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  1. I just got my latest online report rejected due to 'insufficient information'. I've been doing tm 47's for just under 20 years. My circumstances have not changed in that time but I still get my online rejected. When I get rejected I usually repeat the info online and it gets accepted. WTF are they playing at?
  2. You limit yourself to soups and soft foods until you get the denture. You then experiment as to how things go and what you can't eat.
  3. What really gets up my nose here is that farang women married to Thai men do not have show finances to stay here. Farang woman married to a Thai living near me works as a school teacher. Her husband works when he wants to.
  4. Depending on denture manufacturer. Top set for me cast 8,000 Baht and I have no problems.
  5. That is not true. I doubt there isn't an immigration office in Thailand that isn't acting as a agent because farangs aren't as rich as they are supposed to be.
  6. Cassava is full of cyanide Sweet cassava roots contain less than 50 mg per kilogram hydrogen cyanide on fresh weight basis, whereas that of the bitter variety may contain up to 400 mg per kilogram.
  7. What poison would kill a dog that's only tainted on a chicken carcass?
  8. From my understanding Thai health service is free unless you want to cut the queue.
  9. Yeah of course they will. And if you believe that tosh.................
  10. Have been taking them for 25+ years, on and off. I now self medicate with Sertraline .
  11. What the hell are you going on about??????????
  12. Sertraline. Available without prescription at your local pharmacy. Not necessarily true Google is your friend
  13. If not government land then who's is it? Title deeds A person with a land title deed has the legal right to the land. The Thailand Land Department issues land title deeds, and the Nor. Sor. 4 Jor or Chanote is the only true land ownership title deed.

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