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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Geeze sorry jacky, I didnt realise the spelling police were here again....imagine accidently making a typo & putting an 'e' on the end of a word. (If you look real closely, my posts are full of typos, spelling errors and the like....I guess that comes from not being a DESK JOCKEY). You state that your only comment on the post was that Mr Hoods was 'stupid' but I recall you making comments about what other people have to say about him....it would seem in your world that you're opinion is the only one that counts.

    I'm most certainly not a 'living legend' as you put it & I don't know about all the guys you are meeting in bars, as I havent been to a bar in many years....I don't drink & its not my scene. Having said that, perhaps you should take the time to realise that if it wasnt for some of these guys you talk about the world might be a slightly different place & you might be somebody elses b#tch right now!

    After reading your latest post, it is clear to me that you are definately a text book hero.....you've studied & obtained 3 or 4 degree's & you think the world revolves around university and some theory about life. Its highly likely jacky that in a certain point in my career I met more junkies in one week than you have in your entire lifetime......but I couldnt possibly be right, the text book says differently, right? :D

    You state, "If you knew anything about heroin (a heroine is that pretty lady you see in the movies) you would know that people (not all) with a life-long addiction to the drug are capable of leading perfectly normal and productive lives hidden deep within the society they live". This gave away you're text book learnt theory, because I have also read about the supposed people that come forward and claim that they have had a life long addication & they believe that they are capable of leading perfectly normal & productive lives hidden deep within the society they live. After seeing what I have, I would say I'm very sceptical about this because I'm not sure if I call it 'normal' human behaviour to constantly fill ones veins with a drug like heroin, digging around upon ones body to find a new place to puncture ones skin with a needle, to spend excessive amounts of money achieving that all important high, then recklessly going about driving motor vehicles and other machinary whilst affected & endangering lives whilst doing so. Sharing needles & hiding away whilst injecting oneself, lieing to and deceiving people, causing family members and children to go without because they NEED to support their habit etc etc....none of these things are normal, but if you ask these people they will manipulate the truth and tell you indeed they live completely normal lives. Yeah OK Jacky, we believe you :D

    Anyway, prior to your comments I only passed opinion on how it is likely that this Grub came to the attention of Authorities & that I was glad he was off the streets....I guess its one more down, another million to go. Good on the Thai Authorities I say :o . I didnt enter the post and attack another TV members and what they believe, I just called it how I saw it.....you seem to be the one that comes into the various posts, highlighting posts then setting about atacking their opinon...good for you jackyslat...you are my 'living legend'.

    Perhaps you might like to come out now and tell us about you're story, how much you did of whatever you did, how normal you are & how sad this story about this junkie is, maybe you might be able to convince someone to join your bleeding hearts brigade, but it won't be me! You're not friends with this fellow are you?.....are you the bloke that got away? Perhaps its time for you to come clean Jacky, whadda ya say?

    You stick to your world full of black or white, good or bad, stereotypes and caricatures.

    I will stay in the real world, thanks.

    (And congratulations on coming up with the most variations on TV this year for variations of my TV nic. You really are a smart fella :D)

  2. You are right about one thing Jacksplat, I'm not a customs officer, never have been & wouldnt want to be. Having said that I have served & protected the community both in my country & abroad for almost 20 years and I have dealt with enough grubs like this to be able to spot them at the country mile.

    Never lose sight of the fact that this guy strapped 3kg of Heroine to his body and was trying to take it from Thailand to Australia, there is no way he could of not known this was a serious crime....he definately had the 'Mens Rea' when doing this & he is now going to serve a severe punishment at the hands of the Thai system & I absolutely applaude them for that. It's pathetic that he comitts this serious crime then tells us a sob story about his daughter....naturally the papers want to print this rubbish because it sells to bleeding hearts like yourself.

    If you had any idea at what the consequences of these types of drugs, the spiral of destruction they cause and their greater overall effect on the community you might join the hang em high club too. Others will chose to point out how devastating legal drugs like alcohol are and I agree with them to a point, but having said that there are plenty of people who can consume alcohol without it becoming a problem, where as I doubt the same could be said about heroine. Its an ugly world out there Jack, perhaps if there wernt people out there like me then this issue may be THRUSTED into your world at some point & I can guarantee you wouldnt like it. I wouldnt concern yourself with my intellect, its probably my 'say it as it is' attitude thats got your attention.

