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Everything posted by bigupandchill

  1. Either he somehow manged to survive here for nearly 30 years on a fake passport, or liason wasn't working very well.
  2. Can we agree Ukraine was a soverign state as defined by the UN at the time Putin invaded?
  3. Diesel is up there among the worst pollutants - it disperses slowly in air and is highly toxic. Putting the price up to reduce it's use would help, but would also increase inflation.
  4. This one could work for you: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2723161243-s9861916513.html
  5. are you suggesting they should have just let the russians invade unopposed?
  6. I would pay more to buy from a chinese company rather than a Thai one.
  7. Would reducing the interst rate here also weaken the Baht? Retail banks in the UK are paying over 5%, so money would flow out of Thailand looking for a better return, weakening the currency.
  8. Wise is not technically a bank which is why their rules are a bit diffent.
  9. K.A.N. Computer
  10. Rubbish. I have used these guys for many years in Hua Hin and have always found them to be fair, competant and efficient: https://maps.app.goo.gl/SQihWQPdMyhB4vrG8
  11. The people that allow, encourage, facilitate and turn a blind eye to the mass illegal migration into countries like Holland are more dangerous to the stability of the country than the Russian & Chinese government combined.
  12. Probably Google Translate.
  13. Also handy to have DNA available for crime solving purposes.
  14. I could be wrong about this (the rules recently changed in the uk) but don't you need a prescription for viagra here? If so, and you didn't have one, they were breaking the law by selling it to you?
  15. If individuals collectively, or governments spend beyond their means it reduces investors confidence in that economy's ability to service those debts. This will eventually weaken a currency.
  16. I was just quoted 48k in Hua Hin if that's any help.
  17. or just replace the battery: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/mbll-3265032700-32v-7a14a21a28a35a42a-i2644201649-s9501856432.html?
  18. Give it a few years Hua Hin will be like Pattaya with all the new roads and rail they are building here.
  19. It is their inability to raise tax revenue that is the problem.
  20. I can't help thinking the CCP would be less than enthusiastic about their citizens going to a country where Ganja is available everywhere.
  21. This is an unforgiveable failure of guardianship allowing a young boy to become so desperate he took his own life. Given what he had been through and his background he had to have been seen as vulnerable. I hope someone is held to account for allowing this to happen.
  22. Living here and coming here on holiday are very different. I have met people who would probably have been better off staying in their own country. He should budget for at least a year here then if he still wants to stay he can make the final move.
  23. The russians and chinese are desperately trying to wrest control away from the USA and her allies. Is this what their new world order would look like? God help us all if it were ever allowed to happen.
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