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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Try this mob:


    I used them to ship (door to door) from Oz to LOS when I moved here last year. Their service was excellent, rates reasonable, and they seem to have agents in Bangkok with good relations with Customs. They also ship from the US.

    You can even get an online quote, but remember the one thing you can never predict is how much tea money the corrupt buggers from HM Customs are going to demand.

  2. I wonder if he had a bad accident in the past and suffered head injuries.

    I wonder why the cops don't remove this hazard?

    After all this is a high speed divided highway with cyclone fences either side to keep dogs & pushcarts out.

    He'll get splattered & take some innocents with him. TiT.

    Thank you dotcom.

    That is exactly the point I was trying to make about the mad Dr. :o

  3. Almost every time I drive from BKK to SriRacha in the morning (around 7:20AM), I see a crazy character walking along the yellow line next to the fast lane on the number 7 highway. Very concentrated on the yellow line, walking slowly.

    Cars are zooming past at 130+, but this guy is taking a stroll! :D Against the flow of traffic. Not that it matters which direction he walks, but if he just steps one step to his right he is ketchup... First time I saw him, scared the crap out me. He did not look lost, well maybe in his mind, but there on purpose.

    He is very brown, has a beard and is looks like a homeless guy. Anybody else see him or know his story?

    Practicing mindfullness or something?

    Who is the crazy man? :o

    Usually I like to sit on 150-160 on the elevated Bang Na - Chonburi. Hit 180 this morning. All for nought...

    If you see a black Altis approaching at speed on this road in your rearview mirror JUST GET THE F*** OUT of the right lane.

    I know I drive like a madman, but I dont care.

    It a question of degree here :D

    Besides, compared to the rest of the madmen behind the wheel here, I'm a saint :D

    For instance, I use my indicator. When you're supposed to! I look in my rearview mirrors, too.

    I don't drive pissed or weave erratically, either.

    Dr, please enlighten me. Who is going to cause the most damage:

    1. An eccentric walking along and minding his own business on Highway 7, or

    2. A self-confessed don't give a fukc madman, who drives at 150 - 160 - 180, and believes they have ownership of the outside lane? :D

  4. Wind Turbines are classified 8412.80.00 in the Thai Customs Tariff.

    Follow this link:


    Click on Search for Import Tariff

    Insert 8412 into Tariff Code box

    Click search

    Click 8412

    Click 8412.80.00

    This will bring up a range of duty rates for wind turbines, from 30% to zero. It will depend on whether any preferential duty rates are available for goods from India. As most of the important information is written in Thai, I can't help any further.

    You will also have to pay VAT on the combined CIF + customs duty. I am not aware of any further special duties or taxes (eg excise) on wind turbines.

    Of course these are the official rates. However, you never can tell when dealing with Thai Customs.

    Even though it is a relatively small import, I would use the services of a customs broker. They will have the right contacts within Thai Customs. Also, if you are looking to import more of these machines, getting it right the first time will be very helpful in the future.

    Good luck.

  5. Almost every time I drive from BKK to SriRacha in the morning (around 7:20AM), I see a crazy character walking along the yellow line next to the fast lane on the number 7 highway. Very concentrated on the yellow line, walking slowly.

    Cars are zooming past at 130+, but this guy is taking a stroll! :D Against the flow of traffic. Not that it matters which direction he walks, but if he just steps one step to his right he is ketchup... First time I saw him, scared the crap out me. He did not look lost, well maybe in his mind, but there on purpose.

    He is very brown, has a beard and is looks like a homeless guy. Anybody else see him or know his story?

    Practicing mindfullness or something?

    Who is the crazy man? :o

    Usually I like to sit on 150-160 on the elevated Bang Na - Chonburi. Hit 180 this morning. All for nought...

    If you see a black Altis approaching at speed on this road in your rearview mirror JUST GET THE F*** OUT of the right lane.

    I know I drive like a madman, but I dont care.

  6. I am struggling to work out whether this thread, or another thread:


    discussing "Farangs Shower Less Than Thais/asians,"

    is the most inane contribution currently running on Thai Visa.