    You can go right ahead jack and brand me with the "Hang em high TV club" if you want but I can assure you that I was hangin them high long before THAIVISA even existed and I would still be doing that if I hadnt been injured and incapacitated after dealing with grubs like this. Anyway, you can go back to your "Big Girls Blouse club" and continue with filing your fingernails or whatever else you do to get in touch with your inner princess.

    Oh goody - another "living legend" on TV. To join the hundreds (if not thousands) of former SAS/Navy Seals etc you can meet in bars all around Thailand.

    If you bothered to read my posts on this subject, you will see the only comment I have made on Mr Hoods is that he is stupid. He is just another dumb mule, and will reap his own reward.

    What I find far more interesting and enlightened is the rabid response stories such as this invariably bring out on TV - yours included.

    If you knew anything about heroin (a heroine is that pretty lady you see in the movies) you would know that people (not all) with a life-long addiction to the drug are capable of leading perfectly normal and productive lives hidden deep within the society they live. For those addicts who go off the rails, it is far more about their lifestyle and socio-economic conditions, than the drug that leads them where they may end up. And unfortunately, some even overdose before they have reached the stage of knowing what they can tolerate.

    I happen to be a supporter of legalisation - for all the reasons outlined by enlightened posters earlier on. I also have a morbid fear of law enforcement personnel who add 1 + 1 and get 25 :o

  3. [quote

    I think it was the Tattoo on his forehead that said,"SHITBAG" that gave him away. If he didnt get stopped at Suvarnabhumi, he would have been looked at by the Australian blokes.....amazing how many people strut around with the big neon sign flashing...PICK ME PICK ME!

    I would suggest it would be a combination of the tough stickers, the oversized earing, the crappy little goatee beard, the track marks, the uncontrollable shaking, bad body odour, poor dental hygiene and that 'I havent had a hit this morning' OR 'I've just had a hit this morning' look and finally his crappy attitude that gave him away.

    If I was a half switched on bobby, I would certainly take a look at him, wouldnt you?

    If i saw him displaying ALL of the above, then maybe i would look twice, but then i'm not a customs officer!


    Neither is neverdie - and given his lack of intellect, based on the stereotypes he portrays above, unlikely to ever become one.

    Mind you, he still qualifies as a paid up member and cheerleader of the (unfortunately not) exclusive "TV Hang 'Em High Club".


  4. Should throw the full brunt of thai law at him. If he did it in Australia he would probably just get 40 hours community work or at the most 1 yr in prison in a luxury cell with swimmings pools, cable T.V internet and get paid for being in there. Hang him I say

    Why don't you try it then - a quick mule run to Oz :D

    Surely the rewards far outweigh the risk, as you have so knowledgeably outlined above :o

  5. And so does this Australian murderer, that you anti US mob conspired to free -


    And precisely who did Mr Hicks murder, spiderman?

    In case you missed it at the time, the "conspiracy" to free him was done primarily by John Howard (aka Bush's asslicker), in a belated (and fortunately futile) attempt to recover some ground with the majority of the Australian population, prior to the 2007 election.

    Up to that point Howard was happy to see Hicks rot, without charge, in Guantanamo Bay for 5 years. The Australian public wasn't!

  6. If there is a positive to come from news of the stupid Mr Hood's capture, it is the opportunity for members of the TV "hang 'em high" brigade to dust off their barbaric attitudes. :o

    And of course for Champaigne Socialists to display their PC credentials to the forum.

    Apologists for scum like this are never far away, so come on, lets here all the good things about this man and what you would do with him.

    In the west, we give them a nice social worker, protection from the evil courts who may punish them, taxpayers money for alternative therapies, needles to carry on their idiot practices.

    What is alway missing from these liberals is that people who do drugs start because they think it is cool! They are too brain dead even before drugs take effect.

    Nice to see a county shoot a few thousand of these cretins.

    Thank you for so clearly demonstrating my point, pops :D

  7. Here are some thoughts from the editor of The Nation he posted in his blog:

    In fact, I have never seen her speak anything in public. But she is known to be very effective when it comes to backdoor arrangements.

    Very intersting

    I often wondered what kept them together for 32 wonderful years :o

  8. Please read my post again, and feel free to declare yours biggrin.gif

    Green tea. The O-A (from home countries) is often confused with people on retirement extensions who never got an O-A and started with a regular O.

