 on this list, behind (ie less failed than) countries such as China (57), Israel (58), Indonesia (62) and Russia (71).

    As Mr Wilson could not but have noticed this list when he copied and pasted his definitions into the OP, I can only wonder at his motives in doing so :)

  5. Post and reply have been removed.

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    22) Not to post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles).

    Mea culpa. I done wrong :)

  6. Glad to hear everyone is happy including loners, freaks, good samaritans, widows, curious, newbies and the likes, ......................

    Was it an oversight to leave your good self out of this select group, or was it deliberate?

    Oh to be pure of heart, soul and conscience :)

    The power of words..! I love it!

    On the contrary, I have been one of them at times, a good samaritan, a freak, not a loner though...simply in a different capacity. Prostitution has never been my idea of rapture. It doesn't appeal to everyone who lives in Pattaya, Patpong or Pingpong but it doesn't bother me, it fascinates me instead because there is hardly anything else to be entertained by around here. One of my best friends is a bar girl, I spend lots of time with her and our friends who spend lots of money and time in Pattaya to pay for sex because they don't want the attachment of a relationship and they just need to use up all that energy they couldn't find the opportunity to use back home. As long as my friends are happy I'm happy for them, maybe they'll find a good wife when they get older and need a shoulder to lean on. If your friends smoke it doesn't mean you have to be a smoker, right? Love and do what you want I read somewhere..hi hi hi!

    So is your "one of my best friends (the bar girl)" included in the "smelly merchandise"?

  7. ............................................and intrusions into another country to steal natural resources can be counted as a act of war. Hence the 'technical'.

    That doesn't mean it is right, but it would be good to wait for some more facts before slagging of the military too much.

    So cutting down a few trees can henceforth be considered to be an act of war?

    God give us strength, and save us from this hyperbole.

  8. Wake up junior. The War on Drugs will NEVER be won. Never. But killing people is the MAXIMUM that can be done to hopefully deter others. It works on me, and I'm pretty sure it works on most smart people, but feel free to prove me wrong on that. I support killing anyone caught with a single ecstasy pill, maybe that would start to have an effect...maybe.

    Do you actually have a proposed solution or is this the limit to your argument?

    Impressive logic Mr/Ms Lock.

    Malaysia and Singapore already have (close to) the sort of draconian drug laws you advocate. But guess what - people are still being caught, and executed, for breaking what are simply unsupportable and unsustainable laws.

    So deterrence really works, doesn't it! :)

    And it has been so effective for the past 50 years :D :D :D

    It's Mr. DLock to you, and when you have a solution to the problem, I'll deal with you then.

    Until then, 5th grade debates don't interest me much.

    How about if I go down to 3rd grade - would you be capable of understanding that?

    I somehow doubt that you would even be interested, even if you had the comprehension.

  9. My wife has just received her 3rd x 12 month multiple entry visitor (tourist) visa without any problems.

    The first was in 2006, while I was living in Oz (used for 2 visits). The second last year (1 visit), just before we were married, and me living in Thailand. Both were from Bangkok.

    Recently obtained a 3rd from the Oz Embassy in Vientiane (we live near Nong Khai). When she picked up the visa was told could apply at any time in Vientiane, and no mention or suggestion to get a spouse visa. However, when we earlier lodged the application, the woman in the Embassy checked my passport to confirm that I was living in Thailand, and on a long term visa (12 month non O-A).

  10. Wake up junior. The War on Drugs will NEVER be won. Never. But killing people is the MAXIMUM that can be done to hopefully deter others. It works on me, and I'm pretty sure it works on most smart people, but feel free to prove me wrong on that. I support killing anyone caught with a single ecstasy pill, maybe that would start to have an effect...maybe.

    Do you actually have a proposed solution or is this the limit to your argument?

    Impressive logic Mr/Ms Lock.

    Malaysia and Singapore already have (close to) the sort of draconian drug laws you advocate. But guess what - people are still being caught, and executed, for breaking what are simply unsupportable and unsustainable laws.

    So deterrence really works, doesn't it! :)

    And it has been so effective for the past 50 years :D :D :D

  11. If that's what it takes to send a message to all the idiots and reduce the drugs on the streets, then so be it.

    Clearly the Thai woman sentenced to death a couple of weeks ago in Malaysia for 4kg of mull has had a huge deterrent effect on other potential mules.

