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Everything posted by BuddyPish

  1. Charming bigot, aren't you?
  2. OK well put it this way, if you were going to prison in the morning, would you prefer your future inmates to believe you were being jailed for dealing drugs or for penetrating underage boys and girls? I mean, I don't know about you but I've never read about an African being arrested with kiddie porn or on pedo warrants from home. From what I've seen, that is the preserve of white people here and no matter how much we like to pretend it doesn't happen, it is and always should be a source of deep shame for the community.
  3. Same way the white pedos and woman beaters do
  4. That remark plumbed hitherto unknown depths of stupidity. From what I've seen lately, all the "trouble" being caused here by foreigners seems to emanate from white people parked up here for any of a number of reasons including evading law enforcement back home or molesting children. Swiss white men beating up women in Big C, Kiwi white men assaulting and disarming a police officer causing his weapon to be discharged in the struggle, a Brit white man fainting upon realising the police had come to arrest him for sexually assaulting a number of his students and other Brit nabbed for dealing drugs in Phuket. I could go on but you get the point or at least you should if you've not already flushed your brains out with this morning's bowel movement.
  5. What's that supposed to mean?
  6. Always one idiot lowering the tone
  7. No way is the nonce in that picture 28. More like 68.
  8. Thanks Sheryl She received the hall-clear on her lung x-rays and ECG. The hack reiterated his opinion that it couldn't be menopause and ruled it out completely. I advised her to go to MedConsultAsia clinic in sukhumvit. They're inexpensive and reasonably competent from what I've experienced. Instantly recognised perimenopause. The doctor's own mother is going through it right now so it was all familiar. Prescribed some valium for sleep because the insomnia and resulting fatigue is the most debilitating symptom. Some amitriptyline for anxiety/depression and some oestrogel. No progestin though
  9. A lady near and dear to me seems to be having all the symptoms that a layman might associate with perimenopause. These include: Extreme tiredness/fatigue Heart palpitations Bone pain Hot flashes Vaginal dryness Frequent urination In her efforts to determine what's wrong with her, she's 1. Had a curettage that removed a benign polyp, 2. Had a pap smear that was clear, 3. Commissioned a urine culture that was negative 4. Had a thyroid check that was fine and 5. Had kidney function test which was normal The last three were done at a reputable lab in Bangkok. I suggested she might be perimenopausal but she's skeptical because she still has periods. Obviously, I've tried to explain that perimenopause is the transition to menopause and not the "haven't had a period in 12 months" that menopause usually refers to but she reasons that none of her similarly aged female friends have encountered her symptoms so it's probably bunk. Anyway, she is currently relying on the inept administrations of a hack OB/GYN at a state hospital somewhere in Bangkok. He's ordered an x-ray of her lungs and an ECG saying that her palpitations and her hot flashes warrant an immediate check of those organs but he hasn't even considered prescribing a low dose course of HRT. Does anyone know of a decent OB/GYN in Bangkok who doesn't charge too much and would at least consider her age (49 in July) and her symptoms as warranting some sort of investigation into perimenopause? I know there are no definitive tests to diagnose this challenging condition but a woman her age uttering these symptoms to a GP in the UK would hear the words "peri/menopause" and "HRT" more or less straight away. Thanks for any help.
  10. One year has passed since my Rezum experience. Pleased to report there are no issues with the prostate; flow remains excellent and I regularly sleep 7 hours straight without needing to void. The wedding tackle remains in full operation with no ED or EjD. I did have an issue with a UTI that proved more stubborn than I thought these things could be. I took myself up to Bria Labs in Lad Phrao for my regular blood panel and asked for a urine culture. 3 days later, they sent me the results showing a resistant strain of E.coli. The report listed a number of antibiotics that the strain was vulnerable to including Augmentin, an Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid concoction. Took those twice a day for 2 weeks and they cleared up the UTI completely. Sadly, however, the Augmentin has taken out my gut flora (also known as "healthy bacteria") so I've noticed changes to my stool that haven't resolved more than two weeks since finishing the course.
  11. Oh another one who reads the Daily Mail. I'm guessing you think the earth is flat too
  12. What's that got to do with Covid surges?
  13. No I have an anti-bigot agenda I read the article in its entirety; it's the Sinophobic drivel in the comments that I've taken issue with
  14. Oh really? They're been back since before the New Year but cases didn't surge. More nonsense.
  15. There is truth in this. The caliber of farangs I've seen over here getting up to all sorts in full view are, in many ways, inferior to the tour group Chinese they revel in berating. The Thais are in full pursuit of Chinese and Indian tourism over that from farangland for good reason.
  16. Diverted back to China??? The language you use suggests this is illicit. Any business owned and legally operated by a foreign national can repatriate its profits. There's no stipulation in Thai law that profits must remain here so what's your point? The currency in use here is the Thai baht. It doesn't matter what payment systems are used - you can no more bypass foreign exchange requirements or pay in Chinese renminbi with AliPay/WeChat Pay than you can pay in pounds with a Nationwide FlexAccount VISA debit card. You might want to believe this nonsense as it feeds into the Sinophobia prevalent in certain corners of the farang community but anyone with half a brain cell knows it's horse manure.
  17. So what if everything is paid for in China? That's called a "package holiday" - if they were fine for farangs booking through the likes of Thomas Cook then they're fine for Chinese people. How do YOU know what is deposited in the hands of Thai businesses? The hotels, restaurants, attractions, transportation the tourists stay at and use are staffed by Thai nationals; those businesses pay Thai corporation tax and they pay social security on behalf of those employees. There are many independent travelers who stay at Radisson, Mercure, Four Points, Accor . . . are those Chinese owned??? Seriously, you people need to stop your whining and start thinking for yourself instead of regurgitating drivel spouted by some blowhard on a barstool.
  18. Yep, the bastards tried to hit me for 25k for an MRI on my wrist. If I knew they were going to try that on, I'd have gone to Samitivej around the corner from me in Phrom Phong. I don't mind paying for a specialist's expertise but a bloody mri is an mri, right? In the end, I went to www.mrithailand.com Sorted for the princely sum of 8k
  19. There's a fair sized thread on here that details my experience,
  20. thaihgh.com Used to be 490.00 baht but recently doubled the price to 990 Expensive but delivery is fast and efficient.
  21. Silicone breasts can be a turn off but high quality ones $3-5000 - are fabulous. A couple of women I've had dealings with here have spent that kind of cash on them and the quality is astonishing, especially when they've been more conservative with sizing.
  22. It's not a hoax. Worked wonders for me Please stop posting misinformation - decaying matter is not the problem
  23. Lots of men do still have relations and there's no shortage of women here willing to help them with that.
  24. TURP is barbaric. Often destroys a man's sex life; if you're lucky it'll just be ejaculatory function that gets wiped out. If you're not lucky, you'll have to kiss goodbye to your boners. By comparison, Rezum is brilliant. I had it done and went from having to self-catheterise 6 times a day to being able to flop it out and pee like a racehorse. Oh and full sexual function too
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