    No confusion here.

    If you look at my post again

    After you get a non O-A in your home country, if you play your cards right there is no need to apply for an extension until just before the end of the second year of your O-A.

    At this time, previously you needed 800k in a Thai bank for 3 months prior to the extension application (or pension, or combination)

    the reference to "at this time" clearly refers to an application for extension just before the end of the second year.

  9. After you get a non O-A in your home country, if you play your cards right there is no need to apply for an extension until just before the end of the second year of your O-A.

    At this time, previously you needed 800k in a Thai bank for 3 months prior to the extension application (or pension, or combination). Now it seems the 800k must be in the Thai bank for 60 days for the first extension application, and 3 months for every year after that.

    That is incorrect for the old rules. Before those applying for an O-A in their home country were not required to show any money at all IN A THAI BANK ACCOUNT.

    Jing, both myself and Lite Beer declared our impediment (albeit slightly different) :o

    Please read my post again, and feel free to declare yours :D

  10. My interpretation (thanks Issan Legal) for those on a non O-A visa ( for the purposes of retirement) is very little change.

    After you get a non O-A in your home country, if you play your cards right there is no need to apply for an extension until just before the end of the second year of your O-A.

    At this time, previously you needed 800k in a Thai bank for 3 months prior to the extension application (or pension, or combination). Now it seems the 800k must be in the Thai bank for 60 days for the first extension application, and 3 months for every year after that.

    If my interpretation is correct, this is in fact a slight relaxation of the current policy, which requires 800k for 3 months prior to the first extension application.

    I am happy to be corrected, given that my interpretation has been Leo-assisted :o

  11. For retirement visa, it's now SPECIFIED that you need 800,000 baht in a local bank account for the FIRST YEAR. Some people were able to get a one year retirement visa abroad without showing money and the second year, for their extension, had to put 800,000 baht 3 months in advance. The rest seems to be as before.

    That was one of the big perks for the O-A visa. Even LESS reason to bother with the extra hassle now.

    Whilst I find the original information from Issan Lawyers to be a bit confusing, I am not sure how it marries up with your comment Jing.

    To get an O-A (in Perth, at least) you do have to show money in the bank - the equivalent of TBH800,000. It doesn't have to be in a Thai bank. The second year of an O-A is not a retirement extension, and therefore there was (? is) still no need for money in a Thai bank.

    It is after the end of the 2nd year, if you are seeking an extension (for retirement) that you need to show money in the Thai bank, pension, or combination.

    Hopefully this has not changed, as I will be going back to Perth just prior to the end of my 2nd year, to obtain a further (ie new) non O-A.

  12. ALSO, forgot to mention that you would only have to go back 1 or 2 years & the top tax rate was 47 cents plus the 1.5, which is where i got the 48.5 from. If you didnt have private health insurance, that would automatically jump up to 49.5%......anyway JACKSPLAT, your most welcome to goto Australia and pay their taxes if you wish.....they not fussy, theyll take cash anyway they can :o

    Thank you for confirming the empty vessel theory :D

  13. For those who wish to whinge about Oz, and tax rates, some facts -

    Tax rates 2007-08

    $1 – $6,000 Nil

    $6,001 – $30,000 15c for each $1 over $6,000

    $30,001 – $75,000 $3,600 plus 30c for each $1 over $30,000

    $75,001 – $150,000 $17,100 plus 40c for each $1 over $75,000

    $150,001 and over $47,100 plus 45c for each $1 over $150,000

    Tax rates 2008-09

    $0 – $6,000 Nil

    $6,001 – $34,000 15c for each $1 over $6,000

    $34,001 – $80,000 $4,200 plus 30c for each $1 over $34,000

    $80,001 – $180,000 $18,000 plus 40c for each $1 over $80,000

    $180,001 and over $58,000 plus 45c for each $1 over $180,000

    Oh dear! There is no 48.5% ++ rate.

    And more oh dear! When that rate did exist, no-one paid it on every dollar they earned.

    I also note most of the whingers appear to come from NSW. Following the precedent set by some Americans, who presume the USA is the world, these NSWelshmen seem to think NSW is Australia.

    More news - it ain't!

    Australian is far from perfect, but it is a lot closer to achieving that aim without the whinging, whining rednecks who have made such a splash on this thread.

