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  1. If I'm going up and don the gridlock of Asoke then no, I don't bother. If I'm going anywhere where I'll be getting up to speeds above 30kph then the lid goes on without fail. I'm fixing to get a Bimmer next year so the latter scenario won't be an issue. Rather arrive late due to traffic than dead.
  2. If I was in such a predicament, I'd go home to the UK. At least I wouldn't have to pay for healthcare. The cold might get me though
  3. transfer money as crypto stablecoin to your Thai exchange, then convert into baht and it's not overseas income ...easy
  4. An old web designer friend of mine had to leave Bangkok back in 2016 because he was running low on funds and it was getting harder and harder to top up the 800k he kept in a Thai account for his annual retirement extension. Ended moving to Cambodia where he recreated his routine of doing poorly-paid odd 'n' sods to fund his ridiculous 7pm - 7am barfly lifestyle. Poor sod ended up dying of cirrhosis in a run down room above a bar in Phnom Penh. A mutual friend who'd gone to visit him before he passed said he'd expressed serious interest in returning to England to get medical help.
  5. The way you explained it, he appeared to generalize about an operation that thousands and thousands of men have found lasting relief from. If he'd said that you, personally, would be "looking at 6-12 months of pain and uncontrollable leaking", that would be one thing. As someone who's actually HAD the Rezum procedure, his generalization was BS.
  6. Your US doctor is talking nonsense. I had Rezum over 2 years ago. It was done in Bangkok. Once the Foley catheter was removed (the most discomfort of the entire procedure), it was and still is plain sailing. No pain, absolutely zero leakage, zero erectile dysfunction, zero retrograde ejeaculation and 6-7 hours uninterrupted sleep most nights.
  7. The dollar isn't "responding" to anything. The DXY is completely rigged. Price action is controlled by an AI algorithm 90% of the time that it trades. In the remaining 10%, the "marketmakers" or "the hand" intervenes manually to push price to where it is advantageous for them to accumulate new positions or to distribute positions they already hold.
  8. With respect, people with money don't tend to care much about the price of a beer or a meal in a restaurant when they're on holiday. Anyone in touch with reality knows this. The very fact that you itemize everything from the cost of coffees to mototaxis suggests that you're something of a penny-pincher or as the Thais would say, a "cheap charlie". Nothing wrong with that but assuming that your way of thinking is common is the true naivety here.
  9. And if the Thai economy was entirely built on restaurant pricing then you might have a point. You may not have noticed but the Thai authorities don't seem to be bothered about pricing out the cheap charlies be they tourists or migrants. There are plenty of other destinations where someone on a modest income can live comfortably but Thailand is falling off that list. The country isn't a retirement home for impecunious westerners any more.
  10. The trouble is that too many people think that a retirement in Southeast Asia is some sort of birthright. You can't move here expecting everything to remain cheap especially when the currency in which your income is denominated is being managed by powers that don't give a monkey's about overseas retirees. Western money is headed one way and in 5 years' time there will be far fewer Brits and Aussies parked up here so if the pain is unbearable and you can't find a way to generate some income, better you consider a move to a country where weak, inflated currencies like the pound, euro and Aussie can still confer the illusion of wealth on you, at least as far as the locals' perception. Countries like Vietnam come immediately to mind
  11. Yeah and, of course I really care whether or not you believe me. 😂
  12. Unfortunate for British migrants living here, yes but for the hordes of mortgage holders living in the UK, it's fantastic news.
  13. So what? So am I Doesn't prove anything
  14. It isn't pegged to the USD like the yuan and the Vietnamese dong are. Those are "controlled" currencies.
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