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Posts posted by petemoss

  1. 4 hours ago, Loiner said:

    So we get to Leave and then the Remainers get to have a second referendum. Fair enough, but what's the referendum about?

    The "people's confirmatory vote" would ask the British people if they wished to accept the deal Boris brings back from Brussels or revoke article 50. It's the democratic way to resolve the deadlock on Brexit - take the decision out of parliament's hands as the government has singularly failed to deliver a Brexit that is in any way resembles the Brexit that was promised to them before the referendum.

    • Confused 1
  2. 8 hours ago, puipuitom said:

    The UK could not come with any proposition except: "we are against"

    british voting.jpg

    Interestingly, the closest to being accepted was Ken Clark's customs union. A close second was the confirmatory vote which would only require 14 MPs to vote the other way to pass. 

    Since the vote, a number of MPs, both Labour and Conservative, have been making noises about the need for a confirmatory vote to break the deadlock.

    I predict that we will see PM Boris disappear off to Europe and come back with a deal that is essentially the same as May's deal apart from a slight change in semantics and suggest a confirmatory vote to pass it through parliament.

    The second referendum is on it's way.

  3. 6 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

    I disagree. 


    Hard border = a return to the troubles, lives ruined, terrorist bombings, mass murders - oh, and protection of the precious customs union


    No hard border = continued peace, a need to work on ways to tighten border controls over the coming years using technology etc., and a few smugglers getting away with stuff in the interim.  


    Any sane person / government / EU official would choose the latter 

    No you don't disagree, you agree completely! 555

  4. 17 hours ago, JAG said:

    And if you reread my now edited (expanded) post, you will see that I argue that "It is a mess because the government, despite confirming their intention to carry out the simple decision of the electorate, failed, or more properly never attempted any meaningful negotiations, or planned for any other exit on terms other than those dictated by the EU."

    How could there have been any other outcome to the negotiations? The EU held all the cards and were always in control of the outcome of the deal. No matter who negotiated the deal on behalf of the UK, the result would have been identical. The negotiations were never about personalities, they were always dependant on one party negotiating from a position of strength and the other from a position of extreme weakness.

    The EU mandarins asserted that Britain would suffer for it's  decision to leave the club and so it will be. Boris will have 2 choices, leave on what will substantially be May's deal or leave with no deal. The EU will not re-negotiate, why should they?

    So, it's no deal then, a complete disaster for the UK, socially, politically and economically. Don't blame May, Barnier, Verhofstadt or anyone else but yourself for the mess we're in. You voted in the referendum with your heart, not your head, not very wise when making life changing decisions.

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  5. On 6/13/2019 at 6:02 AM, amexpat said:

    Wrong and wrong again. Thai imm demanded (as stated in the previous post) that the various govs could not reasonably provide.  


    Imm did not come up with a new avenue to accommodate. The combination method was widely used instead by people who lacked the means or the desire to lend 800K to a Thai bank. 

    Why did only 4 embassies find it impossible to comply? I transfer in excess of 65k baht every month into my Thai bank account, same as I always have done. Not difficult.

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