    As someone once said - empty vessels make the most noise.

  14. Garmin dont have any good maps of Thailand either.

    If you find any can you let me know?

    Cheers billd766

    I don't think you have ever seen Thailand Street Map V8.0 or V8.1 made by ESRI Thailand for Garmin.

    Name the coordinates and I will post a screenshot of the map.

    Cheers, Ai

    aidenai did you happen to note the date of billd766's post?

  15. What is the difference between a non-oa visa for retirement, and a multiple entry non o?

    I turn 50 in January, and it seems that I need more info.


    A non-oa visa issued by a conuslate and will allow a permit to stay of 1 year for for each entry.

    Link to info and requirements: http://www.mfa.go.th/web/2482.php?id=2493 Note: #3 has has info that visa can be issued at immigration in Bangkok this is incorrect.

    After the visa expires you then have to apply for an extension of stay here or re-apply for a new visa at a conuslate.

    A non-o issued by a conuslate will only be for 90 days each entry. After arriving in Thailand with proof of income you can apply for a year extension of permit to stay at immigration.

    I commend you on you patience and good spirit, UJ.

    Both the questions asked in this thread have been answered on the forum on more occasions than you could poke a stick at.

    It seems the "Search" function is almost redundant.

  16. Wether it is 30000, 100000 or more it must be the opportunity of a lifetime for those lucky folk who have had the benefit of not having to go home and thus have further delights from Thai hospitality. They can also thank their lucky stars that they have made a positive contribution to reducing green house gasses by those planes not flying. It is possibly a debt of gratitude that they will be unable to repay for the rest of their lifetimes.

    Typical inane brainless comment.

    I hope you get stranded somewhere and have to spend days in an airport.

    In 257 posts thus far, espirit has yet to demonstrate any wit or intellect.

    You shouldn't anticipate any change in the near future.

  17. And before you ask I neither support PAD or the other morons but I do support the believe that any country should be run by those most able and qualified. One man one vote is drivvel put forward by those with socialistic ideals but wool between their ears. Proof - then look at USA electing Bush, UK electing Thatcher, and of course Thailand electing Toxin.
    Do you live here full time or will you be returning to North Korea soon?

    No chance - even North Korea has higher standards than admitting boofheads such as this.

  18. Back on topic (which was WINE TAXES if you need reminding): does anyone know specifically how the TAX on local Thai wine (which is obviously very high) compares with the tax on Australian imports (which nows gets a slight break) and for example French imports?

    Sorry, old data of 1999, but givces some idea


    (23/1999) ( 55% + 10% + 1.392405 + 10% + VAT 10%)


    2. DUTY 55% USD 55.-

    3. SPECIAL DUTY 10% ON 21 USD 5.5

    4. EXCISE DUTY 1.392405 ON 1+2+3 USD 223.481

    5. INTERIOR TAX 10% ON 4 USD 22.348

    6. VAT 10% ON 1+2+3+4+5 USD 40.63


    But .. why not to set up a member's organisation, and import together a 20 ft container ? 1200 cases of 12 bottles. 6 different types, 200 members = 6 cases per member.

    Regards, Harry Romijn, www dot thaitrade dot nl

    Sorry Harry, but it gives no idea at all, unless:

    - the duty rate is the same

    - the special duty still exists, and at the same rate

    - the excise rate has not changed since 1999

    - the interior tax is still applied, and at the same rate

    - the VAT rate is still 10%

    Based on the above information you have posted, I would be loath to commit to an importation of a container load of wine (or anything else) which was under your control.

  19. meanwhile... on the other side of Earth...


    U.S. President George W. Bush speaks with Thailand's Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat before the start of the first meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Lima, November 22, 2008.



    Bush looks like he is either going to crack up laughing

    or puke....

    In this company Somchai looks like a highly intelligent and well respected statesman.

    Let's just hope he doesn't listen to the Shrub eg

    "I have a fella named Rumsfeldt who I can loan to ya' if ya' need help puttin' down them pesky PAD types."


    "We have some room for them in Gitmo since that darned Federal Court ordered us to release those 5 fellas who we been holdin' for 7 years with a shred of evidence"


    "Those fellas who used to run Merrill Lynch ain't too busy at the moment - would you like me to ask them to help out with your financial problems in .....err....err.....where you from again?

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