    The message has been really effective, hasn't it. And there has no doubt been a huge fall in the availability of drugs all over Malaysia.

    Your argument lacks both coherence and sense.

  12. Be careful, the Thai tax code is written such that any money (pension) derived from sources outside Thailand and remitted to Thailand in a given tax year is assessable income. Best to keep your money outside Thailand for at least 1 year. Not usually enforced for retirees, but still the law. Does Australia have a tax treaty with Thailand?

    No tax treaty between Australia and Thailand. I don't mind paying tax in Thailand as it will be far less than if it is taxed in Australia. I know that Australian super pensions paid to Aussies who are residents of the Phillipines are not taxable in Australia. Can't seem to easliy find out what the situation is for Aussie expats who are resident in Thailand.

    And further to the contrary, if you are under 60, your Australian super may be taxed - I know, because I pay tax.

    If you are over 60, generally you will not be taxed in Australia. However, as you will be drawing a public service "pension", I believe it may be subject to tax, even if you are over 60. The reason, I understand, is that payments into (some) public service super funds are not taxed on the way in (unlike private enterprise funds), and are therefore taxed on the way out.

    But I am not a tax professional - get some proper advice.

  13. Now I understand why the supreme court has not processed any of the PAD and yellow ones for their criminal activities and violence.

    Not on the high priority list

    But that is what you get with a junta appointed judiciary in the context of a military coup.

    Two speed "justice" system

    Bring back electoral democracy.

    lol... Apparently your ability to judge dates on a calendar has been slightly impaired. Along with the fact that you think that judges are appointed by either the government/military...lol

    Not to mention that this is a ruling by the lawyers disciplinary body - nothing to do with the courts. And on a matter that goes to the very core of the administration of justice in Thailand, such as it is.

    Perhaps Mr Talk ought to be a little Shyer before making inane comments.


    Royal Thai Police disputes NACC ruling

    By The Nation

    Royal Thai Police statement in defiance of the NACC ruling on the Oct 7 crackdown

    The Royal Thai Police on Wednesday issued a strongly-worded statement challenging the National Anti Corruption Commission in its ruling on the botched crowd control.

    In its seven-point statement, police vowed to fight the court battle related to the October 7, 2008 crackdown on protesters and made a sarcastic demand for the NACC to issue guidelines on crowd control.

    The gist of the statement is as the followings:

    1. The people are entitled to the right to hold a peaceful and unarmed assembly as per the Constitution.

    2. Police officers are obligated to safeguard the rights and liberty of every citizen, fight against any violations of civil rights and ensure equal justice for all.

    3. Police officers are duty-bound to enforce the laws promptly, justly and comprehensively.

    4. In carrying out their duties, police officers are entitled to self-defence as deemed justified and within the legal sanction.

    5. Every officer of the Royal Thai Police will steadfastly do their job regardless of difficulties triggered by the political situation.

    6. National police chief General Patcharawat Wongsuwan is confident justice will prevail as he and every police officer involved have acted within the rule of law.

    7. The NACC ruling was based on the October 7 incident alone which failed to factor in the related protests commenced since May, 2008. Evidence gathered by police indicated unruly protests.

    Maj General Amnuay Nimmano, one of the key officers in charge of crowd control, said he wanted to pose a question right back at the NACC to spell out the proper guidelines for reining in the unruly crowds.

    In its ruling, the NACC said police used excessive force for crowd control, he said. If the police were blamed for doing their job, then the NACC should lay down the rules on what police can or can not do, he said.


    -- The Nation 2009/09/09

    So would it now be reasonable for the RTP to print this (particularly points 2, 3 and 5) out in large and bold letters, and for it to be placed prominently in every police station in the length and breadth of Thailand, with the prominent heading "MISSION STATEMENT"?

  15. Is that video also a warning to not drive your car with your eyes shut, and to drive on the correct side of the road? The driver she hit in the mondeo made no attempt to evade (yet managed to beep the horn), and the driver that crashed into her in the fiesta was driving on the wrong side of the road and made no attempt to stop.

    Scottyd's evaluation: Everyone in the video should have died because they are all morons. Get out of my gene pool.

    What an intelligent deconstruction of a video which was obviously made with a clear message in mind.

    Based on the above, I would imagine your gene pool is a pretty empty place already. :)

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