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Posts posted by petemoss

  1. 2 hours ago, evadgib said:

    Did they?

    Certainly did. Peterborough is probably the town that is more plagued with problems from Eastern European immigrants than any other in the UK. It's a massive issue in Peterborough. Also, by-elections tend to produce shock results due to protest votes much more than in a General Election. If the Brexit party couldn't win Peterborough in a by-election, particularly when Brexit is such an issue, they aren't going to win any seats in a general election. They knew this and that is why they were so devastated with the result, so much so that they are now making ridiculous appeals to the Electoral Commission to save face.


    Farage and his party are now dead in the water, so much so that even Farage himself won't win a seat in a General Election.


    However, the biggest losers were the Conservative Party, coming a distant third in a seat that they have held several times. It's clear, from the voting figures, that there was a mass defection of Conservative voters to the Brexit Party, which was Cameron's fear and the sole reason he called for a referendum.


    Boris has a massive task to bring Tory voters back into the fold, a task that he's just not up to as most people see him simply as a clown who has spent most of his career painting fake news as facts.

  2. 1 hour ago, marcusarelus said:

    Do you live in Pattaya?  I did for 3 years and then moved a short ways away because of a change in employment.  I realize anyone can be a criticizer but how about yourself?  Is the incidence of zero tours and Chinese tour groups on Soi Six getting less or more or staying the same based on your personal experience in Pattaya?

    My experience of Pattaya is that we are seeing more and more Chinese independent travellers in Pattaya. A proportion are young, middle class, Chinese men for whom Soi 6 is a magnet. There is more than one bar on Soi 6 owned by and catering for this Chinese demographic. The established bar owners are also trying to attract them and, in my opinion may, or even is, resulting in a turf war breaking out.

  3. 2 hours ago, dallen52 said:

    Sacrificing one of thier own for the sake of the other 99..

    Definitely not one of their own. Bar was set up a few months ago by Chinese to cater for Chinese customers who are very much on the rise on Soi 6. The other bar owners on Soi 6 have also been targeting this demographic.


    It's much more about getting rid of the opposition. I've seen it too many times in Pattaya, a new bar opens up in an area and becomes successful. One or more of the big players in the same area asks the RTP to earn their monthly stipend and the bar gets closed down. I can remember this happening to one well known bar and the owner and his wife ended up in goal.

    • Like 1
  4. 46 minutes ago, myprivate said:

    I normally feel fine on the statins for a while after I start, then the dull aches start to creep up on me again and eventually peak to the point where I stop the statins, it's a cycle that's been going on for about 10 years.

    When I first started statins I had terrible leg cramps, particularly at night. It's normal for people to have to try 2 or 3 different statins before they find the right one for them.


    I finally was prescribed Rosuvastatin. Been on them for 10 years now with no recurrence of the leg cramps.

    • Like 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    If Sky or any other media outlet were neutral i'd see no reason why candidates shouldn't turn up. Unfortunately the entire shooting match in UK is heavily biased in one direction therefore I cannot blame anyone for not bothering.


    Doesn't trump do same re CNN?

    Trump had 3 live TV debates with Clinton during the run up to the 2016 election.


    1st debate was adjudicated by an NBC reporter.

    2nd debate was adjudicated jointly by a CNN reporter and an ABC reporter.

    3rd debate was adjudicated by a Fox News reporter. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 hours ago, nontabury said:

    The exception being the figures for how the M.p’s voted. That figure was derived from the Stated position of the M.P’s prior to the actual vote.

     Now you tell me, from where did you obtain your information that the majority of the British people or the majority of constituents did not vote for Brexit.

    So MPs didn't actually vote in the way you said they did. Well done for misconstruing the facts.


    Now show us where I said that the majority of people or the majority of constituents did not vote for Brexit. (Although it's true that far less than 50% of the electorate voted for Brexit).


    What I actually said is that the majority of people didn't vote for a hard Brexit or May's deal when they voted for Brexit. They voted for a complete separation from the EU with an exit agreement that is beneficial, financially, to the UK.


    Making up quotes seems to be getting a habit with you.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Loiner said:


    Can you Remainers agree among yourselves what type of border you want. So many Remainers who didn't vote for so many versions of how they now want us to Leave.


    Good job that after we Brexit we won't be imposing a hard border and we won't be breaching the GFA. Not sure about some of you Remainers though.

    Both remainers and leavers want a borderless border. Unfortunately, with a no deal Brexit, a hard border is inevitable, which is why there won't be a no deal Brexit. That leaves only 2 alternatives, May's deal, which is the only deal Boris can come back from Brussels with, or remain.

  8. 15 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    We have been trying to leave for the last 3 years but parliament, led by TM and the Remainer cabinet have stymied every move to leave despite many promises to the contrary.


    I don't care who will be the PM as long as they get the UK out of the EU by 31st October.


    If that is the best response you can offer then you can go onto my ignore list.


    I can't be be bothered to waste my time talking to blinkered people.


    The cabinet put the best deal that they could negotiate to the house. It wasn't the cabinet that stymied it, it was the ERM, Labour, the Lib Dems and the UU, not the cabinet. It wasn't the cabinet that stymied the no deal Brexit, Parliament on all sides voted against it, it was on May's insistence that it stayed on the table. Do you only aknowledge the facts that suit your POV? Very blinkered.


    Go ahead, put me on ignore, it's the blinkered Brexiteer thing to do.

    • Haha 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    A Remainer post thinks the border will be over run with them and smuggled rum 'n baccy, if we don't have machine guns on it after we Brexit.

    There is a borderless border now. Not overrun with illegals. Why would it be any different after Brexit?


    I do know of Brits who have got their Thai wives into the UK through that route though.


    Breach of the GFA is a valid issue though.

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