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About iLuvThai

  • Birthday 02/02/1962

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  1. Jesus Christ had a friend named Judas and with a simple kiss on the cheek signalled the soldiers who Jesus was and they arrested him. Get a real estate lawyer that doesn't have skin in that game. Best of luck. Cue the eye rolls.
  2. Is there that much traffic at a closed mall at 3am? Here's a tip for everyone that drives. When you stop to let others in or out of your vehicle, don't pull up so close to whatever is in front of you that it requires you to backup to continue on your way. I don't care taxi, tuk tuk, motor bike or perdonal vehicle, it just takes a little bit of thinking ahead, that's all.
  3. Going by the original text the author wrote "I was trying to explain to the pharmacy lady" As I re-read it I realized my error, so she might be working for the pharmacist as cashier but he did say lady.
  4. How do you know the pharmacist wasn't the lady?
  5. He's probably referencing the Steven Wright bit where he said he was recently re-reading his Diary, day one. Slept all day, tired from the move. At least I hope he's not depressed over being born.
  6. When you are done working on your laptop do you shut it down completely or just put it to sleep mode? I ask because we were having issues with our work laptop and my employer told us just put it to sleep instead of re-booting everyday. It's been working fine and that's what I've been doing with mine since then. I only restart it when it's downloaded updates.
  7. Doesn't matter your age and I have zero idea how to respond to you situation except to say, get a will ASAP. People of ALL ages Die unexpectedly everyday. How many times have you read or heard these words. "He/She left us way to early." Good luck with your situation. It's would be sad that you and your wife paid for everything and you could potentially lose it.
  8. It looks like one of those eye covers a person that likes to sleep in total darkness would wear.
  9. Tragic way to go. I was looking for an update about a potential drowning at Khao Takiap Beach. January 3 or 4th I can't remember what day we where there. We witness a parachuter being dragged out of the sea. Efforts where made to revive him as I am guessing they found a pulse. We left after as the ambulance arrived but it didn't look good. But on our way back to the hotel the ambulance that had just arrived when we left went screaming past our taxi. I took that as a good sign because if the man passed away why would they be in a hurry? Plus because it's been a week without any news that I've seen in taking that as possibly a good sign because why would the News report someone that survived. Any updates would be helpful as I haven't stopped thinking about this terrible situation.
  10. Been using WISE for 2 years plus and have zero idea what PLAID is. Maybe because I'm from Canada they don't use that avenue.
  11. It's a pat on the back for a job well (quickly) done.
  12. My 2 cents will most likely get some hate and that's ok, I'm young I'll get over it, ok not so young. My opinion for juvenile Justice applies everywhere not just Thailand. Whenever a juvenile is found guilty especially of something as heinous as this I believe they should bring back public flogging. Imagine it downtown at City Hall or Town Square. The juvenile gets their rear end tanned to the point where they can't sit down for a week. The public humiliation would be enough that they would think twice the next time they want to do something stupid. 18 & over go to jail. I got my behind tanned when I got caught stealing from a 5&dime as a juvenile do you think I ever stole another thing again.
  13. You're right, but when I see guys my age in their 60s with 20 year olds what do they really have in common seriously. You might say he's here for a good time not a long time and that's his business. Relationship wise personal I prefer women not girls. My wife is 9 years younger than me, never really heard music from the West. She always requesting my play list. I'm guessing if she was a lot younger that wouldn't be the case. To each his own I'm just saying at the end of the day what's more important, someone you can parade around town like an ornament or someone you're happy to be with. Happy New Year
  14. I read this book many years ago and I still remember it as being very beneficial. If you rather read the book you can get it online I'm sure it's very old but trust me it is absolutely a fantastic read but the YouTube link is free audible version there's a reason these books that are 50 plus years old are still available. Enjoy.

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