    Can someone please help :D

    You could always start another thread, such as "My dick is 9 inches long, how big is yours?" and see if the posters here also post in that one. :o


  7. I would like to know if anyone should hear, if the One Of Payment - "Single pensioners will receive a lump sum payment of $1400" Due to be paid on 8th Dec 2008. Will it be paid to Australians receiving the Pension on a regular basis in Thailand ?.

    Also the last three pension payments are now appearing in my Kasikorn Bank on the Monday and not the Tuesday. This is a SWIFT direct payment from Hobart.

    For $1400 it may be worth setting up an Oz bank account, and get your pension paid into that account for a while. You could later close it down, and revert to your current arrangements.

    It would take a lot of transfers from Oz to Thailand to eat up $1400 in fees.

  8. Airport security is a pile of shit at the best of times, you worry about sharp knives...after all the security procedures, once I get into airside, go to the duty free, buy a couple of bottles of Vodka, pour them on the floor and burn the whole thing to kingdom come..it's a joke!

    Does vodka poured on the floor really burn sufficiently to bring down an aircraft :o

    Or is that just a joke :D

  9. In fairness to the driver, as much as he's being slammed in here, i drove that route twice this weekend and I saw the bus twice, there is a sign with the indicated escape road for buses and trucks to slow them down in case their brakes fail, and he drove up it like he should have. He did a better job than driving it off the mountain, into a tree, into a wall, or into someone / something else.

    So he was awake and aware enough to take the emergency exit (it was the only one on the whole route that I saw), however the bus itself should be in question, why did the brakes fail. Even though these buses 'appear' new from their paint scheme, they are really very very old. like 1980's with a new paint job, if you look at the roof which is usually not painted, it's all rusted up.

    Anyway, from driving past it, it really does look like he went up it, then the buss rolled down sideways since the poorly constructed emergency exit is actually flat for the first 10, then banks right for the rest which would have caused any vehicle to flip (as the photos above show). The roads agency should also be looked at for it.

    Thanks foxxx for some perspective.

  10. Thanks, it looks like Lek and the Irish clock.

    I'll have 2 nights in Udon before driving, any good bars where I can drink out of a brown paper bag with my Aus s ? :o

    BTW the malware on Lek's site is HEUR/HTML.Malware

    Note: Lek accept payment in advance by PayPal but I'm not sure which currency they will convert A$ to.

    Thai baht wasn't listed in their (PP) currencies last time I looked.

    If you are staying at the Irish Clock, the same street is full of bars.

  11. It's info for Australians in Thailand on pensions and fixed incomes.

    As the owners of this forum don't recognise that Aus is part of S.E.A,

    info such as this has to go into general topics.

    Thanks Gunga. As one of the aforementioned Aussies in LOS on fixed incomes ie some bank interest, this is re-assuring. Unfortunately it doesn't help the pension (superannuation) part, but thems the breaks :o

  12. This is a quick and easy way of calculating distances between major Thai cities:


    The calculator appears to contain errors i.e. Nakhon Ratchasima>Ubon 282 km, Ubon>Nakhon Ratchasima 370 km? I haven't checked them all, but it's not the only example where opposite journeys vary in distance.

    The distances I quoted were from the Roadway Atlas, produced by Groovy Map. I've compared several 'journeys' with the calculator & most seem to agree. The lesson is that we should never trust the Thai's with geography - which I suspect most of us know anyway.

    Hmm! You are correct. I have used the calculator a number of times, and not noticed the problem before.

    Another way of calculating, and hopefully accurately, is to use google maps http://maps.google.com/

    You merely enter "from xxxxxxxx to yyyyyyy" (no quotation marks). Also has the added advantage of showing the shortest route (similar to a GPS).

  13. What are you trying to do with your misguided OP, Shrek?

    Did you consider the amount of perceived wisdom you would tear down from this Forum with your propaganda?

    All the "experts" who constantly say such a relationship can never work, left without credibility.

    Age old clichés such as "you can take the girl out of the bar ............" exploded as myths.

    Naysayers and advice givers having to re-examine their prejudices.

    Shame on you.

    whoopi shreks 1 in 1000 so the f-- what!!...........99% of those esan monkeys are grubbers,they coach each other,then again their prey is looser city(greeny,ugly, mad.gif fat or old)t's an industry don't you read the bangkok post?

