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my friend I

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Posts posted by my friend I

  1. It does not go through the provinces under martial law and is probably safer than most rail trips (closer checks than other lines - most train problems are accident rather than terrorist related).

    i thought the safety for trains was pretty good though?

    Is it a trip you would take?

    I take the train from Had Yai to Malaysia often. It seems safe to me. The HadYai station has good security. Its only about 30 minutes from there to the border.

  2. You know that the rates will double for sure. Last year they privatied the water in Chiang Mai. The rates nearly doubled and everything else stayed the same except that the profits went to a supporter of that guy who owns the British football team and all of the employees got a 30% raise as hush money. May become cheaper to fly, jus tlike in the USA.

    They are only going to make the cargo service private, not passenger services.

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