    I rest my case!

    So unforgiven, in your last two posts you have admitted you are 20 years old, and you read the Bangkok Post. I reckon your credibility is 0 :o

  14. - just because she is from Isaan doesn't mean the odds are against her being a good wife. So what's the point of your story?

    That is exactly the point of his story.

    How many times do you read on this forum about the uneducated, money grubbing whores from Isaan, who couldn't possibly make a good, loyal and loving partner in a million years.

    Too many to mention!

    And Shrek's is a success story. His post is written now, not some time into the future.

  15. Perhaps I can answer my own question (after some further research).

    At the Immigration website here:


    it says this:

    Documents required are as follows;

    The account deposit with the bank in Thailand of not less than 800,000 Baht.

    The proof of such evidence is the updated bank passbook with the certified letter from the bank showing the money in the account of not less than 800,000 Baht which has been deposited in the account for the previous 3 months. OR

    Income from pension/social welfare of not less than 65,000 Baht per month.

    The proof of such evidence is a letter from the applicant's Embassy or Consulate in Thailand to certify that the applicant receives pension or other income of not less than 65,000 Baht per month. OR

    A combination of the account deposite in the bank plus income (from pension or other source per yearX witha combined total of not less than 800,000 Baht.

    It will be interesting to see what comes from the Isaan forum (thanks ubonjoe).

  16. Schoolboy lesson #1

    Never believe a whore who says she don't want money. What she means is that she wants MORE money, much MORE.

    The total sum of human knowledge has not advanced 1 nanometre by this post.

    Please feel free to come back when you have something intelligent to contribute.

    Ok. Marry the escort girl, support her family, have lots of children and live happily ever after in Thailand. Is that Intelligent?

    Obviously you didn't read (or were unable to comprehend) what I said :o

  17. Schoolboy lesson #1

    Never believe a whore who says she don't want money. What she means is that she wants MORE money, much MORE.

    The total sum of human knowledge has not advanced 1 nanometre by this post.

    Please feel free to come back when you have something intelligent to contribute.

  18. I have already posted an abbreviated form of this question on a different thread, but it appeared to get lost in that thread. I believe it is sufficiently interesting to warrant its own thread.

    Does anyone know of a LEGAL reason why someone seeking an Embassy letter as verification of income for a "retirement" visa extension must have this done at their embassy in Bangkok?

    As an example, I live quite close to Nong Khai, and therefore, Vientiane. I have emailed the Oz Embassy there, and they have said they can witness a Statutory Declaration re income, just as Bangkok normally does.

    If no-one is aware of a LEGAL reason (hence this post) for Thai Immigration to reject such evidence on the basis it is not from Bangkok, I can then take the next step, and ask Nong Khai immigration whether they would be willing to accept it.

  19. You are being played like a 10-cent flute. As many TVers have, you hired a prostitute, fallen in love with her, and you believe that you alone can bring happiness in her dismal life.

    What a clever and perceptive person you are!

    I didn't read any of that in the OP, or his subsequent posts :o

    0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

    Can you please read the lottery result into the above, and let me know.

    Thanks a million.

  20. What are you trying to do with your misguided OP, Shrek?

    Did you consider the amount of perceived wisdom you would tear down from this Forum with your propaganda?

    All the "experts" who constantly say such a relationship can never work, left without credibility.

    Age old clichés such as "you can take the girl out of the bar ............" exploded as myths.

    Naysayers and advice givers having to re-examine their prejudices.

    Shame on you.

    one guy lives to 120 years as a heavy smoker, so now smoking is cool?

    get the connection!

    Oh, such wisdom stephaniee!

    How about "all bar girls are bad....and..... no relationship with one can succeed", and then Shrek comes along to demonstrate the fallacy of such myths. As, I have no doubt, could many others who have succeeded in their relationships.

    Get the connection?

    Probably not, so the next time someone comes on the forum to discuss a potential relationship with a bar girl/escort/massage lady etc, there will be the usual (but fortunately not universal) types of responses I outlined in my earlier post.

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